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Nov 2017 · 489
With You
If a moment is all we are, then let me seize today as if tomorrow never came. I find peace, ease knowing your there. Its nice to know someone cares. Yet when the time comes, I pray you forget all the wrong I’ve done and promise to let your judgement to be fair.

With you I’m a whole. With you I’m full. However, when we are worlds apart I feel torn. Like I’m half of a whole. Like I’m empty instead of full. Divided by heavens scorn.

Your the perfect melody, that plays on repeat. Singing inside my head and the words reminding me of this sad song that fits the piece. If you could only see the real me. Would your love for me still have words or would your love for me turn?

I’ve cried a thousand tears. I’m standing now fighting all these fears. I’d trade places with the man on death roll, who bares his own cross for my gentile sins I can never depart.

So can’t you see, that you complete me. My heart bares your name. My love for you has never changed. I’m just hoping you feel the same. So when my light starts to go out, please take the time to relight a spark. For my purpose is for you to only know and me to gain. You already know I never cared about riches nor fame.

All I want is you. To be with only you. Forever in paradise. I’m willing to make the sacrifice. So change me. Into the person you knew I’d always be. Let me live today in this moment as if tomorrow will never come. Your promise to me comes undone. I’m still here waiting. Waiting for the next sign.

My love lead me into deep oceans. Let me see the warrior I’ve become. Strengthened with your armor of love. As I bring to others a new hope. As I hold up this shield of faith that can never be replaced. Only strengthened with age. Each passing year that has come and gone and each day that passes I still live on. I life deprived and struggling sings my song.

I wanna feel the flames of your love for me. I wanna burn so brights for all the world to see. I wanna be that shooting star with a secret wish and if it comes true then it was your promise to me kept.  I wanna be your butterfly transformed with wings that sore to the sky. I wanna make you mine.

You can be my bridge groom and I can be your bride. Together we’ll set ablaze this world as the fire burns deep with in our eyes. It’s no surprise. For you hold the keys to hell and when that time comes we will hear wedding bells.
Oct 2017 · 322
My love for you is ocean deep,
like the secrets of my faults you will forever keep.
I watch you move mountains and throw them into the sea.
I love you with every breath within me.
My soul longs for you and...
my heart holds your name engraved in stone.
Your love ignites a flame that consumes my soul.
I am yours and you will forever be mine instilled in time.

You ease my mind and troubles,
you fight my fears and doubts that entangle my thoughts.
You calm the storm within me just like you calm the sea.
For your love feels like I can walk upon the waters,
with my head held high.
You give me a love that can't be defined.
You are my champion of this world and ...
I will follow you to the ends of this earth.

Like I always told you, " I will follow you until the end of time." Watching as this circle forms a straight line.
There is no turning back but the eagerness to continue forward.
As we love each other until our own times are over.
Oct 2017 · 334
Oh Sweet Melody
These voices of ghost swarming inside my head.
Singing sweet melodies of what was unsaid.
The blood that runs through my veins,
with every beat there is no escape.
I can only watch my future shape.

Without you I'd be lost.
As I find out what this opportunity may cost.
I'm giving back all the things that you gave to me.
I'm saving up the price to pay this decree.
I can already foresee how your love is saving me.

Please give me the time and our love will be sublime.
I thought I'd make you mine.
Never realizing that I too would become in twine.

Can't you see how your love has set me free.
Breaking these chains that were holding me.
The melodies are my passion.
Your death on the cross showed me compassion.
Your love touched my heart and all the joys of life I impart.
Thank you for this forgiveness of my own impulsiveness.
Oct 2016 · 543
My Love
I took that leap of faith and left myself behind.

Now I am free falling with an open mind.
Will you be there to catch me when all else fails?
Will our love prevail?      
On this roller coaster ride that is about to fall of its rails.
When twilight comes I am sleep walking on these clouds of air.  
As I feel the warmth of how our hearts flare.
As I watch the sunrise and chase each sunset.
I feel as if my entire life has just reset.
My arms are open wide because you allowed me to spread my wings and fly.

You dried my tears and and opened my secret vault.
That hid the dust, the foibles of my own faults.
I showed you how I was never perfected.
You showed me how the pieces of our hearts were connected.  
As I fall with no directions your love surrounds me with all of your affections.  

Right now I am free falling and I am sleep walking.
Trying to find my way back to you.
May 2016 · 545
Angel of Mercy
Tagged bodies are lined up in rooms of twos.
Our head boss decides for us which ones to pursue.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...
Only the “one” will this Angel of Mercy bestow worthy.
We pray that it will be you.
May 2016 · 798
Don't Wake Me
"   Oh no, I think I recognize this song...
Oh no, I think I know just what is wrong.

    Wake me up when the sad part ends...
Wake me up when the hard part is over.   "

    That girl you thought you knew is dead and gone.
    She is now a zombie in transition, sealed in by all her wrongs.
    The price you pay to lose and to follow the rules.
    Has now stripped away the mask she hides behind.

Don’t wake me up till its over, Don’t wake me up till it ends.
I can already foresee this story’s ending.
My cup is empty, I have no more sympathy.
Stop trying to save me, when I am already numb.

    An empty mind, once clouded by rage, has been erased.
    Every passing day, cuts another one of her ties.
    Will soon free her from this provoked life.
    Emotionless, eases her forgotten fears.
    Free from all the pain, that once brought her down in tears.

Don’t wake me up, Don’t wake me up till its over.
Don’t wake me, Don’t wake me up till it ends.
My gas tanks on E, I’m left with no speed.
All the fight within me, has finally left me empty.
Now I am just waiting.

    Her end is soon to be near.
    For she held all she could bare.
    All of which contributed to her collapse.
    Revealed that all she had to do was snap.

So don’t wake me, don’t wake me up....
Wait till it’s over....finally over...wait till the ending.
Then I won't care if you wake me.

    Her mind may be empty when she is a wake.
    Yet when she closes her eyes and is able to sleep.
    Through the darkness, she finds enough light to dream.
    She dreams of life and death as images invade her head.
    Let “Sleeping Beauty” rest.
Nov 2015 · 482
Under the Surface
"Let me in and crawl beneath your skin.
I lie within and will be the one to win."

Disturbed by madness. Has now ruin your happiness. But can't you see, that little taste of reality. To hell with it, I'll let go of my pride.  For I'm not the one with something to hide.

Questioning yourself every day, wondering if that answer you come up with, will ever change. Foolish little soul can't you see, I have you weak in your knees and I already have you beat.

Don't know what you heard of wise tales, and could care less of the stories told.  But go on, try and escape thee.  Take that step back and watch it unfold. The cost and price, to realize you will never be free.  Now you know.

But you don't care for truth and only want to hear the lies.  All you see is the revise. That is why you have been deprived.  It all makes sense, you however just can’t comprehend.

Allowing your selfishness to win.

The continuous behavioral pattern of make believe and pretend.
As you continue to believe in these fairy-tales.  Like the one of Cinderella with her very own Prince Charming, going to live happy.  Allow me to change the ending, and show you that you will never be happy if one of you are pretending.

Blinded by a love that isn't even there.  My guess is that your delusion covered those feelings of being scared.  Doesn't want to hurt him is what you repeat.  That makes it the number one reason to why you won't leave.

Constantly dissecting the truth thee I provide.  Undiluted truth that will penetrate the haze and infiltrate your mind.

Who's the LIAR now? You or I.  Yet at the end day, at least the wise man can say, “I Tried.”

Reality strikes again.  Leaving you dumbfounded, with nothing to hide behind.  That was just a little tap on you behind. But what you really need is a slap to your face, maybe then it will knock some sense into your tiny brain.

So does it matter what advice the wise man gives you? -Cause honestly, it will never be good enough.  That's why the ones who are blinded live with their eyes shut.

"Under the surface it lies, all the truth it hides.
Lies within, beneath your skin.
A shiver down the back of your spine.  
Like A cold breeze at the tip of you neck. 
 It strikes back."
Nov 2015 · 451
Missed Connections
"Don't keep me waiting too long,
because that day might come when I'll be gone."

"Wasting time," some might say.  But that's a chance I am willing to take.  Are you worth it? - I don't know.  But I'll soon find out what the future holds.

A mystery man has crossed my path.  I took one look and suddenly I was hooked.  Kept looking back as he walked passed.  No words were exchanged, only smiles in their place.  After that we both walked away.
Days go by, and I start to think.  Who was that mystery man, looking back at me?  Some say, “It’s a small world." Then why is it, I have never met this man before?

Living life day by day, still wondering if I'll meet this mystery man again; another day. Time goes by, still no sight.  Somehow this can’t be right.  Don't know where to look, didn't even catch is name.  Now, I'm kicking myself in the ***, because I let him walk away.

If it's fate, we'll meet again.  But until then, I guess I'll wait.  That is a chance I'm willing to take.  Making the best of this little hope.  All because I refuse to let this mystery man go.  Standing still as everything else goes by.  I'll wait for this mystery man to accompany me by my side.
Nov 2015 · 357
Without You
A couple years go by, I never knew how fast time could fly. I continue to find myself, burring the past away in a box on my shelf.   I'm clouded by all these different thoughts my mind is overwrought.  Ideas diluted with reasoning, each one covered up by a different seasoning.  Maybe I'm better off living in a fantasy. Ok let me make believe.  So, let's play another song that goes with the melody and put it on repeat.  One song that could foretell my life and be complete.

Day by day, I wonder where I'd be.
If only I could foresee.  
If I cut my heart out with a knife.
If I did not have you in my life.
Where would the moon subside?
If you were not by my side.
Where would the sun rise?
If my life were to revise.  
Could I find peace?
Ease, without you there.
Would I be missing a piece?
Like a Breath without air.

So many questions.
Ones with no suggestions.  
So many times.
I stopped to wonder sometimes.
What would have happened if we never met?
If I put my life on reset.
Would I be happier then I am now?
If fate never intended to endow.
Would I fall to pieces from regret?
Because I have not found you yet.  

My mind keeps running away. All these thoughts I dismay. Oh sweet melody, within every touch you give me. Then I start to think, all the kisses I'd be without. Can't you see, we are too far to go back now? Too near to stop, this journey isn't over. We already defeated the impossible. Can't you see now, I'd be lost without you. You can save me from the storm and you can guide me when I lose my way. But as long as we have each other, are love they can't take away.
Nov 2015 · 645
Grant me this serenity,
to understand the ways of the people that died.
Hope no one finds the bodies I slaughtered today,
watching one by one as they fall.
I did not hide the bodies but watch them burn.
I watch them burn as they go to hell.

Grant me this serenity,
to understand the things that I cannot change.
Knowing life and those people who are rotten.
Cannot take in no more of the words that those people said,
only deserving what they got which is death.

Grant me this serenity,
to hear only what I want to hear.
Which are the screams of the bodies being burned.
Hearing what has been said about me,
is the only thing I look back on.

Grant me this serenity,
for I leave the ashes and the dust,
of the bodies I just have burned.

Last but not least.
Grant me this serenity,
for I have just taught those people,
the lesson they needed to learn.
(Wrote this over 10 years ago when I was in grade school...I handled being bullied by writing what I felt on paper)
Oct 2015 · 355
Fire & Air
"Fire needs Air to burn; Air needs fire to stay in motion."

One spark was enough to set a blaze.
Your first breath was enough to clear the haze.
To see thy old sorrow life be laid to waste and traced in flames.
Fire embraced Air, creating an eternal flame, set forth to establish change.

Air uncovered a pathway to a journey of self-discovery.
Fire was the key of motivation to sustain Air's recovery.
Our distinctive elements manifested into this composition.
Composed of new roots, stepping stones towards this exotic transition.

I rose above the ashes consuming the role of a mother.
Learning the value of "Unconditional Love" for another.
For I am the AIR that nourishes you, needed so you can prevail and survive.
While you are the FIRE I needed to thrive, the flame keeping my soul alive.
Aug 2015 · 485
I Wanna Be Yours
I lost track of time
Watching the years fly an afraid to take that big leap
Seemed like such a victim-less crime
If I could fight the fears
If these statistics lie
Lets shift the gears and I will comply
I wanna be yours and officially make you mine.

These secrets that I have held in my heart
To you I have impart
From this clarity
With you I have already found love and prosperity
I just wanna be can I make you mine?

Is it wrong to wanna take your last name?
So hell bent on the views of others who cast us out in shame.
The difference of seeing somebody sin and living in sin ain't at all the same.
I am already yours and now you are forever mine.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
I've seen better days in the fountain of my youth,
glimpses of the future impels me to see the truth.
Contemplating which path is best or worst,
through blood I've been ****** and cursed.
For once I take that first step to start,
I have no choice but to depart.
Standing at the edge about to implode,
the challenge of a crossroad.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Nothing Left to Lose
Tell me we can have the world if we choose.
Build my hopes so far up to the point where I can't lose.
Illuminate all the possibilities of what we can do.
Make it seem that no matter what I still can't lose.

Lift me to the ******. Would it be a surprise?
How far up can we go?  How much further can we rise?
Did you ever speculate what would happen if you failed?
Instead, you just gave me a boost and watched me set sail.
Didn't even deliberate before you spoke to me of such words.
Knew it made me happy to have things to look towards.

Now, your misrepresentations are finally transparent.
It's no surprise you discourage me with more disappointment.
Painted all the things I despise with one single portrait.
Its like you  raised your hands, gave up and said your forfeit.
You must be too lazy to commit or your life is not worth it.

You have nothing left to lose, right?
Not compelling enough to put up a fight.
What if I was something you had to lose?
I should be the difference of how you anticipate to choose.
You could die today, never be able to see my face.
Never be able to touch my hand or watch how our fingers lace.
Never be able to smell the scent of my dark hair as we lay.
Never be able to hear my voice or all the words I could say.
Can end it all here, right now, leave behind this place.

So I'm reaching out and you can slip away.
Make it a nightmare turned into reality paved in stone.
Cause you are willing to leave me behind, all alone.
Let me stumble on my breakdown to where I collapse.
You say, "I have nothing left to lose," perhaps.
I fall once more and I crumple, hitting the floor I smash.
Your failure to launch led me to subside and crash.

Is that really where you want me when you choose?
You were wrong, I do have something to lose.
That something I have left is you.
Dec 2014 · 330
"Ripples in the water subside and pass, leaving an image left to stare at."

Take another look at what lies.  For there is more to it, then what meets the eye.  Like a book that one reads.  Open it up and you'll see...

-Don't assume things, that you know nothing about.  The next time you might want to think, before you decide to open your mouth.

Standing there trying to foretell.  Everything about me like you got me figured out.  Not one bit concerned that you might be wrong.  But instead convinced that you must be right.  Claiming you can do that through sight.

Now you start to gaze.  Your mind at haze from a pretty face.  Leaves your thoughts unsure on where to precede.  Shows how much you really knew me.

If others can outlook you one person point of view.  Maybe then you can over look your judgment too.-

Cannot define a book, by just looking at its cover.  So don't think you understand the script, in which you never read between the lines.  The same as hating a food you never once taste.  You shouldn't judge in the first place.

"Look deeper within and past that image's reflection.  Might be surprised on what one finds.  Would of never knew it was there, if one never took the time."
Dec 2014 · 417
"Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does."         -New moon (Bella Swan)

He walks through his world as a dark soul.
Motionless to everything beyond his control.
Link of chains that drag behind him by each passing day.
A drifter to this earth, fallen off his path to become a stray.
Like a drifter in time, wishing to go to outer-space.
Dragging his broken heart he cannot fix nor replace.
Drifting to and from the shadows hiding, sunrise to sunset.
Never to regret the love he once had and will never forget.
To every provoked memory his mind forces him to reminisce.  
Is a reminder of the time he found beauty, peace and bliss.
Putting a dagger to his wound, revealing the pain that still exists.
Cannot protest, he grabs his chest, the burn of his agony he digest.
Dec 2014 · 338
Drift Away
"Standing before the ocean, I drift away."

Blue skys turning grey.
A storm heading this way.
The waves crash onto the rocks.
Destroying everything it locks a hold of.
Taking it away.

Standing there.
The wind beneath my hair.
A cold breeze fills the air.
Blowing everywhere.

The waves,
Are what catches my eyes.
Feeling as if I could just fly,
Away and be saved.

Staring past the ocean.
I reach the horizon.
The unknown.

So I drift away.
My pain slightly fades.
My mind clears.
Nothing to fear.
For the heavens are near.

A rain drop falls.
Slides past my check.
I wish this storm would stall.
So I can see what it is I seek.
Every things  is out of my reach.

Trying to understand,
That when I'm gone,
The world will still go on.

I maybe nothing,
That truly matters.
Over time,
I'll be erased.
So for now,
Let me drift away!
Dec 2014 · 295
Close your eyes and dream.
For dreams are everything,
life can't always bring.
As you lay in bed,
your imagination begins.
Things that were never said,
are forming pictures in your head.
Don't have to be who you are,
be someone else instead.
Are things burning you inside?
Then all you have to do,
is simply close your eyes.
And start DREAMING!
Dec 2014 · 470
Break the Silence
"The words enter your mouth, but every time your mouth opens, nothing comes out."

Another moment you have just let pass by.  Hesitated, cause you had to think twice.  Held back by a shyness, surrounded by a quietness.  Leaves you silent.

No sudden movement, not even a sound.  You decide to hold your tongue, as you look down.  For all the words you could of said, your patients remain limited.

How long can you go before you break? -Makes you wonder how much more of it you can take.

NOW, furious with yourself.  You bottle up your anger, hoping that it will soon melt.  Causes more weight to be place upon your shoulders. As you try and adjust, so you can get things back in order.

Your shyness is irresistible.  It too obvious in all eyes.  Makes others thing, you have mystery to hide.  Pulls others closer, wanting to get inside. So they can uncover the secret that lies.

Exhale, and breath.  Tell yourself next time you'll make a difference and speak.  Won't hold back, but instead let it unwrap.  Won't question why, but instead speak your mind.  So that way, you'll feel like breaking the silence all the time.  Maybe NEXT TIME!
Dec 2014 · 450
What Tommorrow Might Bring
"Opportunity stands right in front of me, knocking at my door."

A new feeling never felt before.  A new path waiting to be explored.  A mystery needing to be discovered.  An untold questions about to come unfold and be said.

(A new day unlike the rest.)

-Does he speak?  He says yet so little.  That there is still more of him to be seen.  Locked up inside he hides all his thoughts and dreams.-

Can he hear my thoughts.  Has he too heard my cries.  I can but only question if this man has any flaws.  Because at times it is as if I'm staring back at the other half of me.

-As time flies by, he passes looks with just his eyes, and exchanges kisses with mine.  That the sense of touch and smell starts growing stronger.  Leaving these questions to remain unknown.-

He looks at me as if he knows what he is doing, while I look at him questioning the unknown.  These words at the tip of my tongue waiting to be said.  But some how won't come out and instead start to get buried deeper within me.

-I press my head against his chest.  Listening to his heart beat, while mine misses a step.  Causing me to take another breath.-

So feet don't fail me now, as I'm hoping my heart won't give out.  I think I'll leave my heart behind and take another step forward.

What tomorrow might bring,  I will never know.  When the time is right,  every thing will fall into place.  But until then,  I'll leave it a mystery waiting to be told.
Dec 2014 · 296
"Wake me up, I must be sleeping. I lay in bed dreaming. Dreams of Life and Death, images invade my head.  When I wake I'll be dead. There will be nothing left."

She sits in a room of silence, to ease her mind.
There her brain can slow down, stop and rewind.
She falls back in to time.

"As the world shifts, time swallows her inch by inch."

Future, Present, Past
She relapse
Start to finish, First to last
Again she goes walking through time.
She steps up to the line.
Watching her life uncombined.
An invitation of no decline.
She faces her life.
Dec 2014 · 647
Free Love
"Trying so hard to escape this love.
When you're the one I'm thinking of.
I realize I'm drowning in this endless sea.
Will you be there to save me?"

Gazing up at the heavens above
Falling away from this free love
I obtain no guaranty
That perpetually we will be
Occasionally I just want to run
When it feels like my world is coming undone
Needing to relinquish this place
Trapped by this enclose space

However when we are worlds apart
I can't escape this ache in my heart
The consistent endeavor to replace your face
One in which I could nevermore erase
Cause no matter when I fantasize
A life deprived without you romanticize
Impossible to subdue without you by my side
Each time I decide to make the divide

So I'm drowning in all these endless thoughts
Demanding and desiring to be sought
Contemplating with a glimpse of your display
Putting a halt to this chase and winning the race
You bestow me with a fiance!!!
Dec 2014 · 340
To See the Sun Again
Condemned to a house I want to forsake
One window, white room I want to replace
Naked walls closing in on me
When will I see the sun again

Rain continues to pour not wanting to go away
Snow drifted piles covered by a cloudy day
Cold breezes surround me that I cant shake
NO surrender from me it could take

Thou trapped by the gloom of the night
Wishing i could only see the light
When will I see the sun again

Oh blue skies I miss you
White clouds come and exchange the gray
Oh Sun I miss you
Melt this snow and dry the rain
When will I see the sun again
Dec 2014 · 334
Bleeding Love
"To conquer a masterpiece it most come from the heart.
Only then will you be able to call it a true work of art."

Bleeding from the inside, struggles a lover's heart. Day by day, every piece gets torn apart. Been crossed before, hurt over time. Always hid all the pain burning inside. Buried it so deep as if one were covering up a crime. Hiding all her problems by pushing them aside.

Love a conquest, she strives to defeat. By building a wall as hard as concrete. That way others would not succeed and therefore have to retreat. Blocking the world out and not give in. She continues to fight a battle within. So scared that if only once she chooses to let her guard down. The possibility of another heartache, in her own pain she may drown.

She can not trust, therefore she will never be able to love. A pleasure she will never conceive of. She may be able to look her better half in the eyes. Then with words of Love speak to him with lies. Distressed in agony by her own torture and torment. Lives a lover who in a relationship can not be content. Now as she wonders how her heart can still break. She never realized that the wall she put up was a mistake and that Love has the power to also give and take.

How can love be so dark? Will be left in the end with a question-mark.
Dec 2014 · 350
Just A Fantasy
At night, I replay the sound of his voice inside my head.
So that when I fall a sleep, in my dreams I can be with him.
As I walk through the shadows of the night, I detect his face.
For the first time, I seem to be in the right place.
I reach for his large hands and he pulls me closer.
He lifts up my chin and I kiss his sweet delightful lips.
I glance into his seductive dark eyes.
An I know I am not alone.

My body starts to tremble.
As he runs his hands down the sides of my back.
My mind instructs me to relax.
But my heart won't stop beating so fast.
He notices the shaking.  Whispers in my ear.
Asks me, "is everything alright?
Explains to me that I have nothing to fear.

I take a deep breath.
His soft lips then stream down my neck.
Next, he removes my blouse.
Finding himself eager to kiss my perky breast.
My hand placed aside his face.
He lifts up his head and says,"Are you ready for this?"

I awoken from this dream.
Knowing things where not as the seemed.
I laid in bed, knowing those words were never said.
Cried that night because that touch wasn't real.
All fake and made up.
Just a fantasy.
Dec 2014 · 391
Fictional Love
"If my love for you could be translated into a story.
Then others could view its magnificent glory.
Thou at times words cannot express the way I feel.
Don't worry my love for it will always be real."

A broaden range of view has set forth myself to you.
Claiming to be a bold man might make assumptions true.
With your dark features, broad shoulders and vague stare.
I stood around glancing and daringly trying to glare.
For at that moment I was a tiger and you were my prey.
While inside I thought about how my chances might weigh.

My struggles of trying to trap you led myself to be captured.
The amusing sight of you, I was enraptured.
Your kind heart is compassionate, considerate you understand.
Makes our life more thrilling that nothing is never planned.

Throughout time I discovered that you would forever be mine.
Sent here down from the heavens as my very own sign.
My love for you grows and I'll love you for always and forever.
So don't ask when it might end, cause the answer is never.
Till the end of time I'll fallow you, us together we walk that line.
Willingly knowing that rather night or day our love with be fine.
Dec 2014 · 431
Let it Burn
"Took that walk to many times, for it is now been memorized. Time for a new direction and it's called, CHANGE."

A single match I strike, throwing it into the night. Falling to the ground, it lands on the oil I have thrown around. Set ablaze this fire, with out a word, I let it burn. As for change takes it turn.

Was once locked up and placed in chains. Seemed like every other day the forecast brought rain. Trap by a force using barrier walls, the devil calls. Throwing me into me very own jail cell, I had experienced hell.

My precious life stolen away. Each and every day I would await, yet nothing changed. Questioning life had been a key. Which later on revealed the answers that I seek.

Some how I still managed time to take another look back. Realizing all the things I once had. Suffering like this was the only thing left. Again I went searching through my past. Being condemned and punished where the consequences I had to face. Each time an old memory took place. Felt like a disgrace. My future at stake, and at some times I believed this to be my fate.

The liveliness of my soul had already died. For some believe I should of been burned alive. Left alone with only my cry's. Lead me to more helpless nights.

Until one day, a little hope, helped me rebel. Gave me the strength to break free from that jail cell. I unleashed them chains that put me to shame. That was the day I had escaped.

Dangerously, I play with fire and I start to admire. Noticing, it was my past that I have just lit with that match. Stood there honored and proud watching it burn to the ground. With out a single word, I didn't make a sound. Ashes to ashes leaving behind the dust. I really wasn't in a rush. Didn't take a second to hesitate, as I turned my back the other way. For right now, I'm walking away heading to a new change.
Dec 2014 · 359
One Last Good-bye
"Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, but remember me in every tomorrow. Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, I've only gone to rest a little while."

Endless glimpse towards the open casket,
fills the chapel with everlasting tears of racket.
Pastor starts the ceremony in prayer,
though it helps none of us who are all in despair.
For this death I still deny,
I have just realized this will be my forever last good-bye.

My heart filled with pain and sorrow,
I won't be able to bid you a good morrow.
As my mind reflects the moments we shared,
I'm aware that I sit unprepared.
I **** God to turn back the hands of time
and to make all things sublime.
Griping tighter to whatever piece of reality,
right before the break of my own mentality.

Though I know you have only gone to rest awhile,
through these tears I'll try and smile.
With no more hurt, you will no longer have to cry,
with that I farewell you a last good-bye.

I surrender to God for easing your pain,
for he had not let thee be forgotten in vain.
Bereft from love with nothing left.
Unsaid words formed ahead.
Thou shalt not say anything of what this death had or still may bring.
For when one chapter in life ends another one begins.
As to when one door closes another opens.

So since you've gone to rest awhile,
I'll dry these tears and try to smile.
I will farewell my friend one last good-bye,
understanding for when I die.........
...........that is when I will be with you again!!!

In Loving Memory Of,
Laura L. Lark
Dec 2014 · 332
My Manifest
"Words flow through my body as to tides flow in the sea.  When a storm hits of motivation, they become never ending."

Writing is in my blood, encrypted DNA in my body, it's apart of me.  Sometimes, when my mixed emotions get to me, it's hard to write a thing.  The words refuse to complete the puzzle, they sit in the wrong spot.  Most of them get blocked, and yet I still can have all of these thoughts. Drives my crazy sometimes, when I can not seem to unwind my mind.  That's why lately, I've haven't been quite writing.  All I really want it to write little master pieces, that I could be proud of when I read.  Have the world get to know the real me.  Motivation is the Key.

It hits like lighting shooting out from the sky.  Hitting a nerve in my body that impacts my brain.  There all the words awake and travel throughout my veins. Inspiration never felt the same,  but that's really all I can explain.  The rest is up to me, to combine the words to the puzzle, to fit the masterpiece.  With everything that is sustained, I prevail and release.  The ending result is up to thee.  

I was destined to write and writing is my destiny.  It is what makes
Dec 2014 · 463
Wasting Away -Song-
Another time I watch the sun rise
Another day that came
I watch go bye
Here I sit wasting away
While the long days pass

I try to pass the time by sleep
Escape this life that haunts my dreams
As I see the world through bars
Hiding behind brick walls
Fading away

Another sun rise
Another day goes by
And here I am wasting away

All hope is gone
I've felt this way for so long
Same thing, New day
Here it goes again

Another sun rise
Another day goes by
And I am wasting away
Dec 2014 · 419
The mask over his face hides away his true expression
His eyes depict that I should be aware and have cation
Leaving the nature of his thoughts unexposed
Makes me wonder what his actions will dispose
The temptation of his own reaction appeals to me
The question of my slight gestures to be worthy

Every time our eyes cross...within every glance I get lost
Time diminishes and one minute feels endless
Bounded...entwined...I can read into you mind
My heart is aching  and I know what you're thinking
I only conceal it from you because I don't have the strength to tell you how I feel.

He comes to me and he grabs me by the hand
Holds me in his arms and dances till we can't stand
Whispering forbidden words inside my ear of his own decree
My self conscious imposes and disagrees
My body reverts in it's own defense and starts to shake
Another glimpse inside his eyes I retake

"I can see it in your eyes and I know whats on your mind,
But I don't have the strength to tell you how I feel."
Dec 2014 · 359
Through the Storm
The snow out side fell from the sky in so many shades.  
The wind across your face felt like razor blades.

The weather was so horrid  that you could not see clear.  
Until all of what was beyond came near.

By that time is was to late for you to sway and turn.  
The odds were to be ready to crash and burn.

I had lost you, in the pit of the storm, I had lost you.
From heavens scorn I had lost you, forever I have lost you.

How is it, that you were once by my side,
and a minute later you vanish from sight.

The snow and wind start to collide,there will be no finding you tonight.
Dec 2014 · 445
Silent Cries
"I'll shut the world out if I have to, but no matter how hard it gets, I won't let you see me cry."

Late at night, while most are asleep.  I lay awake, toss and turn.  I look back and start think:

(A ending to a new beginning.)

Another tear falls,gently sliding down my face.
These recent memories I start to replay.
Only wishing they could be erased.
My broken heart in so much pain.

A broken winged bird that can't fly.
Is like pulling the wings off a butterfly.

Can't breath, lungs filled with oxygen.
Yet I still gasp for air.
The feeling of emptiness in side,Causes another tear.
Being alone has now become my new fear.

A kiss remains just a kiss,but a rose means so much more.
This love has thorns.
****** then makes you bleed.

His touch has no comforts for me.
As if he is no longer there.
Seems to of left and disappeared.

This sweet taste turns bitter.
These bright colors go dull.
Gives a reason not to love at all.

One last tear left in the corner of my eye.
Pressing my head into the pillow, as I let out a sigh.
Closing my eyes I fall fast asleep and at last start to dream.

(Wash the tears away, let them dry. It's a shame I had to cry myself to sleep tonight. Well, no more need to have wings, because I have no reason to fly. Can't even free fall from the sky. For I have become the broken winged bird that no longer has hope in life. I am that rose with thorns, and black petals, showing that even LOVE can too lose its beauty and become ugly.)
Dec 2014 · 338
"In this land of confusion,
questioning this path that circles you.
Wondering if I have the strength to walk away."

This circle forms straight lines, each line redefines a secrete answer that it reveals.I listen through silence, search through darkness, for answers to the questions raining inside my head.When out of nowhere it provoked me, a sudden impact, opened my eyes and allowed me to see.
Some hesitation from this realization of what I failed to know;truth.
Right in front of me, it was there along and now I understand.

"There's been times I've been so confused,
but all my roads seem to lead to you.
It's to late to turn around and walk away."

Your like the sun a worship, I'm that plant making its complete round trip, orbiting around you.My centre, my whole inner being unzipped, the core of my existence; my heart.Without you I'd parish, taking away your love that dilutes my veins.Like without breath, how could my heart continue to beat be neath my chest?A future with you, holds me to this earth and gives me a life that has worth, in endless possibilities.

"At this time I've found the conclusion,
I walk down this road beside you.
Promising that I'll never lead you astray."
Dec 2014 · 367
Stream of Tears
Over whelmed by this pain and suffering that she had to endure for so long.
She has finally come to the conclusion that she does not belong.
Hey there Mr. Hang-man go find your rope.
This girl could not find any other way to escape and no longer has hope.
Over there Mr. Hang-man go claim her soul.
Pushed past the breaking point she had lost all self-control.
She found peace threw woven threads.
Her body just dangling there as the rope was strung around her neck.
One last tear she will ever shed.
With no note left behind no one will know her last thoughts,
true intent or what was really going through her head.
For all truth died with her when she decided to leave this earth.
It wasn't until she was gone that her family and friends realized her worth.
The stream of tears from every set of eyes...
does not compare to all the tears this poor girl had to hide.
Dec 2014 · 377
A hidden door or perfect place by the shore.  
Secluded, where others are excluded.
A place to ease my mind maybe get lost in time.
Relaxation,  sustain all the frustration.
If hell's to pay just retreat towards the hide-a-way.

Break of the day, all things collapse and you are just about to snap.  One more string attached and you do not know how to relax.  Problems build up because they've been swapped under the rug.  You are at the breaking point when you've just had enough.  Fed up with the *******, you have obstacles in your way.  You cannot go around them and you cannot continue to go straight.  As you try to escape you realize there is nowhere to hide-a-way.

Day after day, night after night,
A woman lives in black and white.
The bruises on her body are shown in gray.
She wonders if she'll live to see the next day.
Unfortunate she had nowhere to hide-a-way.

Day after day, night after night,
A man lives in black and white.
The bruises on his body are shown in gray.
Gun to his face he wonders if he'll live to see the next day.
Unfortunate for him that he had nowhere to hide-a-way.

Day after day, night after night,
Two children live in black and white.
The bruises on their bodies are shown in gray.
Heartbroken for them to not be able to see the next day.
Unfortunate for them that they had nowhere to hide-a-way.
Dec 2014 · 375
Just Another Day
Another day that I wake up hoping to see your face.
Just another moment in life hoping things would change.
Another tear falls from my eyes.
This is my life.

All the things I wanted to say to you.
All the times I walked away.

I couldn't even stand up,
to the one person I loved.
Now I'm the one to feel a shamed.

Long nights I waited for you.
Long days slept away.

Always wondering what tomorrow will bring.
Even hoping that you would stay.

Now as a watch my heart fall to pieces.
I can only watch were they lay.

For its my dreams the only thing I have left.
And even with that,
I can't find the peace to lay myself to rest.

Am I doomed?  
Are you going to tell me things are going to be alright?  

People say,  " another day", I say, "another day for what?"  

Another day to watch me lose it all, Another day to pick up the pieces.  Another day to look back on the memories, that are now gone.  Another day to ask god to make pain go away.  Another day I have to live with myself, and all the things I can't seem to change.  Another day I wish you'll find your way back to me.  Another day to cry, and let the tears fall.  JUST ANOTHER DAY!
Dec 2014 · 321
Let Me Be
It's right in front of me.  The same old *******.  NO disguise, it's too late to cover up these lies.  I'm so disgusted, I'm turning inside out.  Already raged,  I'm trying to think before I shout.   Disputing in my head, rather if I should decide to walk away.  Losing control, my patients is slipping, I might just stay.  Words about to slide out, not quite sure of what I could possibly say.  Time freezes in that second of a moment, my heart beat starts to race. I can just imagine the confused look placed upon my face.  

Actions of mine are now based on fury.  All the faces around are drenched in worries.  If I walk out now, will they let me be?  Break from these forces keeping my body here and holding back me.  Give me the strength to let myself leave.  Before I am compelled to speak my mind. Have the others endure the meanings of my vile words and what they leave behind.  I assume it to be a confrontation of some kind.  While all these thoughts thrash through me, I hold dearly on to my last piece of sanity.  Before I possibly freak, lose my mind and am incapable to think.  Right then and there  I came up with the answer that I seek.  I unclenched my fists, grabbed my belongings and allowed myself to leave.  I only hope they let me be.
Dec 2014 · 362
Forsaken Me Inside Hell
"Little black holes, open window to souls.
The flames rise and I see hell in your eyes.
Through the darkness, lives no light.
Not even a soul trapped inside.
Just another dead thing chained to this earth.
Condemned to bare all the hurt.
Tortured by a life that has no worth."

A mother and Father begin to shout.
Through the front door a father walks out.
A young daughter is woken.
Through mothers cries words are spoken.
Her family is now broken.

A week since her father has been gone.
Her mother has now withdrawn.
To grandma the daughter is pawn.
Every day mother comes home at dawn.
The daughter knows something is wrong.

A new man is brought home each night.
Mother outright father from daughter's sight.
Hatred towards mother a daughter tries to fight.
This daughter under goes a fright.
She knows nothing will ever become right.

A young girls childhood is taken.
Shattered by a divorce she is shaken.
Truth of reality she is reawaken.
Below a man a daughter is forsaken.
Views of mother's happiness are mistaken.

Forsaken Me Inside Hell

Abandoned and tortured used as a mule.
A form of entertainment for the devil and you.
Chained and ******* so you can abuse.
A soul was the price I had to pay and lose.
I took that walk through hell and rebelled.
My heart gave me strength and I continued to propel.
In the lonely hours my mind fought the doubts.
I had to fight my way to break free and get out.

The Nightmare

Illusions by the conscience formed into a dream.
Vivid images of nightmares barely allow me to sleep.
My tortured past creeps up and starts to haunt me.
Reminding me I'm a fighter with the power to break free.
Protect the ones I love and escape the evil beast.
Dec 2014 · 232
Hidden Within
"How big of a lie could it possibly be.  One's own secret kept discreet.  But what happens next when everything comes unfold.  
When that lie is finally discovered and then told."

Concealed within me are my thoughts. Within those thoughts are my secrets kept locked up.  Can hide the truth through lies, but not matter what, it will never make things right.

Behind every smile and every glance,
the whole time I was telling you to take a chance.  
My thoughts pour like rain. I wonder if I reveal my secret, would things change?  Right now my conscience picks apart my brain. I'm about to break and likely to go insane.  I don't know how much more of this I can take.  I know keeping it from you has already been a mistake.

With a single breath, I take the first step.  I open my mouth, slowly letting my secret come out.  I hoped for a quick response, but instead had received nothing, but silence.  You stood there shocked.  Probably wondering if you are hearing things or at least dreaming.  For it seemed at that moment my secret had no meaning.  Throughout the whole time, our eyes never did meet.  I guess you didn't know how to look at me.

Taking a step back, I had refused to stand any longing in the awkwardness.  That's when you finally decided to speak and I could already hear the words you were about to say to me.  So as you lifted your head, I looked down.  Felt it would be better to just stare at the ground.  It was as if I had been imitating a dog, who knew they did something wrong.

You said, "I don't know what to say."  From the corner of my eye, I could see the disappointment drenched all over your face. As I watched you walk away.  I stood there alone and ashamed.
Dec 2014 · 393
Heaven Or Hell
It is said, "The body is a shell, with it you will choose heaven or hell."

Walk through the fire into the pits of hell.
Bodies burnt by flames reeking of a death smell.
Very harsh and vile.
As more bodies start to pile.
Stuck for an eternity.


Walk through the arch way into the doors of heaven.
Angels and the Righteous are let in.
A pulchritudinous harmony.
As more souls join the ceremony.
Loved in paradise for an eternity.
Dec 2014 · 312
Demons Within
Awoken by nightmares that continue to trap me.
Haunted by the blood stained on his hands.
Bounded by his victims screams.
Take all of these dreams,
take a hold of my veins wrap them around every ******* thing.
I am in prison, closed in by a tomb.
This dark hole I hide inside,
holding on to this little piece of hope that keeps me alive.
So burn up all of this pain, along with the ones I used to love!!

She stands by the edge of the six feet hole she created, dictated.
These demons within are released upon her, they start to transfer.
Darkness creeps in, hiding the light, she surrenders this fight.
She jumps right in to her own tomb, waiting to be consumed.
The dirt piles up over her body, she just lies there.
Imprison, without air, no prayer, left with her own despair.
Buried alive, carved secrets within her skin, her demons win.
Tortured by all the lies,
drowning in her own tears, falling from her eyes.
While the memories she has left start to fade,
cut out from flesh by blade.
A bottle of pills by her side, her loss of pride made it easier to decide.
Each pill provided to remove away her dying ache, she takes.
These demons within, crawled beneath her skin, lying within.
Revealed to her, concealing her, had sealed her.
Dec 2014 · 399
Beyond Death
"Who can argue the beauty or ugly,
when in the end we were born to die."

Forbidden words, cause for a discussion.  Which leads to an altercation.  A dispute that will never end.  From different points of views we try to defend.  Something way beyond what any of us can comprehend.  But we still continue to quarrel.   Revealing who is more moral.  Yet there is no making an amend.  Sinking lower and lower as we all condescend.  A manifest error to begin.  We all sin!

ROOM 302
She was surrounded by the dead.
As if she was going crazy in her head.
Out of room 302 she had fled.
Down stairs to second floor.
Her co-worker she cried out for.
Told the story, they'd inquired to explore.
Was there really a spirit of a little girl?

As others at the hotel had disbelieved.
A pictured drawn, she had not deceived.
For others, as to be retrieved.
Set before them was a drawing of a girl.
Now knowing the story, thought to be absurd.
Was there really a spirit of a little girl?
Dec 2014 · 319
A Mystic Love
You'll find him standing below a willow tree.
Waiting for the one he loves to come forth to thee.
Every night she sets forth to spree.
Sundown, out the window she'll flee.
Alone, together, they are set free.

The dim of the moon their only source of light.
Opportunity to spend their time together to reunite.
Among his arms he holds her tight.
Kisses within emerge into a delight.
As one, they make a enchanting sight.

Dusk to dawn, the sun quickly starts to rise.
What was once a hello, soon ends in goodbyes.
A look of sorrow fills both set of eyes.
Trying to hold back her tears, she cries.
Time to return back to a life of lies.

In her bed she is reawaken.
Only three hours of sleep she had taken.
That night's dreams was mistaken.
Words of it will never be spoken.
This mystic love is to be forsaken.
Dec 2014 · 5.7k
Black Rose
Beauty of life
Stripped away by a knife
Delicate flower all expose
Black rose
Chosen by death
One last breath
Never to forget
Thee has no regret
Nor a wish to accept
Just be laid to rest
Thy had request

In the twilight hours
Fell black rose flowers
Death by the keeper
The Grim Reaper
One ***** by its thorn
Those would be scorn
Darkness they'd accept
Black rose promise kept
Boundless, everlasting, eternally
Bled dry internally
A peaceful slumber externally

Drawn by the beauty of an ugly flower
Is what the black rose empowers
A gloomy night
The darkest delights
For when the colors fade to black
There's no coming back
Through heaven's cries
A soul will then rise
Judgment Day will soon begin
Between Heaven and Hell one will win!!!
Dec 2014 · 421
Love Letter
He slid the letter in her skirt placket, while she laid dead in her casket.
Giving her one last kiss, closing his eyes to reminisce.
A whisper in her ear, told his last goodbyes.
A tear touched her face that fell from his eyes.
As he was pushed to proceed, he knew his last letter she'd never read.
Words written in a letter consisting of his love.
Words if spoken out loud he could never speak of.
His Love Letter burned with her ashes.
His heart crashes.

Love Letter
♥I put myself beside you. You whisper, "I love you!"
The world around us begins to fade. All I can see is your face.♥
Your name is engraved into my heart, that when my world crashes and falls apart, we never seem to depart. It's been that way from the start.   I could fallow you till the end of time.  I could love you forever, even after I die.  I know we can't live without each other and that is fine, because I couldn't imagine not having you in my life.  My Love for you has no words, but I'd still fallow you till the end of time.  Hand in hand we walk side by side.  Down our journey together of what before us lies.  That if my Love for you was translated into a story, then others could view it's magnificent glory.  Right now, I could sleep forever in endless dreams of you, rather than face the reality of what I do not have the power to undo. "I was your Romeo and you were my Juliet," don't you ever forget.
Dec 2014 · 372
I've been searching for awhile.
Seems when I get close I fall back a mile.
I'm so lost I drifted away.
What can I say?

Set my heart on a pedestal to display.
Found out the hard way it could easily break.
There is no pain killer to take way the ache.
Just helpless nights and sleepless days.
It's like being hypnotized and put in a daze.
Nothing feels real and it all feels fake.
Makes you wonder if you are even awake.

Can burn my body to the stake.
Face the judgments of my sins I will never forsake.
Can pull the wings off my back.
Let me watch the colors of life fade to black.
Even then my soul will be lost.
Pay the consequence of what my actions had cost.

So I search for something that is impossible to find.
Looked for another door that I could be made refined.
Therefore I can escape religion and not worry when I die.
Give the heavens a soul they could never deny.
Leave this life behind and commit suicide.

Nor do I have the strength to take a gun to my face.
Or even try and pull what might be that simple trigger.
God give me the vitality to be vigor.
Live another day and wait for fate.
Give me even more time to reconcile.
Let me walk another mile.
Have my lost soul search awhile.
Dec 2014 · 699
Lie To Me
Another excuse with its seldom meaning.  
Words that fabricate lies before truth intervening.
In the end are left with no reasoning.  
Just a vile taste deluged with seasoning.
Try an camouflage the truth with what I desire to hear.
Butter up the words, composing them to sound sincere.
Vaguely enough so the concept is mysteriously unclear.
Unwilling to let myself so that one may conceive thee.
You continue to allow yourself to lie to me.

Through the blackest hour of the night.
Tossing and turning striving to justify the right.
Struggling to lay it all to rest.
Forbidden it away to even attempt to protest.
Endless tears burned by a dying ache beneath the chest.
Another heart shatters and breaks upon request.
Words of truth locked up, hidden away, never to break free.
You collapsed to your knees and preserved to plea.
I stood there only to watch you lie to me.

Gaze, hypnotize and daze, look me in the eyes.
Relinquish the truth and speak to me with lies.
Replace the truth, let me endure the revise.
Make believe and untrue of no despise.
With the slightest vantage to your degree.
Provoke thee so that I may see.
Contain me so that I will not spree nor flea.
Just go on and proceed to lie to me.
Dec 2014 · 400
Where I Am There You'll Be
Where I am there you'll be.
As I look into your eyes,
I can see your love for me.
As I look up into the sky,
I feel the sun shine down on me.
For my world is forever yours,
in perfect harmony.
Those tears I cried, I shed no more.
As you hold me close and tight.
My fear I won't worry about tonight.
Your kisses are sweet,
with their heavenly touch.
My heart is pounding,
my knees weak.
You are the one I shall seek.
Those dreams that were far,
and out of reach.
Are now, close and near.
For you hold my hand,
never letting go.
As we walk out to the dock,
and start to take off.
They shall see,
where I am there you'll be.
Dec 2014 · 430
Till The End
She hides behind a serious face and a crooked smile.
Pretending to be happy as she sticks around for awhile.
Every day she must tell herself that she is in love with him.
But the truth is every day she wishes for it to only end.
Behind her hazel eyes you can see the truth that lies there.
The only complication is he's the only one unaware.

The days that pass her by are wasted away.
The times he doesn't listen her ambition fades.
While the light once in her eyes more and more dims.
For him and his love for her she stands out on a limb.
Even if inside she screams out for all of it to just end.
She recalls what she said when the journey first began.

She once said she would walk with him till the end of time.
Thou now she walks in circles instead of a straight line.
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