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Sep 2015 · 139
am i ee Sep 2015
if we are ALL the  ONE,
which part of the ONE are you?
Sep 2015 · 485
missiles & cowboys
am i ee Sep 2015
her ******* shorted out.
so she flung it across
the room
like a
shoulder launched
cruise missile.

there was a knock
at the door.

hastily pulled she,
her jeans up her legs  
about her *****,
wrapping long cardigan
about her for warm
as she went to the door.

opening it wide,
there stood
the most,
gorgeous hunk,
of a manly cowboy
her eyes were ever to see,
ever to set upon,
ever again.

"havin' a bit a trouble ma'am?"
"anything i can do to assist?"
asked he,
tipping his wide brimmed hat
so very

"why yes i am."
"and yes you may."
replied she.
"would you like to come in
and take a cup of tea
with me?"
The Very Beginning of The Manly Cowboy
Sep 2015 · 477
Big Fat Yellow Bootay
am i ee Sep 2015
you big fat bus!
with your big fat!
yellow bootay!
i say!
go on
get outta my way!
i say!
get outta my way!
school is starting soon....

The Very Beginning of the Big Fat Yellow Bootay
Sep 2015 · 298
modern suburban morning
am i ee Sep 2015
four paws padding along the earth,
noise to the ground
snuffling scent.

curving in waves,
tracking a prey,
treasures appear
as we walk this way.

dark green and yellow
box turtle shell,
yellow head and hands
barely peeking out.

leaves quivering
high in the boughs
of the trees.

small little sparrow
grey and still,
lying intact on
the ground,
but for your
little broken neck
ringed in crimson.

pausing to lay
it to rest,
leaf for a blanket,
a prayer for the best.

water bugs
skating along,
pools of calm spots
where flowing creek travels
temporarily stopped.

later inside,
a tiny black dot
hurries by.

index finger poised,
finally lowered,
and so, now you are,
no more.

pausing to ponder,
is this ****** i've done?
is this what consigns one,
to hell,
when one's own time
is done?
another morning... the ebb & flow of life... the Tao.
Sep 2015 · 439
here's looking at you kid
am i ee Sep 2015
i never drank to get drunk
but at times
i got drunk as i drank.

wondering why i drank...
i recall
a friend who never saw 44 at all.

Ft Lauderdale spring break
so pretty and sweet and petite
who could have ever seen
what a few
would eventually do
to you.

at least 3 rehabs
Betty Ford counting among them
you recounted how many
spoke of all the chardonnay
that finally got 'em.

at times i envied your easy life
or so it seemed.
new home,
new sheets and towels
bright white carpet and all.

successful husband
diamond jewelry
art on the wall
mercedes benz
and money too.

no worries about bills
to pay
jobs to get
love to find.

but i liked your VW beetle much better
and your painter's pants on you,
so chic and popular at the time.
your so sweet a nature
honest and true
generous and all.

blonde and adorable
the years took their toll.

i never knew the pain
you were going through,
you never told.

what an education
you did give,
when finally you
where you had gone,
where you had been.

tales of hidden bottles,
drinking on the sly,
hiding and covering
all of the lies.

the cops couldn't believe,
you could still be alive,
with a blood alcohol level
of 4 point 0.

how we grow strong,
build up the tolerances,
until they amaze and astound
each and even every one of us.

the years and the glasses,
caught up with you,
the first place you begin to bleed,
or so i learned,
when your liver goes  
and starts to harden
and your blood can't flow,
is through your neck and throat.

blood transfusions,
helped for awhile,
then one night.........

well one night...
that was all.

a cautionary tale...
for all you college bound...
you never know which one of you will be the one...
who never sees your next sun
the next sun's light.
inspired by Derek Devereaux Smith's 2015 Wine Party.  Derek's piece scratched at an old memory... his is sweet and moving and fraught with possibilities and hope.. and somehow it pulled me into thinking of someone i knew and loved.  in memory of my sweet and beautiful and talented suffering college friend.  you are always remembered & i shall see you ... hmm perhaps fairly soon.
Sep 2015 · 267
red sun in the east
am i ee Sep 2015
red sun rising in the east,
casts its rays through
tall straight trees,
leaves full and green
stand high above.

still cool,
three small deer
with small velvet antlers
stir and wander away.

rust and red
copper coats of summer,
already turned grey
to match the
mute & subtle colors
of winter woods.

we stand,
we five.
watching one another
my four-footed friend
wishing to take chase.

red sun in the east
continues rising.
a quiet and sacred
waning summer morn.
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
modern suburban mystery
am i ee Sep 2015
little spotted fawn
lying so still on the grass strip
separating street from sidewalk.

no blood
no bones askew
oh my, what happened to you?
sleep in peace sweet free little friend. may your short life have been a wonderful one.
Sep 2015 · 284
Sun dried sheets
am i ee Sep 2015
Freshly laundered,
Egyptian cotton sheets.

Sun dried, fresh,
slumber divine.
Aug 2015 · 264
The final coffin nail
am i ee Aug 2015
you know it is over.
most assuredly
and most finally over.
when their breathing,
simply that.
nothing more.
annoys you.
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Losing the Tao
am i ee Aug 2015
lost in the stories,
losing the Way.
Aug 2015 · 272
little chigger bites
am i ee Aug 2015
little chigger bites,
little chigger bites,
keeping me company,
all through the night,
you little itchy delights.
Aug 2015 · 435
tiny toad
am i ee Aug 2015
little toad
no larger than
a fingernail.

perfectly camouflaged,
until you jump!
Aug 2015 · 527
more modern suburban hell
am i ee Aug 2015
over the creek and through the woods,
a mower roars to life

shattering sweet morning silence with
sounds of this manmade hell.

little homeowner
lazy little **** or *****,

is your little patch
of manicured green
so important a sign
to ruin this sweet morn?

keeping up with the neighbors
buying into this artificial life.

never are you seen out
sitting about
in your little-manicured world
of green.

pesticides and trimmers
blowers and mowers
how i turn my eye with disgusted scorn

at the destruction
your convoluted idea
of beauty
has brought.

earplugs firmly inserted
windows and doors tightly shut

still i can’t help
but to cry out,
"why can’t you just
shut the **** up?!"
Aug 2015 · 369
dark of the night
am i ee Aug 2015

nocturnal creatures,
moon, stars
for company

still air
gentle breaths
summer's last gasps

the night speaks
i listen

in the silence
i can hear
silence & peace...
Aug 2015 · 419
blue lizards
am i ee Aug 2015
on a rock

little creature

with an intensely
blue tail
Aug 2015 · 718
the edge of the abyss
am i ee Aug 2015
standing on the edge
of the abyss

dark chasm
choking my soul

complete utter


standing on the edge
of the abyss

utter freedom

my heart
my heart


standing on the edge
of the abyss

letting go....

the Mystery
the Way

ever in,
ever not-in
the Tao
Aug 2015 · 5.0k
the neighborhood
am i ee Aug 2015
six bees
and a butterfly

a daddy long legs

...the neighborhood is improving.
Aug 2015 · 354
am i ee Aug 2015
morning hike
face full of spider webs

box turtle wanders slowly
through rain drops clinging
to parched earth and plant

puppy tongue laps
creek water
quenching thirst

tiny fish dart to and fro
frog leaps
with a big splash
Aug 2015 · 453
hooting at dusk...
am i ee Aug 2015
owl hoots
one lone hoot

owl hoots
four times
pausing long

a lost soul
comes back
time passes swiftly... 11
Aug 2015 · 290
3 am iv
am i ee Aug 2015
steady rain
washing life away
Aug 2015 · 209
3 am iii
am i ee Aug 2015


deliciously divine
Aug 2015 · 390
3 am ii
am i ee Aug 2015
rain falling
on the moon
great ape washes

collecting raindrops
dipper of fresh water
thirst quenched
Aug 2015 · 377
3 am i
am i ee Aug 2015
clock ticks
rain falls


crickets sing
bullfrogs croak
Aug 2015 · 313
Red Moon
am i ee Aug 2015
red moon,
deep & sacred
giver of life.
Aug 2015 · 5.6k
Modern Suburban Hell
am i ee Aug 2015
the bane of my existence
all of the incessant

the city encroaches
ever outward,
gobbling up
the suburbs
like the great big

of noise.  

a new metro line
opened last year
the morning

it was the trains
i heard
as my puppy
and i
walked so early.  

trash trucks,
back up beeping noises,
leaf blowers,
and trimmers ...
to drive me

the birds and owls,
snakes and deer,
hawks and rabbits
and trees
and flowers,
all other creatures
this man-made chaos
this man-made

keeping me hopeful
have some

some respite
from this
hideous cacophony,
this man-made hell,
in the future,
too distant.

of course
there are
some benefits
from all
the city life

but i prefer
the silence
the solitude
of nature.

the Taoist recluses
who speak to me,
whose poems
and silence
are balm
to my soul.  

some day soon,
i too
shall join
the recluses
far away
far far away
in the mountains.

but for now,
i am
only a modern day
stuck in suburbia,
doing my best,
living in this
noisy hell.
Aug 2015 · 462
Little Neighbors
am i ee Aug 2015
Little cardinal builds her nest
     amidst the bush next
          to the house.

Eggs laid.

Two babies hatch.
          eyes closed tightly.

Day by day they grow,
     Cheeping to be fed.

Between one afternoon and the
     next morning, one

What happened to you
     little baby bird?

Where did you go?
     ebb and flow…
          life and death?…
Aug 2015 · 978
morning poem 27 April 2015
am i ee Aug 2015
these mornings are to be quiet,
to savor the new beginning

these mornings are not to be wasted,
scurrying about,
rushing, hurrying

rushing, racing into the future
actions, thoughts

these mornings are to greet the new sun
wander in circles and spirals with your puppy so fun
following tracks laid by  the wild creatures
through the dark night

these mornings are to breathe
to stand still, feeling the deep pull
of mother earth
gravity, keeping this insignificant form from
floating away
into deep, black, silent space

these mornings are to marvel at the
ever changing landscape
colors shifting,

these mornings are to listen to the hooting
of the owls
the song of the birds
no radios
no televisions
no computers
no phones

only the peaceful company of mother earth
her plants,
intelligent and sacred
her creatures,
wild and free
unfettered by schedules
imposed and artificial

following the Way
Aug 2015 · 1.0k
acorn souls ii
am i ee Aug 2015
walking across
the damp grass
little acorns poke
the souls
of my feet
fall coming
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
acorn souls i
am i ee Aug 2015
walking across
the damp grass
little acorns poke
the soles
of my feet
fall coming
Jul 2015 · 516
Summer Morning & the Tao
am i ee Jul 2015
heron taking flight
alighting atop
a log
still, lean,
long, slender

bunny hopping
across the tire's path
near miss

cardinal, red
flying low
and near
impromptu surprise

two deer
in front of
riding me
velvet covered horns

across the street
and lazily
no rush

no where to go
no where to be
living the Tao
~ a Summer Morning  17 June 2015
Jul 2015 · 847
Where is my puppy tonight?
am i ee Jul 2015
Star light, star bright
where is my puppy tonight?

dancing across the stars,
joyful and free.

Surfing the milky way
galaxy through galaxy.

turning the heavens upside down,
Cassiopeia now upturned into an M.

lapping from the dippers,
drops splashing all around.
settling here on the earth as fresh dew each morn,
or the gentle rain falling down.

pulling Orion's belt,
Orion with his sword held high,
chasing you around.

Laughing and leaping,
Ah to be so free and light.

racing the moon across the sky,
catching it each month with delight.

a new moon appears,
the chase begins anew.
chewing the old moon
until it disappears.

star light,
star bright ,
will you perhaps bring me another puppy when it is light?

*penned with much love for all those friends who so dear,
have left us here. ~ 29 December 2012

— The End —