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Goodbye cruel world
I am leaving you today
I have had enough of it
Of all the things I see
So I am going away
To escape from it all

Black man burning on a cross
Judged by those cloaked in white
They dare to call him inferior
When they are the ones filled with hate
The man bleeds red, just like them
So I say goodbye cruel world

Native Americans forced from their land
Put to live in a reservation
This seems like being in a concentration camp
But it is done in a different way
Allow these proud people to live their lives
So I say goodbye cruel world

Why is gothic culture frowned upon
Or Wicca mistaken as something evil
Why accuse this as being seen as satanic
When they seem to think it is wrong
It is something they fail to understand
So I say goodbye cruel world

Extremists are there taking innocent lives
Not caring who they will now ****
All in the name of some religion
But what kind of God will let this happen
This is no type of worthy sacrifice
So I say goodbye cruel world

They will pick on those that are disabled
And they treat them as second class freaks
They will laugh at them in their face
And they will keep on knocking them down
All they do is show a sort of discontent
So I say goodbye cruel world

Now I hear them say that poetry is dead
No one wants to read it anymore
But I, for one, know that they are wrong
Because someone will always read our words
So I say that if poetry could not survive
I will then say goodbye cruel world

I will fly away in a rocket ship
To seek out some place that is brand new
Where everybody will be treated as one
And no one will come to spit at you
So I will carry on, still searching
And leave behind this cruel world
copyright Chris Smith 2010
His mind is full of secrets and his heart consumed by lies,
His soul forever wandering as Mother Mary cries,
Destruction in his wake and naught but pain and hurt to find,
A demon to the world around despised by all mankind.

His voice knows only anger and his eyes show no remorse,
His hate like fire burning fuelled by hell’s eternal force,
Damnation is his mission and disaster his true cause,
A nightmare incarnation baring fangs and golden claws.

His form is known to many though he goes by different names,
His reach is far and varied ever growing through his claims,
Corruption is his promise to this world in his control,
For he is the beast in all of us- the shadow on our soul.

— The End —