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Amanda Starr Nov 2013
Harsh words & violent blows
Hidden secrets nobody knows
Eyes are open...hands are ******
Deep inside I'm warped and twisted
So many tricks & so many lies
Too many whens & too many whys... nobody's special...nobody's gifted...
I'm just me warped and twisted
Sleeping awake & choking on a dream..
Listening loudly to a silent scream
Call my mind...the numbers unlisted
Lost in someone so warped and twisted
On my knees alive but dead
Look at the invisible blood I've bled
I'm not gone my mind has drifted...
Don't expect much...I'm warped and twisted...
Burnt out...wasted...empty & hollow
Today's just yesterdays tomorrow...
The sun died out...the ashes sifted...
I'm still here warped and twisted!
Amanda Starr Oct 2013
It started off as butterflies.
No reason. no answers to why.
Something meant to be very small
Who would of guessed i would go and fall
A simple friend meant to be
Now a wife is all i see
With eyes of passion flaring green
Unlike anything i have ever seen
With a heart of gold i can understand
Always there for a lending hand
No matter the problem no matter the time
Your right there to tell its going to be fine
With you heart beating loud against my ear
In your arms there is nothing to fear
With your smile, your laugh, and everything else
My feelings for you I have never truly felt
With every beat my heart speaks loud
I want to yell in the middle of the crowd
My heart was sore at first its true
There was another before i met you
She split my heart,she tore it in too
But you have fixed it, its like its brand new
I have happiness in my mind, happiness in my heart
Who would have known this particular part
It started off as butterflies
No reason, no answers to why
Amanda Starr Oct 2013
The horrendous thing is near
indeed something to fear
a face of a child once broken
a fear known but never spoken
a light so dim seeing
sometimes makes hard in believing
The anger inside is screaming
the hideous thing its scheming
In the night the face seems shifted
I think I see it but miss it
No where to turn nothing in sight
I cant see the battle,
but will avoid the fight
In the mists of my adrenaline i seem to forget
This is of no game but more of a bet
The power is there's, they need it known loud
It wants to be seen, in the middle of the crowd
The things need be done is nothing to be said
The attention is earned, the feening has been fed
Amanda Starr Oct 2013
The withering flower on the unspoken tree
The queen at her caslte begging on her knees.
The sky is loud and the waters calm
The birds no longer sing happy songs
The animals in the forest no longer explore
There is something slithering that much is for sure
Behind all the shadows in the dead of night
no where to be seen, out of mind out of sight.
children laughing with no thought to fear
but the monster is lurking
He starts to get near
The laughter grows louder it echoes the trees
The branches start shaking, down come the leaves
As the children skip playfully down the long grass road
Not knowing there laughter is selling there soul
The monster gets closer eyes glowing in suspense
The moment is closer his body gets tense.
He looks to his right, he looks to his left
The thoughts put to action Get ready get set
The laughter no longer, the playing has stopped
The voices have siezed, the noise now has dropped
The souls have been lifted then drove into the ground
No more laughter, no more playing around.
No more skipping for fun, no more running for joy
no more warm beds to sleep in, or a favorite toy
once a stupid adventure they not knew to make
Not knowing there lives what was at stake
Amanda Starr Oct 2013
There ahead of me lies a dark road. its rocky, cold; mountain's raise up ahead of me and there's no way but over them. The forces of sloth and temptation surround the base of the cliffs and failure lurks in the shadows cast by doubt. I have walked this road for some time. I have steeled myself to it. Now I turn around and extend my hand to you. I implore you come with me, love. I will tie a rope around your waist and lead u up this path. If you fall i will catch you, but if you refuse to find purchase I will cut that rope with a sad heart. You have chosen to follow me, and if you make it you will find the one waiting for you with there hand out at the end of this journey is the real you. I want to find the real me, come with me love.
Amanda Starr Oct 2013
Voice is shakey, fuse is short
I hide beneath my pillow fort
The voice gets deeper, louder if you may
Im safe for now, no time to play
the moments pass and the time is near
its almost over, its a calming fear
The voice is soft, a relaxing vibe
A calming voice, a loving bribe
I know the monster deep within
I can count about your every sin
Theres things you do I cant explain
The things you do, it gives me pain
i hide in terror i have no say
A fights been given, i have to pay
tempers are risen, control is gone
and soon as it starts it doesnt take long
the damage is done, the emotional bit
crimes been succeeded with a fatal hit
Amanda Starr Oct 2013
Deep inside, this crazy ride
Where the trees are all withered
There ready to die
Where the ground is not strong and the air is not fresh
Where theres no point in trying, No even a breath
Where the sky is dim and the weathers a mess
Where theres no time for reason, no time for rest
The devil hides out until its time
Even if you didnt do it, you pay for the crime
You may not know where you would go
But you need to get out,
Your body runs slow
You act to the door but there's never enough space
You never move in time, its an unbeatable race
Time to give up, time to give in
You learn to let go, when your living in sin
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