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 Jul 2011 Amber Jade
it is my unseen lover
it caresses my dreams
and weaves beauteous nightmares
my closest friend, it walks with me
our hands entwined in better days
and cradles me tight against its breast as I falter
though feared by so many,
it is comforting in its consistency,
in its dependability
always there, it never disappoints
close enough to feel its cold breath envelope me,
it feels like home as it moves like fog through the cracks in my soul
And my heart can almost feel whole in its bitter embrace
©PrttyBrd 14/08/11
 Jul 2011 Amber Jade
Darla Cooke
I can still hear your laughter,
such sweetness I'll not forget.
The sound truly enchanted me,
from the moment we first met.

I can still hear your laughter,
echoing in my mind each day.
I long to hear your laugh again,
but you left and moved away.

I can still hear your laughter,
haunting my dreams every night.
I miss the sweet soothing sound,
it used to bring me much delight.

I can still hear your laughter.
Why won't the sound disappear?
It invades my every moment,
almost as though you were near.
As I sat on the backseat of your sister's car,
I knew.
I knew then that it would be the last
Of the unknown that I
Have cherished and loathed
For the longest time.

As I closed my eyes I
Wondered then,
Which one of them was going to fill me in
On what has been going on on
The other side
After all these years?

Father, you left me when I was five
But I couldn't do anything.
You seemed to forget that you had a daughter
But I couldn't do anything.
I searched for you through Friendster
through Facebook
even MySpace
But you wouldn't do anything.
I couldn't do anything.

As I sat on the backseat of your sister's car
About to meet you finally after all these long years
I couldn't do anything.

Had you rejected me
It would have been better
I could have gone crazy and screamed and thrashed and left
But you didn't do that sort of thing.

You hugged me
Along with everyone in the family
Even GrandMama cried as she hugged me
Twas as if the hugs could make up for the years
That went on by
Without you.

I did not grow up on hugs and
I seemed content in the berth of personal space
****** upon me at birth.

But then
Each and everyone of you was a
Hugger. And
I couldn't do anything.

I am not an angry mass of hate
And malevolence.
Gone were the days when
I had wished for your demise.

If anything,
I feared that I wasn't strong enough
For this. But
I couldn't do anything.
After 18 long years I finally met my dad, along with his siblings and my cousins. It was a reunion of sorts, a joyous occasion, but ultimately, a night of contemplation and a single soul was set free.

— The End —