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Feb 2013 · 737
Amber Blank Feb 2013
What an impossible feat you have accomplished,
Something believed not to exist
A feat many others have failed to do,
Came so easy, so naturally to you.

You rescued my beaten, shattered heart
With a single glance you unlocked a treasure
Buried so deep, so lost in the abyss

The moment your gaze found mine
Time stopped and the stars aligned
The wait is finally over, the search is at its end.
The other half of my heart sent straight from heaven.

You released the bonds of solitude,
Set me fee, my soul is flying so high
I'm living in a dream that suddenly came true.

The pain and torture of my past has been washed away
You have awakened a multitude of emotions,
A overflowing river of light
With a single touch you set my soul on fire.
Finally able to envision the endless opportunities
of our lives together.

"Hello, my love it's me,"
Our spirits met long ago and fate has now allowed us to know.
We share the same rhythm the same beat of our hearts.

The reason you feel as if you have known me for eternity,
is because you are the only one to ever truly see me.
The only one to read every experience lingering in my eyes.
The only one to appreciate my thoughts, and encourage my dreams.
There are no words to describe the extreme connection between you and me.
Feb 2013 · 905
"Empty Promise"
Amber Blank Feb 2013
Because my heart I wear on my sleeve
Exposed, helpless, visible for all to see.
Each hope of new love,
Every dream of a happy ending
Naked in a crowd of leeches
Watching, waiting for their chance
To bleed it dry of every emotion,
To **** away the desires of a pure soul.
Using their main weapons of silky words,
Promises of paradise
Whispers of eternity
Sighs of ecstasy
Shrouded by empty vows of love.
Blinding my reasoning with every embrace
Every kiss filled with the poison of deceit
Your touch leaves me paralyzed, empty
Left with a unquenchable thirst in a desert of lies.
Left with nothing but an unfillable void
A Black Whole devouring every vision of fate or hope
Desperatley wanting to believe every syllable
Feb 2013 · 648
Amber Blank Feb 2013
Hand to pen
Pen to paper
Ink to written word

My soul spills onto the fresh white canvas
Unfolding before me
Covering every inch with the essence of my
tormented heart.

Evolving into an unknown
Abstract form of art.
No clear lines, no defined purpose
Only the blurred color of emotion.

A true self portrait
To be seen only by mine own eyes
For on this canvas the only
perception of reality is my own.
Jan 2013 · 622
Be Still
Amber Blank Jan 2013
As I sit here at your side
There is no where for death to hide

She watches and waits
For the predestined moment
Known before your birth

Her presence is a vapor
Filling the space, as the air becomes tapered

Be still my sweet
Let the torture of this life fade
Follow the blinding light

She will guide you to paradise
Spread your wings, be free of life's vice

Never to feel pain again
Never to suffer or wallow in fear
Be still my heart

Smile for me one final time
A vision of beauty I will keep soft and sublime

Your memory I will cherish
Every touch, every song, every kiss, every hug
Every special moment in this world I was blessed to have with you.

Forever embedded in my mind
Know I will never forget you
Never let your name vanish from my lips.

Be Still
Jan 2013 · 866
Amber Blank Jan 2013
As your hand caresses my face
Your skin converts to velvet
Every sense has been awakened
Every second of time lengthens to hours

The warmth of your touch
Envelopes this cold heart
Wraps it in a tornado of fire
Washing over me like a soft summer breeze
Resurrecting emotion and lust

Vulnerable to every whim
Fumbling for words, unable to speak
Mesmerized by your gaze
Awaiting breathless, for your next move

I close my eyes and concentrate
On every single touch
On every sound of your breathe and mine
Anticipation will be my end
Jan 2013 · 557
Solitary Drop of Rain
Amber Blank Jan 2013
A single drop of rain barrels through the night
Falling from the heavens
Swiftly moving through the air
Dancing with the wind

So small and transparent
Fading into the utter darkness
Seen and felt by no one
Speeding toward its destination

Sweet, solitary rain drop
Gliding down my window pane
Beautiful and simple
reflecting all that surrounds you

Still lonely and melancholy
Waiting for another of your kind
To follow or accompany you
Left to the cold hard ground
Dec 2012 · 842
Treacherous Touch
Amber Blank Dec 2012
Shaded by the facade of chivalry
You walk into a room with confidence and vanity
Cloaking the eyes of every female present

A wolf in prince's robes
Playing chess with every heart that you see
For pure enjoyment and satisfaction

How could a touch be so cruel?
How could holding my hand in yours mean nothing?
Touch is your weapon, your mask

Skin on skin
The stroke of my arm, you blind me
To all the deception you are feeding me

Absent of emotion
Using my own heart against me
Exposing every weakness in my soul

Your treacherous touch has broken
The glass surrounding my free will
Burning like a flame

Scaring every future embrace
Soiling my image of intimacy
Unforgiving scar, lasting for eternity
Dec 2012 · 639
Glimpse of Heaven
Amber Blank Dec 2012
Deep in the stillness of the night
I silently watch my angel dream
Lost in a wonderland of happiness
She is clearly the closest I will get to heaven,
In this cruel world.

Pure as the newly fallen snow
Innocent and sweet,
Lost in her thoughts, I imagine
The simple but beautiful images she sees

At this moment all is peaceful in our world
Safe in my arms she smiles
Every inch of my heart beats for her
A part of me, what a incredible gift.

I loved her before she was in this reality
She holds my existence in her tiny hand
She creates every moment of joy with a smile
Or a whisper of " I love you Mommy"

She has given me a glimpse of heaven
A understanding of God's love for us his children
Unconditional and merciful
Never judging always forgiving

I hold this memory forever
Imbedded in my mind for eternity
To refer to in a time of sadness or need
To recall when all seems forgotten and poisoned.
Love and Faith is the cure to every ailment.
Nov 2012 · 839
Mom's Single Worry
Amber Blank Nov 2012
This situation was not of my choosing
We were abandoned and left to survive on our own.
But I gladly accept this challenge.
To be both mom and dad all in one, to love and cherish
To be good guy and bad, to be friend and foe

I'm the one you see alone with a baby on her hip,
In a store or at an restaurant, trying to juggle the world.
Just us two, no one there to lend a hand, no one there to understand.
I cry in solitude, my thoughts are not shared with anyone but her.

I will sacrifice all my worldly wants for her every need.
And in return I will receive blessing beyond compare.
I get to hold her hand, kiss her cheek, brush her hair,
watch her grow, guide her steps and always be there.

Her smile is my reason to breathe,
Her hug is my air, and her love forms my very existence.
Her laugh turns every gloom of depression into a smile of happiness.
Her voice speaks to my very soul and eases every trial.

As a baby I would watch her sleep
Wondering what dreams filled her head,
Praying that I alone was enough,
To love her, support her , teach her and mold her.

That will be my life's work
To always strive to be the best mom I can for her
To cherish every moment we share, and never take her for granted.
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Prey Desires A Hunter
Amber Blank Nov 2012
Standing in a wide open space.
Alone and vulnerable to a hunter's desire
Grazing without a care
Seeking out the most compromising climate.

She seeks his stare through a target
Watching and anticipating her every move
Her heart beats faster than a speeding bullet
Why fight it? Why not give in?

She desires to be hunted
To be sought out in the forest of humanity
To be the prize catch, his only ambition
His all consuming infatuation

Even though it may mean her end
For a moment before, she will be totally free
So free from the fear and rejection
So free from the hunger and pain

Once her heart takes it's final beat
Her life was not a waste
For a brief moment she got her request
The prey desired a hunter and he got her at her best.
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
Armored Organ
Amber Blank Oct 2012
Battles of emotion left their scars
Such a fragile, exposed victim
Awaiting a savior to protect from afar.

Through the unmarked path we travel
Alone and afraid of what awaits ahead
Every stitch of time begins to unravel

Unable to see in the dark that has enveloped us
Blind to every passing soul
Trapped by a  veil of resentment in which we are dressed

As the boiling metal starts to encompass my heart
Burning and painful, blocking out every sensation
Hardening around this *****, ripping it apart

Solid and Strong, no longer weak
A wall of metal shields me from the anguish of love
Unable to be vulnerable and meek

Let it stay as the armor of my most valuable *****
Remove every sense of love for another
The only solution, let it stay frozen.
Oct 2012 · 2.0k
Poppa's Hands
Amber Blank Oct 2012
Poppa's hands are wore and aged
They have seen a century of history
All the wrinkles and scars from the years
Life made it's mark, the world has issued its sentence.

Poppa's hands were once strong and steady
Sweating and bleeding in the fields
Holding the weapons of war, holding the hand of a fallen soldier
Gentle and Hard at the same time

Fighting the evil of a **** Nation
Protecting and Serving with every motion
Struggling to use a pen to write to his love at home
Wiping away tears, all at the young age of 17

Poppa's Hands are gentle and wise
Holding a baby with a twinkle in his eye
Watching the child grow, catching each fall
Supportive and harsh, strict and kind

Poppa's Hands held mine through the years
Guided me through his garden, working with the land
Running his hands through the dirt
Picking the fruit and vegetables provided by our lord

Poppa's hands gave to his fellow man
Always willing to lift another soul up
Poppa's hands supported my Nanna in her final days
Held and stroked her skin until the very end.

Poppa's hands are now to weak to move
Unable to lift his great granddaughter in the sky
Unable to climb a tree
Unable to be what they were once
Now I can hold my Poppa's hand and pray
Pray to guide poppa's hands to his true home
Oct 2012 · 803
Amber Blank Oct 2012
I have been lifted from the solid ground
The existence of you in my life has sent me over the edge
Falling from the cliff in free air with no sense of reality around

Head over heels, lingering in the freedom of your smile
The world had disappeared and your gaze envelopes my soul
Every minute that passes, sends me down this path for miles

Time no longer exists in the realm of your embrace
Ever after seems attainable and waiting for us
Filled with hope, faith and joy in each and every space

Uncontrollable movements direct my every thought
My heart is beating so fast, it’s almost going to stop
Vulnerable and helpless emotions unable to be fought

Leaving behind every shred of doubt
Accepting the gift of finally being free
The restraint of the this cold world removed and ready to breakout

Basking in the warmth only you provide
As I fall miles away from the doubt of my past
Finally safe and sound by your side.
Sep 2012 · 819
Amber Blank Sep 2012
Live in the jaded shadow of your sins.
Never let the sun in.
Sacrifice all that dwells inside.
Searching endlessly for a safe place to hide.

Pray for a savior.
To resurrect your soul.
Sinking deeper into the corrupting, immoral hole.

Build up your crystal palace laced with lies, molded with blood.
Human flesh to decorate the layers of death that create a flood.
Of unrested spirits who stay within the confines of your mind.

Give it up, Let it go
The torture of each moment only you know.
Fighting with yourself between fantasy and reality.
Images too disturbing for the sympathetic eye to see.

Give it up, Let it go
Release the demons and let love show.
Replace the evil with angels to guard your heart.
To protect you and let the healing start.
Sep 2012 · 659
Worth My Time
Amber Blank Sep 2012
So many times been taken forgranted
My heart broken and bruised
Left behind and used

Gave all I had to those I believed
Watched as they tore my soul apart
In shock waiting for the healing to start

Never giving up on the one
Always looking, searching for that stranger
To wisk me away and protect me from danger

Some one worth my time
To talk for hours, hold me tight
To want me for the reasons that are right

I know he exists in some far away place.
Someday true love will find me
Someday my prince will set me free!
Jun 2012 · 872
Amber's Prayer
Amber Blank Jun 2012
Lord give me strength
To face the day.
The will to fight for love in anyway!

The power to strike evil out far from me.
To be strong and brave
Keep my eyes open so I may see

The good in all who pass by.
To value truth and extract the lies.

To think and feel before I react.
Only Ackknowledge the facts.

God, make my spirit light and
Keep the devil out of my sight.
Jun 2012 · 651
Amber Blank Jun 2012
Remove this useless ***** from my chest.
Abolish the cause of all this torment.
Rip it out piece by piece until all is absent.
Never been of use to me, this is for the best.
Withered and cold blackened in my brest.
Unable to escape from the abandonment.
Every soul I ever loved tore it away for pure amusement.
Replace it with anything I won't contest.

Maybe then peace would fill the void.
Able to sleep, rest and finally be free.
No more hiding, pretending everything is fine.
To fly above the lies and deceit to be overjoyed.
Drown in my own tears that form a sea.
Can't give it away any longer if its not even mine.
Jun 2012 · 975
Amber Blank Jun 2012
Pigtails and lollypops
Little pink bows tied perfectly in my hair.
Swing sets and monkey bars
Mary and her lamb, Bow peep and her sheep
Younger memories of simple days long before the aging haze
Clear as a rainbow after the storm
Innocent as Dorothy and her little dog
Years fly by in the twister of life and love gets to be tough
As every scab is reopened and begins to bleed
Baby dolls and lincoln logs
Big Bird on Sesame Street
Once these things meant the world to me,
Now they are only flashes of light on a picture in my mind
Little tea ***, isn't short and stout andymore
All her strength and innocence has been poured out
Jumping the rope of pain every day
Not knowing when to stop and play.
Jun 2012 · 916
When the lilies die
Amber Blank Jun 2012
So young and beautiful you were as a child
With the sweet smell of kindness in every heart you grew wild,
Not one patch of earth could resist your charm,
And in your eyes no slimy **** could do you harm.

With each season a new bud would bloom,
No rain cloud could steal your sunshine or bring you gloom.
You watched over each blade of grass you could see,
They were your children who loved you unconditionally.

But in life all things must have an end,
Slowly your petals began to turn black.
You wilted away never to come back.
Your radiant light will be missed,
My lily, my grandma, my friend.
Jun 2012 · 1.3k
Amber Blank Jun 2012
Is it too much to ask for a warm embrace?
The liberating touch of love, a smile on your face.
I long for that unbridled infatuation,
Someone who can't take their gaze away from mine
A kindred soul, a undecidable connection
Someone to read me poetry, sing me a lullaby
Does that form of love even exist?
Fate inspired, immediate spark
That can't be extinguished even with a wave of strife
Selfless, unleashed, unbreakable love
The type that moves mountains, that stops the heart
Making those souls unable to be apart
In this world today is it so hard to believe
It once existed, no games, no drama
A simple exchange of a smile, or glance
That moves the sun and moon, and never looks back
Once it was so simple, so easy to do
Now seems so complicated, so hard
Too many choices, temptations, sins
Never loyal, always with wondering eyes
Why? What happened to true love?
Has it been taken away by the lust, and ******* of this society
Find me a old soul, one who lets all inhibition go
Worship and cherish my soul, and I will do the same
Believe in Fate, love, the unseen
All material worldly goods mean nothing,
When that is found, there I will be
A dreamer, a lover, a fighter
That is me.

— The End —