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Amber S Jun 2012
when your lips met mine,
life returned to my bones.
when your hand met mine,
silk butterflies kissed my skin.
when your eyes met mine,
fireworks crashed into the sea,
when your body met mine,
i no longer knew the meaning of empty.
when your heart met mine,
it finally started to beat.
Amber S Mar 2016
we never talk about the ******* afterward.
it's hidden in the dust on my sheets, his liquids still fresh,
his cologne stamped on my pillowcases,

instead he asks about work, mentions his exhaustion,
doesn't bring up the marks he always leaves,
the one on my arm like a birthmark,
the small red ones on my back,

the ones on my hips like roses left out for too long

last night his fingers pressed on my throat and he kept asking how
i liked it. i was drunk, he was drunk and when he said he loved *******
me i almost thought he said
he loved

in my room we spoke of what we always spoke of, books and PhD's,
of classmates, of futures, and interrupting our conversation his
lips found mine, in a hungry kind of way,

he never really liked to kiss.

it'll be two weeks until i see him again, perhaps longer,
and our talks will be briefer, and i am hoping my scratches are long
and violent on his back, i hope his skull is stinging from my

we **** like we'll never **** again, and maybe i haven't had
this passion in a long while,
because i know he'll never be mine.

his fingers on my throat felt like freedom, and it's in those hours between
late night and early morning we are nothing but skin,
his fingers on my throat,
his fingers on my throat,
his fingers on my throat,

i'm choking on my spit
Amber S Mar 2011
what can i say,
that hasn't already been said?
in the epic stories
in the love poems recited
too many times.

i could try to make up
lines saying how you
make me feel

but i can't.
because, words cannot
describe it.
words cannot describe how
fast my heart races.
words cannot describe how
what your lips feel like.
words cannot describe how
your eyes paralyze me.
words cannot describe

how perfect you are.

i tried
in this silly poem
still, it does you no justice

i will keep trying
thinking of words that describe
your beauty

there are so many words in the dictionary.

but none describe you
Amber S Mar 2011
you never realized
you were blind. so ******* blind.
i defended you, caught bullets for you, graveled at your feet for you.
thinking everything was my fault
all for you.

you smiled.
                                          one smile.
and gone.
    all i see now is your ghost
your ghost haunts me; making faces and telling me over and over
"you fool. you fool"

i wish i was face to face with you

so i could throw my emotions at you
i would gather them up in one big bundle
and shove them in your face
you would suffocate. you would cry.
you would suffer.
like i had been for so long
i would ask you,
"how does it feel?"
but you wouldn't be able to respond
for the pain would be too great
then, then

i would breathe.
the baggage will be gone, and i will run
i will laugh at you
laugh until tears leak from my eyes
laugh until my ribs break

if you weren't such a ******* coward,
i would have won.
instead you hide behind
your lies, fake confidence
you're cracking
but i know you won't admit
i'm the only.
the only one who sees

look me in the eye.
admit it
admit you threw me away
admit you never cared
admit that this all meant nothing
and admit...
admit you can't do it.

your ghost is here
with no intention of leaving
Amber S Apr 2011
get your talons out of me now
you should have dropped me long ago
let me breathe.
something i could never do around you
you dug into me
until i cried, screamed
your smile was wicked, full of regret
never was perfect
now that i am, it's still not enough
you find the smallest things
and rip them out of me
so i can see
jesus christ, do you ever stop?
these circles i keep running
will destroy me
you will be the death of me
i am most certain
satisfying you? there is no chance
your insides are full of ugly.
of shame. of guilty.
at least i tried. at least i lived.
you hid. you whine.
but never once
have you let me go.
the mistakes you made were so severe
you thought i might repeat

how could i?
how could i place blame on those i love?
how could i be so vicious?
how could i ever cut people apart until they were nothing?

if i were to give you a gift
it would be nothing but tears

the love you have for me
is a love full of broken words
i forgave you. but the memories burn my skull
like bright stars.

and your talons leave deep scars
that will stay on my skin
i will look at the white tissue
so ugly, so frail, and so beautiful.
everything you are.
gritting my teeth
i will fake the smile
i plastered on for you
you made me strong
but i am most certain

you will be the death of me
Amber S Mar 2014
the city winds had ****** me up and spat me back out,
and i thought i was so hip and unknown, with swirling
leopard prints and black gloved hands. a boy by my side
that looked at me with thunderstorms.
the city buildings shadowed me and protected me from
the truth attempting to leave bruises on my
buckled knees.
a tourist in uncharted waters, a damsel
who continuously puts herself in

my hair was Medusa, his fingers were
Dionysus, and when they fused,
our Mount Olympus was created, tasting like
berries and scratching at snake bites
scabbing and itching to be

his kisses tasted like nostalgia.

i’m an american girl who is super glue, affixing
herself on whatever will stay long

— The End —