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Feb 2014 · 274
days like these
RA Feb 2014
It's days like this I wish most
your existence could occur closer
to my own. The wind is blowing itself
teasingly through my hair and the sun
is shining like rain was never even
thought of, the sky soft and deep and
so blue, with clouds like cotton buds
smeared across the great expanses. Today
it would be so simple to turn and smile
at the person you're walking with, walking
to nowhere in particular, and then
suddenly whisper in their ear, "Run
run run run run," taking off down this street, winged
feet pounding the indifferent pavement,
bright laughter trailing behind us.
January 28, 2014
2:50 PM
Feb 2014 · 212
to one who exists no more:
RA Feb 2014
As I sit, your helpless screams, echoing
back through time, have become constant, a
soundtrack to my life, when I choose
to listen closely enough. Would that
I could sweep in and rescue you, it
would be done in the faintest
of heart-beats. But I am too busy,
right now, trying to save myself
from you.
January 28, 2014
11:47 AM
Feb 2014 · 521
Life-Guard (II)
RA Feb 2014
You are treading dangerous waters, and I
have been entrusted with your
care. Though I wish to be only
impassive bystander, I must guide you
through this new enviroment, ******
upon you so quickly and without
any warning. Though I wish to harbor
only sympathy towards you, a single look
in your direction renders me completely
empathetic, until I can feel the waves closing
over my own head, remembering vividly
my own drowning, so far away and so long ago.
January 28, 2014
12:28 AM
     edited February 4, 2014
     the second of two versions.
Feb 2014 · 351
Life-Guard (I)
RA Feb 2014
You are treading dangerous waters, and I
have been entrusted with your
care. More than anything, I wish
to throw you a life-preserver, but
I know you would rather fight
independently, and so to rescue you
would not be forgiven.
January 28, 2014
12:28 AM
     this didn't end quite the way I wanted it to, there's another version after this.
Feb 2014 · 278
RA Feb 2014
Weeks ago you asked me what
I would write about January. I
don't think my words fit
here, not when we are all just watching
her recovery and praying it
continues smoothly. At other times
I think, though, that though this month
hurts more plainly and less in ways
that lend themselves to writing and
delicacy, it could never accurately be called
any less painful.
for SR
January 27, 2014
2:23 AM
     follow up poem to
Feb 2014 · 348
RA Feb 2014
I whisper the same reassurances to you, gifted
to me by one(s) who I once thought
would love me for longer than I
could ever count. Softly whispered
in your ear, layed before you
is the greatest gift I could try
and give, and a promise to myself
that I will not fail as he did, I
will be different and not fail as
they did, I will not follow the leader(s)
down the egg-shell fine trail of
broken promises. I will not let myself
let you down.
January 27, 2014
1:35 AM
Feb 2014 · 348
the aftermath
RA Feb 2014
It is in the small hours like these
that I feel like destroying myself. You
all think you want to die, one of you calling out
to me in your pain, the third one of you in
few weeks. I beg and I plead and I shout and
when you cannot see me, after (or maybe
in the middle of) guiding you through this crisis, I
will break down and sob in terror and anger
at my helplessness. The glue I use to hold
you together is harvested directly from my own
disgustingly weak being. As I am trying to solidify
your world, I myself am dissolving. Please
don't die, none of you, your loss and my failure
would create a monster to devour and utterly
destroy what is left of me.
January 27, 2014
12:53 AM
     edited February 4, 2014
     for GN
Feb 2014 · 537
RA Feb 2014
Words like ants, running
up and down my arms, scrawled
blindly in the middle of
the night, when ideas come calling to tap
in my tired mind. Black ink, blue
ink, green ink, brown ink, colors
seeping through my skin in a rainbow
of painful letters until my blood
sings the lines of my poetry, mixing
with my ink until I think words
must flow naturally though my veins. If ink
is to become my blood, how long
until my ink runs out and my blood
starts to become only my red ink?
January 26, 2014
2:06 AM
     edited January 27, 2014
     thanks to BW for the title
Feb 2014 · 435
RA Feb 2014
Your forgetfulness is not
a scalpel, it is not
a lobotomy, performed
with precision and care. Your
forgetfulness is a bludgeon
against the back of your head, leaving
you dazed and aching, and wondering
January 21, 2014
2:14 AM
Jan 2014 · 915
RA Jan 2014
Why would you
do that why
would you say
you trust me
and then fall
on my sword, burying
the cold steel to the hilt
in your warm flesh. Maybe
you trust me, but
I don't think I ever
can trust myself again
with you.
January 25, 2014
edited January 29, 2014
Jan 2014 · 486
gilded (trap)
RA Jan 2014
Why would you ever willingly run
into the guilded trap my words
construct. You know their power, you know
their sting, you know the way
they will pierce your armor. I cannot
protect you the way
I want to, but please don't go killing
yourself on account of me.
January 25, 2014
8:20 PM
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
RA Jan 2014
Like a sponge, latching on
to anything.
Squirreling everything away inside
Its heart, porous,
with all the holes. Maybe
They can be filled like this.
They can't.

Eventually, we put the sponge under
And then watch,
As everything hidden away in the
         porous heart of a sponge
Comes gushing out.
Old work-
August 16, 2013
Jan 2014 · 341
shatter me
RA Jan 2014
Why don't you just drive a stake
through my heart instead
of shattering me with every word
that you pass on through false
social platforms and textual means. Did you
expect me to sit idle, while you run yourself
ragged and try to obliterate
your every atom? You, of all people,
who has fought for me
when I most needed an ally, you who is stronger
than any I know, you whom I have loved
more than my own life, then how
could I sit on the bleachers, an impassive observer
of your self-initiated implosion?
January 7, 2014
12:41 AM
further editing January 29, 2014
Jan 2014 · 506
RA Jan 2014
I miss you the way
          that the sea, who tries
          so hard to stay, misses
          the shore, even though she knows
          it's impossible and even though
          she knows they will meet again
          soon, she tries to rage against
          the tyranny of the moon.
And some days I
          miss you the way the moon
          inevitably pines for the sun. Although
          they will never meet, she waits until
          the sun's warm rays will touch
          her face and she can pretend
          she gives off her own light
          while she glows. And even
          so, half of her life
          she cannot see the sun
          for the earth.
But most days I just miss you
          the way the earth longs
          for the stars. They are so
          far off and they glitter seemingly
          so impossibly. Like the earth I
          cannot come to you and
          like the stars, you
          are so far away and
          so beautiful, but
          you are
          so cold.
December 15, 2013
     edited January 12, 2014
     further editing January 29, 2014
Jan 2014 · 405
Your Poems
RA Jan 2014
I can count on a single hand
the number of times words
have made me cry. Not angry words, shouted

from shuttered faces and bitter hearts.
Not heartfelt words, whispered fervently
or pulled out of someone's mouth

by sheer force of need. The written word
has always held me in thrall, and yet
many words have always been required

to even come close to making me weep.
Your poems are a fraction of the length of books
that have touched me and thousands of lines shorter

than scenes that have made my tears
flow like water, until I tasted their salt, fresh
upon my lips. Your poems contain

an iota of the so-called literary genius
great authors possess, and less planning than their great works
of prose. But your poems are pain,

presented as gifts, doorways into your world.
I could count on a single hand
the number of times words had made me cry

until I read your poetry.
January 10, 2014
1:25 AM
     edited January 13, 2014
     further editing January 29, 2014
Jan 2014 · 540
RA Jan 2014
After so long when I refused
to give up on you, even
when you weren't sure you wanted
to fight, now you're strong and
it's suddenly simple for you to
give up on me.
January 21, 2014
2:06 AM
edited January 29, 2014
Jan 2014 · 437
RA Jan 2014
After so long of
offering myself for you
to lean on, I started becoming only
your crutch. You molded me, or maybe
I, in my eagerness to be
what you needed, shaped
myself to your needs. And now you
are healing, and though that was all
I ever wanted, you have no need
for a crutch. You rested
your weight on me until I
would creak and come so close
to the breaking point, and yet still
somehow pull through. But you
are whole again, and so don'’t
look back, cast me aside and forget
all I once was.
January 21, 2014
11:26 PM
    edited January 27, 2014
Jan 2014 · 559
stab me again
RA Jan 2014
Your words of love are
barbs, sticking out of
my flesh, stuck there with
your goodwill and
joking ways of trying
to make me feel wanted.
My natural form has not
been seen for so long that
I almost believe they
belong there, my pain only
a side-effect of
your caring. You cannot see what
your words are, and I
will not tell you, for fear
my suddenly apparent hurting will
stab you, too.
January 19, 2014
12:12 PM
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
RA Jan 2014
Doped up on painkillers, one hand tied
to your wheelchair, you smile
and spit, gently. You have blue eyes and
blond hair, hands that don’'t stop trembling, limbs
like those of a skeleton, every joint
sticking out of your otherwise straight lines.
I don'’t like describing people’s' physical
attributes, instead preferring to focus
on their personality, their thoughts, the way
I relate to them. You are a blank page,
you are a question-mark,
you are the place where my words stumble
and catch and trip and fail and fall.
You have never spoken a word
beyond the babblings of babies, and even that
was many long years ago. I cannot imagine
my life without you, but in the same measure,
I cannot imagine my life
with you, either.
January 19, 2014
8:18 PM
Edited January 23, 2014
for my little sister.
Jan 2014 · 546
RA Jan 2014
All I have to do is
appear normal for one
short minute and you
will forget I
was ever hurting. Truly,
a shame that one minute
will take all my strength and seem
like endless eons.
January 17, 2014
9:47 PM
Jan 2014 · 683
RA Jan 2014
How much would you give
for your kid fears how much
did everything hurt you when
you were younger how
much did your childhood scar
your present self how much how
deep how far how do
you stand up without falling
right back down how
are you so strong please
let me learn how, I
am so jealous.
January 17, 2014
9:23 PM
Jan 2014 · 430
RA Jan 2014
Maybe music is just
an abstract form of
water. It dances and
flows, currents swirling
over my head until I think
I will either drown or become
one with this element. I don’t
think I could live without
these ringing melodies, like when they
say I'’m impossible and must
need water to function normally, I
return that I think rather
music must be what I need
in order to lose myself and so
stay sane.
January 17, 2014
Jan 2014 · 431
Tired (motivation? nah.)
RA Jan 2014
Tiny dots line up on
my screen with the flick of
my finger. Right now I could
be reading and expanding
my knowledge, I could
be writing and expressing
my feelings, I could
by doing anything
worthwhile, but I couldn'’t
care less.
January 17, 2014
8:47 PM
Jan 2014 · 559
RA Jan 2014
When I am
tired or
sad or
hurt or
drunk my
thoughts start
to appear in
my head with
Strange for
someone who
never thought
she could
January 17, 2014
8:40 PM
Jan 2014 · 319
good enough
RA Jan 2014
So many words of mine
will never see the light
of day because I don'’t think
they'’re worthy of anyone’'s attention
or the ink wasted on writing
them down on the clean paper
that just might have been used
for something more worthwhile.
January 17, 2014
8:36 PM
     edited January 21/22, 2014
Jan 2014 · 464
RA Jan 2014
The yowls of stray cats are
lonesome and the rush of cars out
on the road remind me
of a far-off sea. Cool night air
comes through the screen of
my window and freezes
the tear-tracks lining
my cheeks. When you have
an over-abundance of feelings, even
the mournful song of
a filthy stray cat can
make you cry.
it may just be
because I'm hurt
and drunk, though.

January 17, 2014
8:32 PM
edited January 22, 2014
Jan 2014 · 442
RA Jan 2014
I can't sleep, I close
my eyes and hear only
her voice in my ears, roaring
like high tide in a rising
crescendo of anger, until
I sit up, gasping for air.
January 20, 2014
1:24 AM
     written directly, unedited
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
RA Jan 2014
I surround myself with those
who shine so much more brightly
than I ever will and then
somehow expect people to see my faint twinkle
A dying candle next to a bonfire,
only appearing bright when they are dim,
only fully daring to breathe
when there is no greater claim to the oxygen
than mine, only ever appearing strong
when there are none to be stronger
and demonstrate through example
how weak I truly am.
(And though I would love
to shine brightest, I have been caught up
in heady pyromania)

January 19, 2014
Jan 2014 · 284
RA Jan 2014
Maybe the fact that
pain is what makes me write and
I have written seven poems since
I managed to **** things up with you should
tell me something other than
I'm so sorry.
January 17, 2014
6:07 PM
Jan 2014 · 878
RA Jan 2014
Give a man an
inch and he'll take
a mile, give me
an unwilling iota of
yourself and I
will push further until
the blind force of
my need will push
you away altogether and
my inadequate words of
apology that will never
be enough or ever
reach you are all
that will remain in
your absence.
And I know you
will never read this so
at least this time my
words can't hurt you.

January 17, 2014
6:03 PM
     edited January 19, 2014
     1:35 AM
Jan 2014 · 423
RA Jan 2014
When I said I can imagine
every one of my friends
leaving, I always thought
it would be because I
am the lesser, because they
are greater, because I
cannot comprehend. Never
did I ever think it would be
because I cannot be
but perceptive and they
would not, cannot
be seen.
January 17, 2014
4:43 PM
     edited January 19, 2014
Jan 2014 · 425
RA Jan 2014
Little shuddering breaths, tiny
drops of water, infinitesimal
trembles of my shoulders. Whatever
happens, please don’t say you
feel worthless, not
you- too.
January 17, 2014
thanks to BW for help editing January 19, 2014 ♥
Jan 2014 · 737
RA Jan 2014
Because who in
their right mind would
ever want to be
an open book,
a worthless shell,
a tag-along?
Who would ever
want to be weaker than
they seem, not as good as
they appear, so more utterly
unnecessary than their friends
seem to think? Why
would anyone ever want
to battle demons long dead, cry
into the night, jump
at every stranger
that gets angry, have
skin that aches
to be destroyed? Why
would anyone
ever want
to be me?
And why would you think
my sticking around
is something to be worthy of?

January 17, 2014
3:50 PM
     edited January 19, 2014
Jan 2014 · 322
RA Jan 2014
If I left now, if
I just disappeared, if
I popped out of

your existence like a
forgotten memory if
you saw no more of
this person you

think is good, you
might hurt for
a bit but
your scars also

might just heal. If
I left now, I

don'’t know if
I would be leaving
because I want
you to be strong, or if

I would be leaving
as a preemptive
measure, before you
could leave me.
January 17, 2014
    edited January 19, 2014
Jan 2014 · 651
RA Jan 2014
Whirling and seemingly showy, carefully
flamboyant, controlling the measure of
our spontaneity, stepping with
gaiety that belies the degree of
our solemnity, we dance around
all of our unspoken
words. Tossing our heads in
pantomime of happiness, light
laughter twirling behind our every
revolution, meaningless words and
gestures apparent to all that would try
to see. We are waltzing with
the elephant in the room, and
it is crushing me.
January 17, 2014
3:33 PM
edited January 18, 2014
Jan 2014 · 572
RA Jan 2014
Tiny everyday
risks pushing
things further
each time step
out into the
road right before
the car flashes
in front of your
eyes ride down
the street on your
bike without using
your hands play with
all the kitchen knives push
everything further just
to see how far
you can go.
January 16, 2014
Jan 2014 · 785
RA Jan 2014
Is this it, is this
the final sign that I am
damaged beyond repair? Not
only am I now scared
of her blows, I'm sitting
frozen in the middle of all
the what-ifs. These cuts
you riddled me with in
great swathes of pain, aren't
healed as I thought they were, they
are now bleeding and
stinging me years later. Learning
that you are so much weaker
than you thought and so
much more broken makes
you ask whether
you will ever
be whole.
January 14, 2014
     panic attack
Jan 2014 · 800
Still Young
RA Jan 2014
And as the bombshells of
my daily fears explode they
hurtle into me with the
exact force of
her fists and leave
bruises, invisible (this time) and
knock me down until I
am drowning under
the waves and I
can't breathe under
the weight of all
these memories because as
the bombshells of my daily
fears explode I know how to
trace them right back to
my youth and I am
scared of still
being young.
January 14, 2014
     panic attack.
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
RA Jan 2014
Years later, after you think
you've outrun all your past fears,
you will find yourself sitting
on the edge of your bed,
unable to stand up and face
the world. It's been years
since it happened, since she last
exploded and you let yourself
come close enough to feel
her shrapnel burn through you, but still
you're huddled on the edge
of your bed, scribbling desperate,
terrified words into your notebook
unable to go downstairs
because she is still there.
January 14, 2014
     panic attack
Jan 2014 · 2.2k
RA Jan 2014
I'm sitting on the edge
of my bed, trembling and
     flash [I'm huddled in the
                kitchen corner, she's
                advancing on me, blocking
                every way of escape]
wishing I could be ok again, wishing
I wasn't damaged beyond
     flash [I'm on the
                stairs, crouched over so
                she can't reach my
                stomach because I'm already
                crying hard enough to almost
                be throwing up, gagging
                around screams]
any kind of repair that I
can foresee, praying that
     flash [I'm curled on my bed like
                a foetus, I ran away until
                there was no further
                to run and still
                she followed me. Hit
                my back, it hurts
                the least there]
the terror will pass, and I
won't have to remember
     flash [I'm thinking desperately
                around the thumps of
                knuckles on flesh and the screams
                I can't contain that next time I
                will hit back I won't
                be frozen in place, wishing
                bitterly I wasn't shamelessly
                lying to myself]
[I can't breathe.]
December 14, 2014
   panic attack.
Jan 2014 · 2.0k
things that scare me:
RA Jan 2014
i.   My mother's elbows. They
     are too sharp and they twitch
     in the direction of your ribs
     when you invade
     her personal space.

ii.  Needing anything too much. Cutting
     or writing or even
     my own friends.

iii. Fast rides down mountains. I
     remember each one, looking
     out the window, wondering if
     tonight was the night
     finally we would go
     plunging over the tiny

iv. Gangs of little kids. Don't
     tell me they don't know
     what they are doing. Children
     are cruel.

v.  Metaphors of fists raining down
     all over your body. I'm
     sorry, I cannot listen
     to your metaphors, when
     they make my skin tingle and
     my hackles raise and
     my heart play out the dance
     of old fears.

vi. Anyone having leverage. Too
     many times, showing caring
     for a thing has seen it
     confiscated. Also, anyone knowing
     I care at all.

vii. Discovering that the scars gifted
      to me are not healed and
      long car rides and
      her elbows and
      cruel children and
      impending addictions and
      openly loving and
      your metaphors make
      me bleed along
      old fault-lines.
January 14, 2014
12:42 AM
Barely edited
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
The Unforgettable Fire
RA Jan 2014
Is this to be my anger,
then? A dormant dragon,
slumbering until woken. My blood

flows hot and fast and full
of dragonflame, just waiting
to singe anyone that might dare

come closer. For years I gave
the dragon free reign, incinerating
as she pleased. And for years

after that, I have placated and drugged her
with love and self-control. Being
around you brings back our long-suppressed

memories, old ways of burning
bridges and scorching foes. I never
wanted to hurt you, but you
are playing with fire.
January 10, 2014
     edited January 12, 2014
     (Note, the title has been shamelessly plagiarized from a U2 song of the same name.)
Jan 2014 · 399
RA Jan 2014
I want to
shake you until
your teeth rattle
in your head and scream
at you until
my voice
gives out and hug
you until
you stop
thinking. How dare
you try
to leave.
Don't go.
12:05 PM
January 10, 2014
(The Girl With the Weight of the World in her Hands/Nomads Indians Saints/Indigo Girls)
Jan 2014 · 543
RA Jan 2014
Eventually, I think I'll become just
A pair of eyes. I won't judge and
I can't speak, all the words I might
Have used are being erased. This
Simple act of seeing and remaining
Mute, may dictate I be
Permanently so.
2:32 PM
     On the bus
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
RA Jan 2014
Where I stand, I know
I am the only thing
between you and
this abyss, which calls
to you in the voice of
oblivion and the sleep you can never
seem to catch and hold. I
am strong enough for you,
it seems,
and yet I know
I am only
made of glass. Touch me, I
am so fragile. Somehow
this delicate balance is allowing me
to appear stronger than I
truly am. Only I
feel how I shake
while I stand, terrified.
I cannot forget how
precarious this is, given
my tendency
to shatter.
January 7, 2014
     took me five edits and two days to get right
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
RA Jan 2014
There are no words I can write
about my jealousy, without them being
ugly and twisted. Jealousy
is not a poetic feeling, jealousy is
sick and petty and deforms
everything it touches. I cannot beautify
my jealousy, as I do my pain, I cannot
make you look at me differently
through such a warped glass and think
that I am something special. Jealousy
does not lend itself to writing poetry, when
all I want to do is hate you
but I can't.
January 10, 2014
1:50 AM
     Barely edited. I couldn't.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
RA Jan 2014
The void is in
the grittiness of your eyes and
the weariness of your limbs, in
the way your lungs cannot
draw enough air because the emptiness in
your stomach is crowding
everything, taking all the space inside
of you. The void howls
throughout you, calling out in
a twisted imitation
of your voice, bitter and begging
by turn. Your own personal black hole
has devoured you until not only
the light you radiate is swallowed, but too
your vision, and you cannot see
yourself past this abyss.
January 6, 2014
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
RA Jan 2014
I am the prodigal daughter that
will not be returning. I have squandered
your forgiveness, if ever
it was, on small sins

that I probably
could have avoided. Tiny ways
Of asserting my individuality, my
independence, my unwillingness to follow
anyone blindly. The food

I eat, the friends
I have, the actions
I take, the people
I love, they
are not as to your
specifications. I am the prodigal

daughter, the one
that stopped believing in your
(supposedly) everlasting love, your
(apparent) watching eye and protection. I

am the prodigal daughter, I
have given up on trying
for your acceptance, trying
to hurt myself to earn
the warmth and love I never
saw. For so long you
made me feel unworthy

of you, ineligible
for your embrace, and now
I finally know that I
truly do not deserve
the iron bars
of your acceptance, disguised
as a structure to hold
me up. I now know

I deserve more.
December 5, 2014
Jan 2014 · 849
RA Jan 2014
Your religion is
an earworm, curled around
my feeble brain. All day I
find myself singing praises of

your god, my
former salvation. Your religion dances
around my tired mind, enchanting

my ears even as
my heart rebels. I am
in the shower, trying
not to sing my love to
the cold tile walls, the
streaming hot water, the

house as my family listens to
the notes pour out of
my open mouth. טוב
להודות ל' ולזמר
לשמך עליון they

sing in voices like
brightly feathered birds circling
the light of
His countenance. Your god
is strong, and gives of
his strength freely to those

who can follow him faithfully. I
find myself incapable, and yet
your melodies ensnare me. This blessing
of musicality, gifted directly

from hours of sitting rapt, in
your house of worship, is also
my curse. I cannot forget
the source of my love affair
with the rise and fall
of your adoring exaltations
and all music.
January 5, 2014
Jan 2014 · 417
RA Jan 2014
"I think the
dynamic might just be
problematic." I said and
I didn't think but
what I viewed as manifest
destiny may just have been
a self-fulfilling
7:20 PM
December 4, 2014
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