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Amogh Sharma Feb 2018
A sip in hand
Warmth inside the heart
Letting yourself out
Because when can you always be you
Amogh Sharma Feb 2018
A breath down the old lane
Standing at crossroads
But looking through the memories
Thinking the heart wants what it wants
But then what happens when it’s unrequited
The heart wants what it wants
But only flowing blood remains
The heart aches, bruised and tired
And it’s left alone
No one has the time of day
For a bleeding heart
For its uselessness
It’s not another brick in the wall
But slowly morphs into
Just another face
Lost amongst others far brighter
The heart aches being another face
Another picture on someone’s screen
Can you ever see it
Slowly, it comes in
Blink, speak, heart
And raging against nature
But then you realize where futility lies
Bleed, heart
Because only you will
Amogh Sharma Feb 2018
I walk and I think
I sit and I drink
And wonder
What is it like to be happy
I wore my heart on my sleeve
I hid deep away inside
Yet each time it was wrenched
By people
By circumstance
And by me
For inside I feel empty
Though I know my capacity for heart
Though I know my capacity for life
I may not always win
But I seem to have forgotten the feeling
But I’m not sure I always lose
Because I see all around me
And know unhappiness is fleeting
But if so
Then why do I still feel so hollow
So alone, in a world where
There is so much apparent happiness
It seems
Just around the corner
Amogh Sharma Nov 2017
Mirror mirror
How can you see
Can you see me
In the heart of hearts
What once was
And what I can be
What I should be?
The tears of rage
The smile of pain
Bowing down to who once was
Stripped of heart and dignity
Mirror mirror
I don’t recognize
The face staring at me
Mirror mirror
Help me
Is it me or someone hollow
Is it me and have I been left hollow
Heart heart
Mirror mirror
Amogh Sharma Nov 2017
Slow in mind
Quick in heart
Discharging words that may mean
A smile, a laugh
Hearts connect and forget
A small voice. A large breath
Anticipate, the heart anew
Feel and fail
Gale and gust
The heart wavers
A smile becomes more than that
A smile beckons your feelings again
Put your heart on the plate
Go and make a mistake
Smile and let the mask fall
Smile and the let the mask stay
Let your flag fly at half mast
Let the eyes hide the truth
Hopeless and hopeful
A strum if the strings
A chord on the heart strings
A shade of high and being low
Blues and smiles
Tomorrow opposite
A grey on tomorrow
A small laugh in
All hearts
Let them see
Small things
A small joy
It throbs through the veins
All consuming
The muddle of feelings
Of life
Of heart
And mind
The power deep within
The powerlessness to control
A smile and a touch familiar
Turning into term
Yet spit fire
Hot heart
And cool mind
Marching on
Treading on dreams
Waking dreams
We follow the path best laid out
A smile saying *******
But in my mind
Split reality
Split dreams
A tapestry woven
Of our truth
Divine punishment
A far away dream
A field of magnets
Starlight beckoning
Lifting through aurora
Green and bright
And black and white
Amogh Sharma Jul 2016
As I see her
The wind stops
In the mountain air
Her fragrance takes over all
She walks to me
A smile larger than life
Like an anomaly
That belongs not on this world
I still my leaping heart
And I smile even though I don't know
And a kiss on the cheek
Then we move, only us
The rain, the hills and us.
Amogh Sharma Jul 2016
Evil is just an extension
Of freedom
Rational men don't value
The true evil
Is tradition fed rationale
A warped sense of good
Which leads to a warped sense of world
Making a choice is risk
And having a voice is dangerous
Would you be evil?
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