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 May 2013 Ammad Khalid
I peeled back the mask and gazed into
the endless portals that made up my eyes
Dipping fingers into the pools of water
cheek bones
piano keys
The water rolls down my fingers
but I can’t seem to get it off my skin
It clings to me and stings
This water is holy and I am paper thin
A demon lies within
I whisper to myself
A reminder to hold myself at night
but not too tight
do not wake my sin
Crack me open
But gently
I will spill
A pool of galaxies
And everything that makes up each and every one of you
Something deeper
Something beautiful
You preach to me father,
But your words are just whispers in the wind.

Salvation, repent, believe,
These are the words which hold no meaning.

You still preach in vain attempt,
I am the human soul, drowning in sickly sin.

Father, I don't think you understand,
I am content, for every soul is like mine, temptation and life to sweet to ignore.

Dear Father, forgive me for I have sinned,
I am human, and mistakes are all I make, none I regret.
My name... is irrelevant.
My story... is long and complicated.
My life... is a pain.
Myself... I could use some help.
My friends... don't really trust me.
My parents... don't really care.
My school... it's full of drama.
My home... needs improvement.
My family... is falling apart.

My being... is full of strife.
But I pull through most every time
Yet I still have problems.
Everyone does.
But I feel like mine are significant
At times.
Other times, I feel like my life isn't important.
Why should it be?
How am I supposed to affect the world?
My life... is insignificant.
   I have a dream
   But nobody cares anymore
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