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Aug 2015 · 619
Anand Acharya Aug 2015
Empty clarity and me
a hopeless hermit
among tiny misty mountain peak.
Blazing away to careless dances,
raw disillusions
and looking upward, inward, outward.

my thoughts are not mine,
my words are not mine.
Are my smiles real?
or fragments of tear.

why am I with me?
dying but never dead.
created but never awake
May 2015 · 739
Anand Acharya May 2015
words after words after word
I stayed watching.
I wanted her in morsels.
I feared she would perish.
with everything mundane.
Dec 2014 · 539
she sang all night
Anand Acharya Dec 2014
She sang all night,
The only song she knew.

She sang in silence,
Drawing faces at window.
And when we were in embrace,
Waiting for snow.

The song about flowers.
Song about eyes.
The song about pebbles,
And the paradise.

Every time she sang,
It was a different song.

When her travelling breath
Caught memories
Of long lost love.

When she clasped hands,
Hers upon mine
And walked the spring.

When at dusk,
She left the world
And became her

She sang all night,
The only song she knew.
Nov 2014 · 732
For You
Anand Acharya Nov 2014
Between half steps,half words
Half thoughts.
When the sun sets

Let me climb the night,
Align  stars
Scribe charcoals around moon.

Create seasons for you.
Catch the leafs of autumn,
shadow between our palm,
And grey voices under snow.
Nov 2014 · 612
Anand Acharya Nov 2014
We are dreams
waiting to be dreamt
dragging skies to our knees.
The whispers at east of mind
at sunrise and mist.

dangled against wind.

we are smiles
waiting to break.

We are Gods
waiting to be made.
Sep 2014 · 528
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
Wakeup, look
throw caution in the air.
Stretch, scream, dream
break free off the chair.

Roam, revolt
flash them the finger.
make mistake, navigate
go, get lost and Linger

Cry and smile.
Make love, make hate
get high, beady eyed
look back and regret.

be caged, Enraged
forget, forgive and sleep.
Jump, dive, drown
or swim, breath and Live.
Sep 2014 · 926
Cardboard castle
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
Unicorns in the cloud
Pug marks upon sand.
Fleets of paper ships,
Flooding down the drain.

Canvas at the crystal
Wooden swords on grass.
Defense of cardboard castle,
And things that do not last.
Sep 2014 · 468
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
Pick a stick.
Make music

lets be a gypsy of time.
lets sing aloud, unbothered by rhyme.

lets walk in rain.
lets get wet and forget all pain.

lets whistle to breeze.
lets let it blow and echo out of reach.

lets hide hope in all places.
lets stroll the world and leave its traces.
Sep 2014 · 363
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
Have you had dreams,

Stepped into a world,
you always longed.
Where you reigned and ruled,
a place you belonged.

Created Cloud Empire,
in likeness of your own.
All done and dusted,
a nascent new born.

But are you unsure,
Are you so pure?

Do you gallop,
as shiny armored knight.
The words you utter,
are they always right?

Did you wander into you?
the one that survive?
The small tiny bits,
of you alive.

Have you had dreams,

Have you chased it?
Have you faced it?

have you had dreams,
Sep 2014 · 559
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
The sun kissed day
Flows over our life.
And we prepare again
For daze of the night.

The gloom of the clouds
Surrounds our sky.
Gift of snow flakes
Or just another lie?

Brunette across the table,
Forms whirlwind with her wine
Her touch of infidelity,
Gives evening its shine.

Friends circle the light,
Creating little smoke ring.
They defeat the cold
With laughter and drink
Sep 2014 · 570
prose room
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
Two and a half dumplings lay wasted on the plate.
Lazy swaying haze
erupting with an eased reluctance
from the ignored cigarette.
Smells of whiskey from the air arise,
tiny fragrance of spirit indulged with ice.

Inky shadows disturbed the empty room.
Silence altercating with pulse of the clock.
Strumming of six strings broke in on occasion,
partnered by a song.
Low, long and strong.
Sep 2014 · 383
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
She left herself
For dozen strange gaze
For sweet little lies
And fake plastic face.

Scars in her heart
she arrived at a path.
The shrugging street light
illuminated her a way.
It’s a bitter cold night,
She preferred to stay.

Dreams in her eyes,
She reached for paradise.
In the same old  pain,
Love threatens her, again.
Sep 2014 · 618
Misty Morning
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
Spinning around
the revolting door.
Floated pauper
casting ashore.

Rainbow shadows
on fields of ****.
Drowned delusion
and fleets of drop.

Highway hymns
held on leaves.
forgotten smiles
for haloed thieves.

Cusped cup
over escaping steams.
Misty morning.
Disappearing dreams.
Sep 2014 · 465
by the road
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
What have you been seeing,
You poor disgusted being.

By the road,
below stale black cloud.

On the wall,
busy people.

with blinky little gape.
for spare scrape.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Anand Acharya Sep 2014
I want to reach nowhere,
fill sand dust on my feet.
Fingers grasping thin air,
gritting restless teeth.

chase out  my thought,
listen to monastic chimes.
Make misty ring road,
and fluty little rhymes
Aug 2014 · 474
Anand Acharya Aug 2014
Ghostly grey shadows
over cornery rooms
clinging away from dawn,
in hinges and window slit.
And rain air with it.

embrasive drizzles occupies;
dark smoky skies.

cloud silhouette
devours mountains
and their tree.
World's the cloud,
mountain is me.
Aug 2014 · 383
Looking Around
Anand Acharya Aug 2014
Flooding lights on tarred earth
I watched, sipping silent tea.
Among the lights watching me,
Drowned us, along the dust.
Our domesticated advances
The tamed guileless glances,
Ceded in beads and words.
Touching the lip of gods..

And frozen memories.
Slaves to dancing minds
Clear frost of charmed dreams.
Hands, palms, fingers to them.
Shoulders seeking shoulder.

Children on old shoes,
Crippled legs, crippled steps.
Sleep strolling before clock hands.
Aug 2014 · 364
Drunk words
Anand Acharya Aug 2014
Intoxicated…I waited
watching moonless sky.

dull and dry

How did we arrive here?

Perhaps, we are all God’s angel
Send down here with clipped wing
Send to live and drink
To find love and smile and laugh.

Or we were all from hell.
One with vanished tail.
The lonely manifest,
Forever alone and grim-faced

May be we were both...
I know not what and where.
I search for  beer.
Apr 2013 · 698
Men who made Gods
Anand Acharya Apr 2013
Gods created men
and left.
Now there are men,
men who made Gods.

Gods from Rocks,
Stone, sand, pebbles, wood.
From anything,
Anything they lay upon.

The bare wrinkled limbs
Carving divine eyes,
Celestial lips…
Giving Gods their halos,
and heavenly colors.

We buy our Gods.
And devout
to crafted Dolls.

… Built by same men
the same soiled, flawed
***** hand.
The sweat smelling stares.
Chiseled between foil alcohol,
inches of day break suns,
wax filled dark and
blinding ovens.

Minute granting forever.

And what do we bow to?
The Gods, or
Men who made Gods.
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Anand Acharya Oct 2012
Sky spills over
silhouette of ghostly clouds
fading pink
drops of diffusing wine
into crystal clear water..
air filled with tinkling shards.
***** smells
upon my hand, my pale palm
my warmth seeking fingers on the glass..
wandering around checked tablecloth,
stained with fallen foods
and lost alcohol...

And grinning faces making rounds
flocks of laughter
known, unknown, grim, glee
I remember of Golden knobs
I once held.
which brought them here.
which brought me here.

— The End —