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238 · Mar 2018
Syrupity Up
Amorily Mar 2018
I spend a lot more time wondering how long it would take to drop in a pool of syrup
Rather than planning my day
Mainly because I have never been in one
Seems cool at first before every starts to get gross and sticky
Would it be too sweet?
Is it the way to go?
Would you panic on the way down and accidently inhale liquid sugar
Would that burn?
Burn as much as smoke coming up the nose or sneezing a drink?
At that point, will you swim up or continue to explore?
Either way, feels like there isn't much more to life
I already feel like I'm submerged in a slowing, thick matter.
Might as well.
112 · Feb 2021
Amorily Feb 2021
It started when I failed to feel loved
Didn’t see the good I had in front of me
Love failed me or was it me
Since then I failed every minute
The battle grounds being my mind
What I want to do vs what they want me to do
How I should be vs how I think they want me to be
Indulge or Impress
Like or be liked
Just want to feel loved
In the end, these has winners and losers
But failures linger longer and cut through deeper
Than any sword that can against me
In the end I will always fail
Casualties come with the battle
But just by letting the battle occur
I have failed myself
On to the next one?

— The End —