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 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
Chris T
If you were going to **** yourself,
how would you go about it?
Lately I've been analyzing it
more than what I usually did,
I thought those thoughts were dead,
but they aren't, they simply left
for a bit of time, call it vacation,
and are back ready to mess around.
So many of the writers I admire
went through with it, suicide,
perhaps we share the same nature.
Someone once told me that suicide
was for cowards, I shook my head
and told him: No.
Do you hold the courage to end
your own life? On the contrary,
suicide is bravery to an extreme.
I'm not brave enough yet,
it's not death I fear,
it's the unknown
of what's to come
after the act's been done.
When you think about things
you notice our
Forgive me for saying so
but I'll probably go out with a bang.
2011. Something just happened. I thought I'd post this oldie, it's reflecting the feelings that have taken over me at this moment. I'll be alright. I just wish that things wouldn't be like this.
 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
Chris T
Dilemmas take over
Phone ringing wrong caller
The truth packed in boxes
That all are sly foxes
Sparkling drink
Have you on the brink
Rotting wood
Of guitar should
Tell you about our blues
Detectives lie about clues
There was nothing but sand
And a diamond ring on her hand
Little boy
Buried his toy
In the beach of despair
Washed by waves
A state beyond repair
We know what he craves
So please don’t cry
Or you’ll fall from this heavenly sky
Old. Old. This one is old.
 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
i took (one) look at you
and a sip (of) my whisky
and both burned with (these) emotions
raw like the cold (days) of january;
but nonetheless (you'll) always give me pleasure
and i'll always (be) receiving it
like a child of (mine).
 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
you are the clouds enveloping the sun as you wrap your arms around me
you are the winds swaying the grasses as you rock my body to calm me
you are the seas eroding the rocks as you hold my shoulders to console me
 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
my knees are weak and
       i wish nothing more but for you to steady them
by pressing your wine lips to mine
       and moving to the hymn of my shivers
and keeping tempo to the beat of my heart.

my eyes are tired and
       i wish nothing more but for you to relieve them
by humming a tune into my ear
       and breathing to the rhythm of my bloodstream
and sleeping to the sound of silence
 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
the word i
is the most interesting of all letters and words
because i contains all of your raw emotions and raw ideas
    because i drives all of humanity to succeed and conquer
        because i withholds the secret to inner thought and inner feeling

but the word us
is the most fascinating of all by far
because us contains all of our accomplishments and successes
    because us drives all of our passion to love and intensity to love
        because us withholds the secret to eternal happiness and eternal love
 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
your eyes are the devil's work
but your hands, good heavens,
and the work of god*

he told me
 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
i have a rope around my neck
and it's  sliding
         ­             tighter on my throat.
                  my life is in peril
            for a string of corded jute has proven stronger than man
 May 2013 Andr-o-meda
if i had one wish
it'd be to capture the darkness in your pupils
and store it in a glass vial;
so whenever it felt necessary
i could pour the cosmos from your eyes
and feel as luminous as the stars
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