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Amber Ily Lee Jun 2011
Time will tick
but it ticks so slowly
Time is sick
Tick, tock, go please
Ticking, tocking
Slowly shocking
People of a Tick Tock, Town

People of the clock
Sing so loud
They sing tick tock
Tick tock, tick tock.

As people cry
they sing "Tick Tock"
With graveyards die,
They sing "Tick Tock"
As people scream
The people of the clock
They sing and they sing
and they go "Tick Tock"
Amber Ily Lee Jun 2011
You are my worker I am your queen
You are the dirt I am your clean
You are the grease and I'm shampoo
You're every reason I shouldn't miss you
You're every bad turn I made
You're all the love I gave...

But even knowing that causes me pain...
I wouldn't give it back for anything.

Little to nothing
Is what right now I believe
Few to no one
Is who I get to see

Often to always
Is how I feel about occurrence of pain
It rips me apart
and makes me vain

You are the shy and I am the scream
I am the balance and you are the beam
You are the blood throughout my veins
and you are also all the love I gave
Amber Ily Lee Jun 2011
She was depressed
and cut herself
Got drunk, and tipsy
then cried cause
it's the routine
Being just a teen

She watched her moms boyfriend
yell in her face,
Threw stuff on in the house,
then he'd call her names.

He smashed the window
2doors and the flat screen TV.
Laptop across the hall,
Threw dishes and even cans of beer

Her brother was moved
to a separate home
She misses him and cries
for him here in return

and when her momma's asleep
She sneaked a drink
'cause that's what eased her pain

She stared at the knives
Tried not to abide
But she loved blood trickling...

Now she's not depressed
Has scars on her wrist
and now she's scared to drink
'cause of her old routine
when she was just a teen.
Amber Ily Lee Jun 2011
Did you know that
I can't keep a guy
more then three days?
It's 'cause it hurts to bad
when I think of your face

Did you know that
the first time I
held someone's hand
that wasn't yours
I cried so hard
and prayed for it to be you
and him to disappear

Did you hear that
the first time I kissed
someone that wasn't you
I tasted your lips
Mint and cinnamon

I dump guys flat on
'cause I can't take the pain
I could only feel the vain
Did you know that?

Did you catch that
I think about you
almost everyday?

Did you know that
my teddybear still has your nickname
and that hoodie of yours
is still in my room
I look at it and cry
'cause I think of you..

Did you know that?
I et you had no clue.
Amber Ily Lee Jun 2011
They all think they know me
but really they don't
They don't now
and always won't

You're the only one
who knows the tears
behind my smile

You're the only one
who knows the pain
behind my strength

Most of all
You're the only one
who doesn't know
I wish I never met you
That way I never loved you
'cause I still do

Words you spoke to me
brings tears down my cheeks
Every night that I think of you...
I cry.

You're still the only one  I love tonight.
Amber Ily Lee Jun 2011
My mind can't stand your face
My soul is screaming
because of you
in this case.

Turn around and see
you've hurt me
You bent my skin and
Burned my paper heart
right into ashes,
they lie in the dark.

As I sit here and wait
for you to see the
world my way.
I'll be waiting for a long time
and may I say..?

You've been broken
This I know
But on that,
you're not alone.
This, I know.
Amber Ily Lee Jan 2011
I see your perfection
Your sparkle glow
But I see your flaws
I know you know
I get so angry
Dark inside
It's like I'll barley survive.

One things for sure I love you dear
And I want to hear you sincere
Please me your apology
Speak your mind
even though I'd get mad.
I'm also sorry when I make you sad.

Tell me what you feel
I want to know
But I'll never let go.
Babes, you're mine
That will never change
Even though sometimes
My tears fall like rain...
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