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"Don't keep me waiting too long,
because that day might come when I'll be gone."

"Wasting time," some might say.  But that's a chance I am willing to take.  Are you worth it? - I don't know.  But I'll soon find out what the future holds.

A mystery man has crossed my path.  I took one look and suddenly I was hooked.  Kept looking back as he walked passed.  No words were exchanged, only smiles in their place.  After that we both walked away.
Days go by, and I start to think.  Who was that mystery man, looking back at me?  Some say, “It’s a small world." Then why is it, I have never met this man before?

Living life day by day, still wondering if I'll meet this mystery man again; another day. Time goes by, still no sight.  Somehow this can’t be right.  Don't know where to look, didn't even catch is name.  Now, I'm kicking myself in the ***, because I let him walk away.

If it's fate, we'll meet again.  But until then, I guess I'll wait.  That is a chance I'm willing to take.  Making the best of this little hope.  All because I refuse to let this mystery man go.  Standing still as everything else goes by.  I'll wait for this mystery man to accompany me by my side.
A couple years go by, I never knew how fast time could fly. I continue to find myself, burring the past away in a box on my shelf.   I'm clouded by all these different thoughts my mind is overwrought.  Ideas diluted with reasoning, each one covered up by a different seasoning.  Maybe I'm better off living in a fantasy. Ok let me make believe.  So, let's play another song that goes with the melody and put it on repeat.  One song that could foretell my life and be complete.

Day by day, I wonder where I'd be.
If only I could foresee.  
If I cut my heart out with a knife.
If I did not have you in my life.
Where would the moon subside?
If you were not by my side.
Where would the sun rise?
If my life were to revise.  
Could I find peace?
Ease, without you there.
Would I be missing a piece?
Like a Breath without air.

So many questions.
Ones with no suggestions.  
So many times.
I stopped to wonder sometimes.
What would have happened if we never met?
If I put my life on reset.
Would I be happier then I am now?
If fate never intended to endow.
Would I fall to pieces from regret?
Because I have not found you yet.  

My mind keeps running away. All these thoughts I dismay. Oh sweet melody, within every touch you give me. Then I start to think, all the kisses I'd be without. Can't you see, we are too far to go back now? Too near to stop, this journey isn't over. We already defeated the impossible. Can't you see now, I'd be lost without you. You can save me from the storm and you can guide me when I lose my way. But as long as we have each other, are love they can't take away.
Grant me this serenity,
to understand the ways of the people that died.
Hope no one finds the bodies I slaughtered today,
watching one by one as they fall.
I did not hide the bodies but watch them burn.
I watch them burn as they go to hell.

Grant me this serenity,
to understand the things that I cannot change.
Knowing life and those people who are rotten.
Cannot take in no more of the words that those people said,
only deserving what they got which is death.

Grant me this serenity,
to hear only what I want to hear.
Which are the screams of the bodies being burned.
Hearing what has been said about me,
is the only thing I look back on.

Grant me this serenity,
for I leave the ashes and the dust,
of the bodies I just have burned.

Last but not least.
Grant me this serenity,
for I have just taught those people,
the lesson they needed to learn.
(Wrote this over 10 years ago when I was in grade school...I handled being bullied by writing what I felt on paper)
"Fire needs Air to burn; Air needs fire to stay in motion."

One spark was enough to set a blaze.
Your first breath was enough to clear the haze.
To see thy old sorrow life be laid to waste and traced in flames.
Fire embraced Air, creating an eternal flame, set forth to establish change.

Air uncovered a pathway to a journey of self-discovery.
Fire was the key of motivation to sustain Air's recovery.
Our distinctive elements manifested into this composition.
Composed of new roots, stepping stones towards this exotic transition.

I rose above the ashes consuming the role of a mother.
Learning the value of "Unconditional Love" for another.
For I am the AIR that nourishes you, needed so you can prevail and survive.
While you are the FIRE I needed to thrive, the flame keeping my soul alive.
I lost track of time
Watching the years fly an afraid to take that big leap
Seemed like such a victim-less crime
If I could fight the fears
If these statistics lie
Lets shift the gears and I will comply
I wanna be yours and officially make you mine.

These secrets that I have held in my heart
To you I have impart
From this clarity
With you I have already found love and prosperity
I just wanna be can I make you mine?

Is it wrong to wanna take your last name?
So hell bent on the views of others who cast us out in shame.
The difference of seeing somebody sin and living in sin ain't at all the same.
I am already yours and now you are forever mine.
I've seen better days in the fountain of my youth,
glimpses of the future impels me to see the truth.
Contemplating which path is best or worst,
through blood I've been ****** and cursed.
For once I take that first step to start,
I have no choice but to depart.
Standing at the edge about to implode,
the challenge of a crossroad.
Tell me we can have the world if we choose.
Build my hopes so far up to the point where I can't lose.
Illuminate all the possibilities of what we can do.
Make it seem that no matter what I still can't lose.

Lift me to the ******. Would it be a surprise?
How far up can we go?  How much further can we rise?
Did you ever speculate what would happen if you failed?
Instead, you just gave me a boost and watched me set sail.
Didn't even deliberate before you spoke to me of such words.
Knew it made me happy to have things to look towards.

Now, your misrepresentations are finally transparent.
It's no surprise you discourage me with more disappointment.
Painted all the things I despise with one single portrait.
Its like you  raised your hands, gave up and said your forfeit.
You must be too lazy to commit or your life is not worth it.

You have nothing left to lose, right?
Not compelling enough to put up a fight.
What if I was something you had to lose?
I should be the difference of how you anticipate to choose.
You could die today, never be able to see my face.
Never be able to touch my hand or watch how our fingers lace.
Never be able to smell the scent of my dark hair as we lay.
Never be able to hear my voice or all the words I could say.
Can end it all here, right now, leave behind this place.

So I'm reaching out and you can slip away.
Make it a nightmare turned into reality paved in stone.
Cause you are willing to leave me behind, all alone.
Let me stumble on my breakdown to where I collapse.
You say, "I have nothing left to lose," perhaps.
I fall once more and I crumple, hitting the floor I smash.
Your failure to launch led me to subside and crash.

Is that really where you want me when you choose?
You were wrong, I do have something to lose.
That something I have left is you.
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