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Amber S Dec 2012
we were swathed in each other's ambience.
the bed, molded from our warm bodies.
outside, the snow fell
and fell
and fell,
ensnaring us further into our arms.
when hungry, we munched on chips, candy,
licking salty fingers and moving onto the main course
(my neck, your stomach)
we watched Blade Runner and sipped ***** drinks at noon,
we got drunk, off of the not so ****** orange juice,
and each other.
(we had the excuse, nowhere to go)
naked, and inebriated, we swayed
and boomed with the storm.
we giggled at nothing, discussed about everything.
we kissed until our lips chapped.
as the snow descended, and our minds drifted
to sleep, i wished to spend every snow day
Amber S Mar 2013
i did not shower today,
for i still feel the last few slips of heat
from your throat.
i did not shower today,
for the thought of you squirming
inside, makes me shiver.
i did not shower today,
for your teeth are eating my
collarbone. it looks like a lovely birthmark.
i did not shower today,
for washing you off would be lonely
and idiotic.
i did not shower today,
because i know your scent will be
trapped in my hair
and at some point in the middle of the
night, i will wake up, and forget, that
you are not here.
Amber S May 2014
i know it’s such a cliche thing to say, to tell you your
eyes look like coffee mixed with cream, but your
hair reminds me of pennies sitting at the bottom of
rivers. and your shoulders feel like the mountains i stumbled
through in New Mexico.
i know it doesn’t make much sense to say your tongue contains
unreadable syllables, but your fingers create lightening,
and before you touch me, there’s thunder rumbling through my
and i think the solar system is within your cheeks,
and those tears you spill have all the diamonds i could ever
i know it’s such a cliche thing to say, to tell you your eyes
look like coffee mixed with cream, but you taste like
Amber S Dec 2011
sometimes, i forget what your face looks like.
i forget your eyes that change color. i forget the shape of your lips.
i forget the texture of your hair.
and i cannot breathe. my throat closes and the pain. the pain is indescribable.
i open my mouth, with some small hope air will find it's way in.
it lasts for at least five seconds. but in that time it seems an eternity.
i close my eyes, searching every corner of my mind.

your eyes. your eyes. your eyes.

and then it's there. your smile. your smooth golden
strands intertwined in my fingers.
your face that compares to nothing else.
and your eyes.
your eyes that are green
and then grey
and then sometimes blueish grey
and how they so much remind me of a storm breaking upon a sea.
i can breathe.
except, i keep my eyes closed a little longer.
because, i want to see you.
Amber S Jun 2012
i wish you could see the cosmos.
the celestial body shines. shines. shines.
your lips pour luminescence.
your fingerprints stain.
floating. floating somewhere else.
in another time.
the clouds rest, the moon hums another tune.
its brillance is nowhere as close to yours.
eyelashes dusty, sleep creeps in the cracks.
tonight. tonight. tonight.
another night where this world is full of beauty,
where our sparks outshine every city light,
where our quivers out shake any earthquake.
this is our world. tonight.
heaven. no, better, because all i taste
when i lick your lips is pure sugar.
the moon keeps humming, and i fall asleep
with you entangled in my veins.
and i smile.
Amber S Nov 2014
i hope between your thighs i speak in riddles
you solve days later, sweat like moths rising
on your upper lip,
you speak in flash fiction between mine, stories
i linger in, swim in, fall in, wanting to hear it
(sorry i've been away forever!)
Amber S May 2011
slowly, you lured me.
and then i ran into your web. and i was trapped.
except, i don't even care anymore.
i eagerly await your fangs
your venom needs to run in my veins
but you'd rather fly away
leaving me, empty.
i chase. and chase. and chase.
forgetting you is impossible
your fangs still linger over my neck
i welcome this spider web. my second home.
your shadow haunts, and
every time i think it's you.
a muscle spasm, where are your hands?
a single tear, but no kisses
twisting and turning in this sticky paradise
my eyes refuse to close
insane must be me
your fault. i can't escape this web
i have chains, don't you see?
you made them
i'm only yours.

but you're gone.

please return to my body
my pulse beats, dancing for you
my hair itches, waiting to be scratched
instead, i stroke myself
my fingernails leave marks
i pretend it's your porcelain back

i drink until i am full
i sing until i am deaf
i cry until there is no liquid left
in my body

spider web, spider web, i'm still trapped.

where are your fangs?
Amber S Nov 2013
cure yourself by finding another boy, one who wants to hold
your fingers as you lose yourself in flaxen
cure yourself by singing until your throat chafes
like sandpaper.
cure yourself by telling yourself that you are the moon,
and the moon is you, and she is laughing with you,
shining for you, waiting for you to glimmer.
cure yourself by finding the right people, the ones who
grasp you with splintered paws and souls
searching for whatever tastes like bubblegum.
darling, you won’t be cured right away,
take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute,
don’t forget to watch the sun
rise, to smell the coffee with shaky fingers.
cure yourself by watching the cream dance with the
bruises are only
Amber S Apr 2012
i want to eat the stars up.
munch on the shine, lick the twinkle off my fingers.
no direction now.
unwinding. uncoiling. unraveling.
one centimeter in front is black as coal.
one step and everything evaporates.
one blink and the stars return in haste.
one star giggles towards me with sharp soprano
she leaves. she leaves.

darkness, you old fiend you.
your teeth are far too large,
your eyes far too devious.
you will devour me.

twinkling star, shrill spirit.
sprinkling. spoils solely on all but the unwanted.
wish i knew. wish i knew.
where my mind was.
wish i knew. wish i knew.
what his heart looks like on the inside.

stars, twinkle. twinkle away.
i'll be here. i have nowhere.
i am no one.
Amber S Dec 2012
late at night, when only broken teenagers
and felines are awake. maybe it's 3
(or 4, or 5)
or right when sunshine slinks through.
somewhere between consciousness and slumber.
i turn, fingertips brushing your skin,
warmth dispersing under my pores.
not fully awake, not quite asleep, i wrap my arm
around your torso,
my lips placing lazy kisses upon your freckles.
your fingers, from alertness, or habit, grasp onto mine.
and somewhere between the state of consciousness and slumber,
i fall back asleep.

if you are going to ask what my favorite thing is, or
what on this earth makes me the happiest,
i would tell you to read the lines above
Amber S Jan 2013
"how bout a goodnight kiss?"
maybe if i had another sip of the liquid jolly rancher
or maybe if it had
been a
your callused hands were never mine to hold.
please, don't stare at me,
i need a place for this bucket of salt,
and you need a doctor for your wounds.
(i can't lick them up anymore)
"just a peck on the cheek, okay?"
still too much.
(i saw your heart throbbing in the flesh)
the sticky red, under my fingernails
like you.
i was never yours.
i was never
Amber S Oct 2013
remember when all we had was each other?
i wake up with the same joints creaking, but this time
thunderstorms applaud through my
my lips haven’t kissed yours enough, and i’m so parched, parched
poker face, but you have flipped through my every chapter,
every volume, swallowed the covers.
remember when all we had each other?
i’m terrified

that there’s so much more than
Amber S Mar 2012
the night we held each other under the street light.
do you remember it?
it was summer, or close to it.
warm enough to wear a light sweater,
the scent of heat wafting in the air.
we hadn't been in a fight exactly.
but i guess it was something close to it.
i was upset, i believe, but i can't recall why.
the drive, i don't remember.
the songs played in my car, i don't remember.
but i do remember
the moment i stepped out of the car.
i remembered seeing you.
and i remembered the stitches breaking themselves
there were no words between us, no light "hello"
or questions or explanations.
i ran to you, wrapped my arms around
your middle and sighed.
my anger vanished.
whatever feeling or resentment i had left,
with the changing season.
your fingers traced my hair,
the beat of your heart forever echoes in my head.
i breathed you in, and i secretly wished
that your scent would forever stay with me,
following me when i would have to leave.
we didn't kiss. or talk. or move.
we held each other. the street light
above us cast an eerie glow
and i remember thinking how *******
cliche it all was.
but i didn't care.
i remember thinking right then and there
how much i had really fallen in love with you.
i was thrilled but terrified.
for i knew from then on my rusty old heart
was yours.
the feel of your lips on my forehead
a cross between feathers and bubbles.
your hand enclosing mine, leading to your house.
and i smiled.
because i loved you.
and i love you so.
Amber S Dec 2010
there is a rock
that sits outside my door
day by day.
it's there, with no intention of moving.
with my arms, i push
with my legs, i kick
it laughs at my pitiful attempts
telling me it's useless
covered in sweat and dirt
i cry. why won't you budge?
and then i realize
it's a woman. trapped in stone.
i want to help. let me break through.
her laughing rings in my ears.
no chance. no way.
you'll be trapped.
i can feel the grime
seeping into my pores.
there is nothing i can do.
i push. push. push.
my arms have turned to jelly
one last kick and i hear a snap
the pain consumes me and my face
hits the dirt

this is where she wanted me all along.
i wanted to help you.
i wanted to set you free.

you wanted me at your feet.
you wanted me to suffer.

i crawl to her.
with one last effort, my arms find the
middle. i give a squeeze
and hope that it'll be enough

i've snapped. and the pieces are breaking off
Amber S Jul 2013
i am most alive during the summer.
i crawl through arteries filled with stars waiting to
my upper lip tastes like sweet salt and the sun
will never stop kissing me.
i am most ravenous during the summer.
i wear shorter shorts, touching myself, touching
him until i cannot find the difference between our
i am most insane during the summer.
i run with nothing but my scarcity, my self-consciousness,
i flip through lakes algae blooming and throbbing.
i am most me during the summer.
i find beauty within the melodies of my
peers. i dance through blades with bare toes and
tangled hair.
summer is never forever,
but tonight it will be.
Amber S May 2013
“i hope i never lose my *** drive,”
the wind tickled as i brought my nails to your
your fingers found my back pockets,
burying deep and grabbing,
people watched. you smirked.
“not possible”
Amber S May 2013
the sun is calling all of us,
the wind is sneaking through our veins.
let our bones curve, not shake,
as the vines travel through our freckles.
your thighs may touch, but that is beautiful.
your stomach may not be flat, but that is beautiful.
your ribs may show, but that is beautiful.
do not let the scary monster of society lick you up.
frolic through the flowers, because you want to.
kiss the sand and soar through euphoria,
with nothing but shining eyes and crooked smiles.
you might have scars, but that is beautiful.
you might have stretch marks, but that is beautiful.
wear two pieces, one pieces, tank tops, sweaters, scarves,
because i will find you beautiful. and summer will find you beautiful.
dance with me into the sticky nights,
cry with me through the sunsets,
find your
and ravish in it.
let us all be summer kissed,
and let us all be beautiful.
Amber S May 2012
this frayed skin has been shed
caterpillar shattering cocoon.
greens, golds, purples, drench the air.
honey kissed lashes, lips full of fire.
prowl the grass, footprints engraved.
see the water. the moon and stars that coincide.
slip into the summer skin, with the golden tan that
sizzles with freedom.
place the summer glasses over your eyes, the ones that
sparkle and dance. place your other self into a dark and cool place.
frolic. taste. feel. see. smell. cherish.
the sun blinds, yellow rays that penetrate.
the trees hum, birthing life and letting go.
place yourself inside, let the roots ****** you, the sky eat you
and the world embrace you.
slip into the summer skin,
and run. run. run.
Amber S Sep 2012
it will be strange,
to only feel your presence.
a shadow with no body.
it will be foreign,
to only sleep with your ghost.
to turn and feel a pretend warmth.
it will be unknown,
to walk the lights alone.
to have no comforting glove, around my own.
it will be unfathomable,
to see your eyes a few times.
to not have the storms descend.
summer slips,
along with your touch.

the taste of salt is poison.
Amber S Dec 2010
She clung on to the past
Wrapped her arms around it
Pressed against her heart
Old memories stuck on her
Like a virus
Never wanting to heal
She was trapped,
Stuck with nowhere to go
She’s been crying
For so long
Waiting for a miracle
But she woke up today
And saw the sunlight
Creeping in through her shades
She opened them
And was greeted with such brightness
It was so warm
It was so perfect
The light danced upon her skin
And she smiled
And thought
‘Today is beautiful’
She opened her arms
And welcomed the new day
The new time
The new life
She feels a little frightened
But has never felt more ready
It’s time to start fresh
Letting go
And reaching out
Everyday is beautiful
And she's gonna let the beauty shine
Amber S Jan 2011
what happened to you?

i keep asking myself everyday

once, you were my sunshine.
your warmth enveloped me. your smile
was alive.

i don't see sun anymore.

gray clouds. thunderstorms lurking

i have tried everything.
to bring that light back.
i provided nutrition
i spoke with hopeful words
and i held my palms toward you

you ran away.
with the sun in your hands.

what have i done?
where is my sunshine?

you have hid it, far away.
i can never find it again.
now, you merely radiate cold.

i shiver.

where is my sunshine?
Amber S Feb 2011
there are so many things i enjoy.
especially when i'm with you

the sunshine through the shades of you room,
seem to explode. i could hold them
in my fingers if i tried

do you see the rainbows
bathing my skin, making me

do i look like a kaleidoscope?

i'm a mermaid, a goddess, a nymph

i'm out of this world.

when i touch you, i see the sparks
illuminating the night sky
outside, it's snowing. it's disgusting.
here. in here.
i can taste the sweat. salty. so sweet.

my tongue dances in between my lips,
waiting to escape
i can't control myself
so, please excuse me.

for my actions might be too forward

                        i want to sink into you.
i want to bite until i taste the red
i want to claw until there's no way of letting go
i want to kiss until i can't feel my lips
i want you to love me until i break

i have never wanted so bad

the world will end tomorrow
because of the supernovas we're creating


that's all we have
Amber S Apr 2013
he says i’m beautiful, in the morning,
when my hair is a cluster **** of tangles and knots,
when my skin is indented, chaffed from his bristles,
when my legs are beginning to grow the hair that for some
reason is not supposed to ever be there,
he says i’m beautiful, in the morning,
when i groan and shy away from the prospect
of the day
he says i’m beautiful,
he says i’m beautiful every morning,
until, he says, i can wake up every morning
and believe it, too.

“tell me i’m beautiful”
Amber S Oct 2013
He was angry because the boy with glasses and a gamer shirt had told me he wished he had a girl like me.
It’s not you, it’s me. And the fish bowl that was twice the size of your head.
Punching the wall, I knew
jealousy was a
it crawls under your bed and waits until it is four in the morning and you have nothing left
Except tears and yearning for something different,
yet you know you cannot have anything different,
because the thought of mornings without him,
and the thought of phone calls absent of his vocals
makes you want to rip open your ribs until you color his
He was angry because he was threatened,
and it was so stupid, so animalistic.
I am not territory, not a tree you lift your leg to mark on.
I am a human, a human, a human, I just want to be
the door broken, his lips bleeding,
he kissed me until I thawed.
his shoulders shook as he cried and cried and cried,
please be mine, please be mine, please be mine.
jealousy is what we romanticize about,
yet it is the monster we will
Amber S Jun 2013
When Sylvia Plath first met Ted Hughes, she bit his cheek so hard that blood oozed from his skin.
I want to believe I made an impression like that on you.
(Not the first time, when I was fourteen, because I was awkward with too much eyeliner and not enough ideas)
I marked you, on your bones, beneath skin where only I could see it.
(Beneath layers and layers and layers, so I could
fit comfortably. A parasite)
Sylvia and Ted married quickly,
but the idea of marriage terrifies me,
but I want to be with you forever,
(and yet I don’t)
Sylvia loved Ted.
and I love you. too much. so much.
(my chest deflates when I think about
empty beds)
please do not leave me, like Ted left Sylvia.

do not find muses, inspirations,
but since I am the writer, I need to find my muse.
(you are my only one)

I think Sylvia and Ted shared writings,
but I cannot show you most of my words,
for the truth would burn, and I wouldn’t know
how to put out the fire.
but Ted was a writer, you are not.
so I will be like Sylvia, writing about people I love,
until it consumes me
Amber S Feb 2012
i am so beautiful, you say.
so, see the insides too.
they squirm and fly for you.
come inside my body.
do you see the taped together heart?
the ribs are cracked, trying their hardest to contain it
the lungs are bruised but full of your air, your breath
the arteries are open, the blood
is soaking you in
dust away my fears, worries
tangled in between my sternum
eat your way through my passion,
fitted in between my stinging muscles
tear away the hesitation
smacked upon my weary bones.

take a journey.
for this is all yours.
take your time.
i have all day, babe.
but when you are done.

make sure you kiss my lips. hard and long.
Amber S Oct 2013
i guess i got wings inked on my shoulders,
because i think i’m some walking talking
one day i’ll fly away,
but crash into buildings, scraping elbows among
shattered car windows and
street lamps waiting to
i’m a **** growing among rusty brick buildings,
admired, but confused on which way to
i am the sock that has no match,
i do not fit, the one puzzle piece that cannot squeeze.
sticking out awkward, desperately clinging on.
no more questions, no more assumptions.
you laugh because i have wings,
i cry because all i see are
Amber S Oct 2012
the best kind of love
rips you apart, lays your insides on the floor.
rearranges them, and places it all back,
so the air expands better in your lungs,
so the sun kisses your face in sparks,
so the people around you appear almost human,
so the beat your heart plays finally sounds like music.
the best kind of love,
fills you with love.
Amber S May 2013
darling, do you find me clingy?
you are the first who has stayed for longer then a
you are the first who has spoken to me with truth,
instead of lies intertwined with alcohol and
so excuse the bite marks, the extensive sighs.
you are the first who has wanted my words,
not the stains within my legs,
or the dampness of my lips.
so excuse my nails that constantly scratch,
excuse the quiver my voice has when you
you are the first that has said,
“i love you”
and i have actually believed.
you are the first that has said,
“i will stay”
and actually have.
Amber S Aug 2013
i might not believe in a higher power,
but jesus i think i see heaven
when your lips erupt
Amber S Dec 2010
If I were to pick an emotion
It would have to be confusion
Those eyes of yours are like deep seas
And I am the sailor slowly becoming shipwrecked
It sounds easy enough to
Just forget everything and move on
Yet when you are near me
My sanity and reason slowly escape
And the easiest thing to do is just
Dive into this new world of lust and hope
Where in that fleeting moment
I can feel wanted and loved…
…even if for only a moment…
It’s a hunger, which will never be fed
A thirst, which will remain parched
A love, which will never be returned
I’ve already lost my heart
It’s pieces were scattered
Long ago when I met you
And I know..
…I should stop
But every single time…
…I keep falling deeper and deeper
Into those eyes
Those eyes are dragging me to the bottom
My lungs are filling with water
As I’m slowly closing my eyes…
…I know I should give up
…but over and over again
I fall in love with those eyes
…I’m drowning…
Into those unexpected, beautiful and terrifying

Amber S Feb 2013
1 text in,
i hate the way my heart squeezes,
the way i see your eyes crashing into

2 texts in,
i will away the urge to call you up
make you believe i’m some ***** you
always wanted me to be.

3 texts in,
i fall asleep with the thought of you,
a you i’ve made up.
we were just like this text messages.

deleted too easily.
Amber S Jul 2014
the sky was looming with gunmetal wisps,
tickle me pinks squeezing among lavenders.
sunny blues and cotton clouds merged among the
charcoal prophecies. darkness kissing light.

i was soaked within seconds, screaming yet
laughing, feeling my bones shake and rattle along the

i ran through puddles, the sky nothing but sheets of
recollections. my skin limp and drenched, becoming part of
the soggy grass between my toes.

the rain stopped within minutes, the sky changing to
juicy orange.
as i attempted to dry myself with sopping towels, i stared at the sky,
and was reminded of us making love. beauty, beauty, beauty.
Amber S Apr 2012
the tiger sits behind the bars.
i put him there.
swallowed the key.
after what happened, i want him there forever.
his stripes tricked me. once. twice.
the blood still fresh on his daggers.
he moans a pathetic moan,
as if his life fades.
his eyes. pierce me.
prode me.
pick me.
apart. apart. a part.
green eyes. like the forest. like the sea.
like something in between.
he yearns.
i lick my fingers.
his eyes never away. never another direction.
my flesh fresh from the sun.
sweat newly coated.
my fruits almost ripened.
the tiger cannot stand it.
and i laugh. and laugh. and laugh.

the key fits comfortably in my stomach.
Amber S Feb 2013
you are like the phone in the pocket
of my skinny jeans.
tight, barely fitting.
always threatening to find
a way
Amber S Jan 2016
within my guts, perhaps there is no longer
slivers of withdrawal, of doubt,
but i can only wonder why i keep envisioning
my ****** gums,
stained like smashed cherries.
i know i love you, but you are now
the static pieces of glass in my palms
and i must be patient, but it is sinking
on the back of my tongue, and i am attempting
not to choke, not to swallow
so my insides are not shredded.
i would shred my skin and take my veins,
tie it together into bows, or boy scout knots,
if i knew i could curve your lips.
i would hang the veins inside your room,
connecting bits and pieces of my eyelashes,
if if if i knew it would lift you up from
but i am not the girl who can tear herself in and out,
because my bits have gone already.

i know i love you, but i am so tired.
so tired. so tired.
i can't blame you, i can't bite your cheeks until
it sits like butterflies in your spine.

i do not know how to hold a shaking room.
i'm back!
Amber S Nov 2014
yes, i know the way his mouth twitches when he smiles,
how his eyes will turn to different shades of green when the hours
and how he lends his fingers when you need assistance,
and how his room was our paradise, and i know how we screamed
to those songs in his car late at night, the snow pressed against
the windows

but what i don’t know, dear friends,
is how my words are empty pill bottles,
"he forced me"
and your cheeks tighten, your eyelashes dry,
i don’t know how my bruises, the blood caked on my thighs
are not as important as his pride,
the way he speaks of money like his one true love,

but what i don’t know is how when you were passed out,
sleeping away through **** hazes and drunken episodes,
his fingers scraped the back of my neck, and pushed and pushed
and pushed until
my teeth were coated with fear,
my throat gurgling with guilt

to my friends, i do not understand,
and when you mention his name, i am back in that room,
fifteen and in love and afraid,
with you under blankets,
Amber S Jan 2014
at a young age, my father taught me to love
instead of killing, my father would capture spiders,
centipedes, beetles in empty pickle jars.
he would show me the anatomy, let me admire
the different colors, the shape of the pinchers,
how each one moved.
we had a praying mantis hung up on the wall,
it scared my girlfriends.
we had a hairy tarantula encased in a glass orb,
guests could never stare at it for too long.

i compare these insects to my father.
elegiac, with pinchers hidden but
like the insects, i could never understand my father.
when he disappeared for days, reappearing with nothing
but a frown and the scent of beer,
i imagined him with the wings of a beetle, and he had
to fly off to a faraway kingdom.

i compare these insects to my father,
beautiful, but threatening.
his scorpion’s tail was his hand with a bottle,
his poison was the amber liquid squishing
his blood.

i compare these insects to my father,
fragile, unwieldy.
as a butterfly glides through spring, it is similar
to my father discussing his favorite things,
or deep in thought in a novel, or how his eyes
glint when he sees me after a long
but my father is far more exquisite than
any butterfly.

i still am intrigued by insects, yet i do not
admire them in empty jars.
i set them free, imagining if my father ever longed
to escape his own
Amber S Apr 2013
i have grown dusty vines among your ribs,
etches of azure plunging through your apertures.
i could stay nestled inside your brain all day.
the temporal lobe is associated with memory,
so mine must be grey matter with paint marks
and holes deep enough to quiver.
i catch the breath you exhale,
gnawing at your thirst.
in your ribs, i want to remain. in your brain, i will stay.
darling, let’s be alive again tonight.
stain the sheets with every drop of our
until we bleed, bleed, bleed,
Amber S Jan 2013
“i missed you”
you only say this because i was there next to you.
i smelled like apples and you had forgotten my long hair.
you only say this because the music gridded into us, and the
fog intertwined through our pores.
you only say you miss me when i’m close enough to miss.
you only say this because you took something of mine
i can never take back.
in a month,
you’ll miss me, but not so frequently.
that ache in your heart will subside for a while.
you’ll forget the crisp smell, the touch of silk.
until next time,
until next time.
Amber S Mar 2016
i have a lump under my armpit,
thick and pressured, i want to bite it off, throw it inside a bin

it's coming to me when i am feeling bumps and growths in my
frontal lobes. as i walk into the sunshine,
i can no longer see the road or the buildings or the twigs in her

mom had her breast removed.
i cannot bare to think about me
without any

these words that i want in the worlds books, will instead
sink into my veins and have no meaning
but instead let me be my own Ophelia, and i will link daisies in my hair
and drown singing no song but my own

my fingers are pressing against the wall, but all i have is callouses.
Amber S Nov 2012
i'm leaving the bed as is,
with your fumes, your impressions etched into the sheets.
a mold in the pillow case.
when i sleep, i'll leave your side untouched.
so when i reach,
i will hold a glimmer
of you.
Amber S Sep 2012
i taste venom. bitter.
tongue is dry, cracked.
licking my lips, but the taste is there. in between my teeth,
lodged into my throat.
i want you to taste this, too.
my thirst that can never be satisfied. you have no idea,
do you?
you lie, and your blood reeks of it.
to spit it back, watch it burn.
a luminescence with no sense.
you'll only return what's mine, the bitter will never leave.
instead it will sit comfortably, warmly
in the pit of stomach,
waiting, like a sleeping dragon, to be disturbed
once more.
Amber S Nov 2013
yes, i have not removed an inch of makeup, these
past three days.
i can still taste beers and united kingdom’s colloquialisms
on my burdened  
and i have holes in stockings and black-and-blues
brushing my collarbone.
weekends, two and a half days, winding among unbolted
doors that lead to what you want but can’t admit
yes, i still feel every inch when i saunter through flaxen
leaves. how did i never notice such colors
let the world be your oyster, except i’m vegetarian. so let it be my
sea. ocean. every drop that i never tasted.
fingers taste much better when they’re being
shoved beneath your front teeth.
five in the morning is the perfect time for screaming at lies
you cannot see through. for falling onto beds that cannot hold
more than one person but you trytrytry anyway.
yes, i do not know where i am going anymore,
but this tingling in my toes must mean
Amber S Oct 2011
you are my hot shower after a
cold day
you are my sunshine with no
cloud in sight
you are my fuzzy blanket wrapped
around me like a cocoon
you are my blistering fire
filling my blood stream
you are my summer day provoking
the sweat on my gleaming body
you are my cozy sweater that
i always love to wear
you are my warmth.
i dive into your arms
and every inch of cold in me melts
i press my lips to your skin
i taste flames.
my tongue burns.
your fingers leave prints. on my back, my neck,
my face.
my beautiful warmth.
so, touch me
put your lips to my cold ones.
let's create sparks
Amber S May 2012
we are not the same
(in practically every way)
i dark, by birth and sun,
you refuse to step outside.
i yearn for the opposite ***,
you hold your breath.
i, restless, always ready for adventure,
you, scared by the potential of the day.
i indulge.
you judge.
i don't pull,
(although i want to)
you don't scold
(but you desire to)
opposites attract, or something among those lines.
too much opposite for me.
you whine at the nearest task,
i mumble, but trudge along.

friends. best friends.
(but with a warning label attached)
Amber S Sep 2013
in the morning i put on my war paint,
conceal the blemishes so i won’t be blown away,
bronze and silhouette, so i will ignite like Athena.
the eyes, the eyes, the eyes
are my favorite.
eyeliner to smolder, to create fear, to cause your mouth to overflow.
mascara to pop, to outline, to appear innocent (which we both know i’m
orange, if i’m feeing flirtatious,
pink if i’m feeling like *** packed in a case of cigarettes,
red. red if i’m feeling like dancing against walls that are
graffiti stained.
red if i want to kiss you senseless.
but, darling, do not be confused.
i do not dress for you. you may gape, you may whistle,
but this war paint is for me.
because everyday is a battle, and i must be ready,
with weapons blazing
Amber S Feb 2014
when i was ten i believed kissing was
only between two people deliriously in love.
when i was fifteen, i believed holding hands would
only make me throw up, and when a boy wanted to watch
you watch him play video games, it was considered

do puppies fall in love? for my ears are floppy
for you and my tail hasn’t stopped wagging since
if i could be your jellyfish i’d hover between your
bones, tangling my tentacles through your
mane, stinging you with limp

i’m wishy and washy, crawling through
tie-dye dreams and licking clean pasta
bowls. i always thought second best was
enough, and when i was eighteen bruises were
proof. ideas were stuck in my brain cells. i bit my lips
until dead skin cells tasted like ketchup.

i’m creeping through your marrows,
gnawing, gnawing, gnawing.
******* until my tongue is lead,
aching for your teeth tearing through
my flesh,

i could be your jellyfish. you told me about one that lives
i’ll keep floating, if you keep
Amber S May 2012
i wish i could wear your love around me,
a silver chain hung on my collarbone.
your familiar breath tickling,
your tongue searching.
close. close. close.
to the angry and pounding blood vessels.
if i had all your love, safely and securely
in a little box tied with a million strings,
i wouldn't worry about your love finding new vessels,
new mouths.
i wouldn't think of her thighs shuddering.
i wouldn't believe your eyes gazing upon another.
i wouldn't have to fear her taking your love,
for i would have it with me.
the cool clink of silver nestled comfortably on me,
no room for wander,
for question.
your love upon me,
i wish.
Amber S Nov 2013
walking with wedges always seems like the best, until
you’re walking home at seven in the morning.
i still taste cold pizza and the pina colada hookah.
i waited for you to breathe me in like the vapors,
youth has never tasted so beautiful, love.
i used to think i was the period in every sentence,
but you’re the comma and i’m the semi colon,
we’re never ending, sticking between awkward
phrases and short cut
he never sunk his teeth so deep, and i am so bruised
i think my bones are bleeding.
youth has never tasted so beautiful, love.
i did not feel alive until five in the morning, when all i could feel
were his fingers digging in my cells, searching for everything
i thought i could never become.
i never felt this alive in his arms, and now i see all he did
was pull the blindfold until i saw inky blackness,
pushed the pillow in my mouth as i continue to cough up chunks.
let me run through the soggy leaves, breathing in the crisp air until
i collapse.
youth has never tasted so ******* beautiful,
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