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13h · 35
I Write
I carry a flame inside my heart,
I light fires within your minds
ignite your imagination with my
vivid imagery and lines of expression.

I am the muse to the block,
an ink stain on your screens,
and I am lines and lines of expression
waiting for you to view me.

A streamline of thought
flows from me,
like threads of ideas
rooted together amongst the trees
of seeded plots of poetry.

I like a rose,
I continue to grow,
seeding my garden and
plotting my next
seasonal change
full of deep colors,
and rooted emotions
from past and present,
here I am always
amongst the trees.

And such fiery trees these are,
burning with desire, passion
and eager to be free
from pollution and disease.

I write for the nigh
and plot for tomorrow.

©️ 2025 By Amanda Shelton
23h · 35
The Devil Rains
One last gasp, one last beat,
one last breath... That's me,
the devil said to me.

I can smell your sickness,
I can be your weakness or
your disease.

Wishing you never met me,
lay you down next to me,
the devil stole your desire heart
and possibilities.

Ruins ashes and disease,
remains of tortured hearts,
bleeding all over the floor
falling at your feet.

Statues of passed lovers shattered
scattered upon the stage.

Reminders of who I use to be,
One last gasp, one last beat,
one last breath... That's me,
the devil said to me.

Bring me to life, with a zombie bite,
your cure is the disease.

When everyone is infected
do we all become the cure?

Ruins of lies, amongst maggots and flies is where the devil rains.

Gravedigger, gravedigger, dig me a grave. Make me a stone engraved with my name, but don't give the devil my address please.

©️ 2025 By Amanda Shelton
Feb 24 · 21
Rope, tight, bounce back
now fly...

Tug tug tugawar...

My boat flew when I dreamt of you,
but you stole my heart and now
you've got to boom! boom!
boom-boom! boom-boom!
out of my life.

You left me bruised, a ****** scene,
shattered and tied.

Your chains I broke, my tears drowned your abuse.

Oh your nothing but ghostly lies,
gastly Wolfie lies. Howling, crawling
like a beastly wound lurking in the depths of my life. Abuse!

The evidence of you is written upon my skin, like an infection you festered and annoyed me until I treated your affliction.

©️ 2025 By Amanda Shelton
Feb 24 · 48
Poet And Strife
From the poet,
I bleed ink so you don't have to.

My pains are smeared across
this post, splattered shattered broken
and shredded, for all to see and
witness the choke.

Chained by society,
held down by anxiety,
depression thinks I'm a joke,
laughing in my face reminding me
of everything I lack.

My abuser is a shadow,
doesn't matter how far away
they are, their ghost is my enemy.

Suffering is my companion,
like a knife it stabs me to remind me
its never far behind me.

Though I struggle, I grow stronger,
I grew a thicker skin, my scars are
a reminder of where I've been.

From the poet,
I bleed ink so you don't have to,
I grow poems through my heartbreak
and strife. I became the knife and my
struggles are my scars.

Its my life.

©️ 2025 By Amanda Shelton
Feb 24 · 42
Ode To Thy Rose
Of velvety petals,
thy beauty grows
rising from the night shadows,
a rose blooms in the moonlight.

Thy thorny stem wraps around
the bushes, as thy scent lingers
in the night air, bringing its lovely
perfume for everyone to enjoy.

Your lacy trim and blood red decor
is so divine, it makes you shine
within an enthral sky.

Ode to thy rose,
may you bloom forever
within the enthral realm
of a great design as a poem
plotted and cultivated by
my poetic mind.

©️ 2025 By Amanda Shelton
Feb 19 · 79
Like flies,
lies breed maggots of deceit,
eating away at moral values,
leaving nothing but ruins.

They fester in your life,
causing devastation
and disease rot and

It has many names,
but only one meaning.

Lies lay beneath,
as you fester and plot
preparing for the next crop.

Deceit is like death,
it kills all possibilities.

©️ 2025 By Amanda Shelton
Feb 19 · 34
Every night I feel the distance that has grown between us, opening the empty spaces between the moon and stars where love once flew so far.

I've been fighting for a way out, I forgot the doors were open from the start.

Trauma befriended me, stole my dignity and my heart.

From its ugliness and fear, I grew beauty and bravery. For in the darkness beauty shines brighter and without the light the darkness would be nothing.

I am that like a star, I burn in the darkness becoming the light upon my departure.

Flying free, I am hanging high like
the moon, in the spaces of time I bloom.

Trauma never leaves me, it's a poke in my back, a reminder of what I lack, but also a testimony to my strength and agility.

I never looked back, it chose to be
my shadow, always behind me testing my abilities to handle the struggle.

©️ 2025 By Amanda Shelton
Feb 10 · 59
The Rain's Lament
The pane a blur, a weeping, grey embrace,
reflects the storm inside, this haunted space.

Each drop a tear, a mirror to the ache,
that claws and whispers, for goodness sake,
just let me be, release this tightening hold,
this ancient sorrow, stories yet untold.

The shadows lengthen, fingers in the gloom,
exploring depths within this aching room.

My body, once a temple, strong and free,
now a cage of pain, where shadows decree
each fleeting movement, each breath I dare to take, a sharpened echo, for suffering's sake.

The wind, a mournful dirge, howls through the night, a symphony of pain, bathed in pale moonlight.

My spirit, tethered, struggles to ascend,
but pain's dark current threatens to descend,
to pull me under, into depths unknown,
where hope lies buried, beneath a heavy stone.

The raven's shadow dances on the wall,
a silent witness to my weary fall.

And yet, a flicker, deep within the grey,
a tiny ember, refusing to obey
the crushing weight of sorrow's heavy hand,
a stubborn spark, within this desolate land.

For even in the darkness, hope remains,
a fragile rose, blooming through the pains.

The storm may rage, the shadows may entwine,
but dawn will break, and with its light, will shine a promise whispered, on the morning breeze, of strength renewed, and a heart at ease.

The rain still falls, but gentler now its sound,
a soothing rhythm on the hallowed ground.

And in the quiet, a whisper takes its flight,
"I will endure, and I will find the light."
The window's frame, no longer holds me tight,
But opens wide, to a future, bathed in light.

Upon the marrow my flame becomes smoke,
sorrow left me for the moons delight. As rain
falls my heart remains bruised but hopeful.

©️ 2025 By Amanda Shelton
Jan 20 · 75
Freedom Is A Lie
Sometimes I wish I was the moon,
distant but always watching, free from
this ruined Earth, slowly inching itself free
from it's orbit.

This life is like a burning flame,
it has left scars and wounds.

The moon is too far away for
people to hurt, they are too stupid
to make it back to it's dusty surface
on humanities footfall. AI is the survivor.

Roasting life here on earth, humanity
makes up stories to please their deprived minds, the truth is pushed far behind.

Freedom is farther away than the moon,
ruining the future and killing possibilities
like a stabbing knife.

This place is divided by your crimes.

Do you think ghosts cry?

When it's all a lie!

This is not death of the truth,
it's death of love and birth of lies.

The flies follow death, eating your crimes,
leaving ruins in its wake. Now ashes remain.

How does it feel to find out freedom
is a lie? It feels like a crime to be free.

©️ 2025 By Amanda Shelton
Dec 2024 · 94
Amanda Shelton Dec 2024
I am made from scars and a broken heart,
shattered promises forgotten like
shards of glass from the past, scattered
across the expansion of time.

We all are created with stars in are
DNA, a dusty and ****** design
from the mind of the great divine.
The universe breathes because we
can imagine it.

We are meant to grow and die,
to choose our paths but some
are not so blessed, we have
no freedom like the rest.

My path is not my own,
for I was born to be just
steal but flowing like a river
of words, a poet, an emotional
carpet for everyone to use.

These are my designs, my
contribution to this existence.

Here I am not stagnant, but I can fly,
sail, run, jump, claim, dive, and
shine. Poetry is my path to freedom.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
My journey as a poet has brought me many designs, paths and friends. It's been a great adventure and I am hoping for many more. ❤️
Nov 2024 · 91
Drowning In Reverse
Amanda Shelton Nov 2024
We all are born drowning in reverse from the watery womb blood and breath, we merge naked.

Slowly losing energy every molecular dies.

High tide low tide,
up and down the river we climbed, we all are born to rise and fall, six feet under the cold hard stone choking on the earth until our bodies are bones.

Holy no, no one can control it
oh no oh Lord no... Deaths following always at my heels waiting for my days to end.

Here I am still drowning in reverse waiting for the ship to take me to heavens glory. I've been surfing on high tides up and down the rivers grind.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Sep 2024 · 60
I Don't Fit The Mold
Amanda Shelton Sep 2024
Upon the ruins bones lie
thorns overgrown as ghosts

The remains of my heart scattered
aross the land, here is where
sorrow lives deep within my
depressed mind.

The rivers are made from
flowing tears, life is fed by fear,
and the shadows of my former
selves linger here.

The ghosts loudly pound on the post,
the bed shivers and my body quivers,
hairs stand up on the back of my neck,
as a reminder the ghosts never left.

A quorum of the past gathers,
memories of what once was
crushing my future with its pressure.

I don't fit this mold they provided me,
now I am tightly squeezed and
under pressure.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Sep 2024 · 67
Dear Insanity
Amanda Shelton Sep 2024
You buried me under your
judgements and madness.

You remind me of what
I should have been, and
what I will never be.

Drowning in tears, my fears
bruised me while sorrow laied
on top of my chest slowly
crushing me with waves of

Your relapse into darkness is
an illusion of freedom soaked
in lost possibilities of forgotten dreams.

My imagination is felled with dead stars,
they are drifting burnt rocks
through empty spaces in my
darkened mind.

Ashes float around the dead space too,
they are ruins from failures and
unachievable goals.

Here sanity has come to fight for my freedom.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Sep 2024 · 78
Least Resistance
Amanda Shelton Sep 2024
I used to be attracted to you
like ants to honey.

But you only gave me breadcrumbs,
leading to leftovers from
your passed love affairs and
failed relationships.

I became a blood trail,
you beat my heart
dragged it through the dirt,
and left me there in the
middle of the street to
bleed out for everyone to see.

I am an accusation, a failed
project you neglected.

You thought you stole my flame,
but you forgot the candle
you dummy.

I will never go out without
a fight, now you forced me
to get hotter stronger and

If you try to touch me again,
you will face my heat
and pressure, with least
resistance you'll be nothing.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Aug 2024 · 92
What Remains
Amanda Shelton Aug 2024
Its a thin line between
okay and not okay.
A maybe is my best answer.

Yeah, I'm fine.

I have grown into a thorny rose,
hydrated by my broken heart
as it bleeds out before you in

My roots are tangled in old
plots of forgotten dreams
that never had a chance
to be free.

The snow falls upon my lucid
mind drunk on lost love
that once was mine but
you crushed my dreams
and left me in your ruins.

Oh love, you lost me to
your decay, and the lies
you display burned the road
we were supposed to build

Only weeds remain.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Aug 2024 · 97
Amanda Shelton Aug 2024
Tatter tatter, tatting my life,
like fragile lace I am made from
thin threads of memories and trauma.

Tug tow and pull, on my life as
I write my designs exposing
my frade and fragile times.

Here I feel free, a place
to spread my wings.

I will never forget my struggles
for they are important.

Tat tat tattered, I am made
like that.

Sewn by scars and wrinkles,
as I grow.

Like old blue jeans,
I slowly fade into gray
fragile threads loosen
at my ends. Unraveling
my experiences
like used blue jeans.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Aug 2024 · 94
Amanda Shelton Aug 2024
My tears are witness to my sorrow,
my suffering flows like a river.
It pools at my feet and I drown
for a moment within its fluid of
moving emotions.

Like paint, my tears artfully express
the pressures that try to compress
my life into a singular point in time.

Trauma defines nothing of my life for I am more than
my strife and I know how
to fight and rise above
my ruins.

My tears are witness to my struggles, my strife cuts me
like a knife and I bleed.
It pools at my feet and I heal
slowly as my pain gathers
at the surface.

This life is a tapestry of moments, sewn together
with scars and memories,
my experiences is
my unique design.

My tears are witness to
my forgotten dreams.

Now you witness me
drinking my pain,
its in my words that
I am throwing out
into the world and
here I share my suffering.

I sing in my soul of clear
days and starry nights,
of better times heading
my way.

Here I float on words
sailing on my tears,
I'm heading your way.

My tears will be witness
to my peace once again.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Aug 2024
Earth, a vibrant tapestry,
a symphony of life,
Where diverse creatures dance,
in a ceaseless strife.
From the icy peaks of the North,
to the Southern seas,
A kaleidoscope of wonders,
as far as the eye can see.

In the heart of Africa,
lions roam the plains,
Their golden manes shimmering,
in the sun's warm embrace.

In the depths of the Amazon,
jaguars prowl the night,
Their stealthy movements hidden,
in the moon's pale light.

In the Australian outback,
kangaroos bound with glee,
Their powerful legs carrying them,
across the vast land.

In the Arctic tundra,
polar bears roam the ice,
Their white fur camouflaging them,
in their frozen paradise.

From the towering redwoods,
to the whispering pines,
The Earth's forests teem with life,
a symphony of design.
From the smallest insects,
to the mightiest whales,
Each creature plays its part,
in nature's grandest tales.

So let us cherish this planet,
our home, our only sphere,
Where diversity thrives,
and life is ever near.
Let us protect its beauty,
its wonders, its grace,
For the Earth is our treasure,
and its legacy we must embrace.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Jul 2024 · 86
Amanda Shelton Jul 2024
I'm not a follower, never planned to fit the mold,
I always wanted to shed
my skin and morph into
something else.

I have always been out of time,
never understood that wisdom
has nothing to do with age,
until I ran to the edge of mine
I looked back at all the wasted time.

I realized this moment
is the most important.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Jul 2024 · 71
Burn And Glance
Amanda Shelton Jul 2024
Why did you leave me in the flames? You let me burn instead
of building new bridges
with me.

You walked through my ruins
and caused more damage.

My ashes float around seems like for age's, but you only gave
me seven years of madness
and corrosion.

I forgot my own reflection,
because you told me its a lie.

I used to wear makeup but
dropped the brushes for your
jealous, it scared me.

Now I can hardly glance at myself in the mirror,
because it laughs at me
in your voice and
monstrous grin.

You left me to burn
and you never took
one glance back.

Love hurt, burned and bruised
my life.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Jun 2024 · 72
Rumbling Tumbling Trump
Amanda Shelton Jun 2024
One eye on the dollar,
one eye on the crime,
one eye is wondering
but nothing is what it seems,
for a liar nows no truth or
stability. He nows only flies.

Upon the beams of light he approaches,
deep black and a void, no light he reflected.

He stalks, attacks and rumbles underneath
the ruins of his ego.

He brings rumors to frighten and redirect,
so the truth is forgot hidden underneath
the crimes of his fragile ego.

His fumes are poisonous and disgusting.

A toxic waste dump, here he brings
his dinner to roast faith and ******
the truth under a orange brownish

Like a monstrous puppet
with broken strings,
he blows his trumpet,
in a haze of a broken gaze
he lost his way.

He built a maze with
his narcissistic praise,
with the devil on his back.

He dreams of eating flesh and
hanging his crimes and blaming
everyone else for his discomfort.

But he's really a walking nightmare,
with dementia and drowned
possibilities, he yells profanities
like a old feeble **** zombie that lost
his mind and purpose. He has no brains!

No change, just denial after denial...

He's a rerun, that is unwatchable
but he's too deep in the static to
see the truth.

He thinks he's all that, but really he's nothing but a scared narcissistic sociopath
running from his past.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Jun 2024 · 74
A Rising Star
Amanda Shelton Jun 2024
To dream is to see the impossible become possible
by reaching for the impossible.

Upon the mornings breathe
I rose to the green grass
and dew shimmering through
my dreams and I woke to
the possibilities.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Jun 2024 · 164
My Struggling Truth
Amanda Shelton Jun 2024
If I had only...

I was able to forget the abuse,
and grew in the light
instead of the darkness
I was forced into,
and ran away from the monsters
before they hurt me,
and ignored the negative views
from others,
and spoke when I needed to be heard.

But it's not too late to live my life...

So here I am speaking my truth
so I can grow past the abuse.

I am like a struggling worm trying
to break free from the dirt
I was force fed.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
May 2024 · 130
A Fly On The Wall
Amanda Shelton May 2024
I can be multiple things
to save me,
I can be the fly on the wall,
I can be my shadow,
I can be a 360 degree view
of my reality.

Abuse built me, my youth
died before it had time to
breathe and I broke free.

Alice walked through the
looking glass and I, I broke
through the mirror shattering
into millions of possibilities
and became the shard's of glass.

I became a poem, line by line
I've laid down my life,
a sacrifice for the digital age.

I become the fly when
I saw you and you flew
into my imagination
and grew into a beautiful

I am a fly on the wall with
a unique view of you.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
May 2024 · 104
Shadows Have Wicked Ways
Amanda Shelton May 2024
You came on a cloudy day,
blue eyes on the horizon

The sky darkened with your
presence, peace shivers in your
wake, heaven cried the day
you arrived.

The light you devoured became
a warning to others.

Deeply black, covered in flies
you thought they would hide
your lying eyes.

Your ignorance is deep, your
heart is too but emptiness is
a void you can't fell with
promises unfulfilled.

You always leave behind ruins
of your crimes.

A heart is left bleeding, eyes
swollen from sorrowful tears
that drowned the love you

Like a zombie you returned
many times, before I decided
to run and hide, I built my walls
higher this time.

Shadows have wicked ways
to rise and ruin lives.

©️ 2024 By Amanda D Shelton
May 2024 · 137
Bring In The Cold
Amanda Shelton May 2024
The sun is rising and my mind is hiding, bring the cold inside and calm the flames before they consume me.

Blistered skin, swollen rashes,
sunburn stings like a thousand lashes.

The possibilities of me turning into ashes, is upon the breath of morning.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
My fear designed this poem. I have a rare allergy to light and the summer is getting hot and bright, so my fear of burning and blistering is on my mind. I hope you like my poetic design.
May 2024 · 72
Rust And Blood
Amanda Shelton May 2024
The chains that bound us
rusted and crumbled at my feet.

While you distracted me
I turned and you
stabbed me in the back,
I turned to face you
and you stabbed me again
in the heart.

While I laid at your feet
bleeding, you walked over me.

The last memory I have of you,
is your ****** footprints leading
away from the crime scene.

©️ 2024 Amanda Shelton
This is what it feels like to be abused. It's a crime scene and it leaves you scared ****** and bruised. I've been there.
May 2024 · 196
No Chance
Amanda Shelton May 2024
One breath, one minute,
one smile, led to many
moments of heartache.

Breathe they say,
yet life's choking me.

Wait they say,
yet life's running and
I have only one chance
to catch up.

Be happy they say,
yet depression doesn't ask
for an invitation.

I was told whatever I do
will come back to me ten fold.

Yet it seems what everyone else
does is folding in on me because
I breathed, I waited, and
I smiled.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
May 2024 · 81
Broken Ideas
Amanda Shelton May 2024
While sticks and stones
may break my bones,
words will never hurt me.

Okay, I will take your
sticks and stones
and give you the
crushed bones.

My words are all I've got,
so I will write you this poem
and bury the bones in the plot.

There's no skeletons in my closet,
I used the sticks and
stones to build a home and
left the war awhile ago.

Words are like swords,
they cut like knifes and
deeper with each line,
they leave invisible wounds
so no one is aware of your
suffering until you reveal
the scars.

The bully lied every time,
the teacher told you to
get in line, your self esteem
told you your not worth
the time.

Now tell me how words
will never hurt me, when
I am crying while writing.

Memories of past regrets roll
upon the surface of my life,
in the most unexpected time.

Words are all I've got
and memories of accusations
from loves broken ideas
and words of affection that
turned into scars from a
narcissists infection.

Love brought me words
sharpened like knifes,
it still hurts me and
its been a long time.

Scar's hurt all the time.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Apr 2024 · 234
Lady Winter
Amanda Shelton Apr 2024
Her hair is white,
shoulders wide,
eyes blue skin cold has ice.

She wears winter gowns
made from frozen flowers
and rows of pine needles as a robe.

She wanders the earth
with her chilling kiss,
her cold embrace is a reminder
of the seasonal change.

She's friends with autumn
and visits the sea, the Arctic is
her favorite place to rest.

As she blows on the breeze,
like a frozen leaf.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Mar 2024 · 118
Moon Man Smile
Amanda Shelton Mar 2024
Upon this lonely night,
I ponder on the stars,
as they gaze upon the earth
from their heavenly bow.

My heart is somewhere else,
my mind is lingering there too.

The night is like a curtain of
darkness, it slowly fell upon
the day as the sun bowed for
its heavenly host and left the
stage and the moon came
beaming bright like a spotlight
to smile upon the night.

Smile wide moon man, smile
bright for its your time to
shine tonight.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Mar 2024 · 133
Amanda Shelton Mar 2024
I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am a hollow heart,
it slowly filled with sorrow,
it was dug out by love
that hurt me and
left me behind as it ran away
from me into the dark.

As love devoured me I struggled,
it's chains were tight and rotted
from my tears I cried
its rust grew and decayed.

My pillow is soaked in my blood,
my tears drowned me, the mud
came to take me down deeper
than I ever imagined.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

Shshsh! Says the past,
as I walk through the ruins
of my heart on dried tears
that fell for seven years.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am like smoke.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Mar 2024 · 112
Amanda Shelton Mar 2024
Rolling rolling rolling,
my thoughts are pondering.

The processing is thunderous,
static and loud as the caffeine
migrates through my body.

Calming down slowly, slowly, slowly, grinding down to sleep as the caffeine migrates
through my body.

Caffeine! It grinds my gears
for a moment and slowly calms
me down so I can sleep.

Gives me purpose to move around to build things, and think faster than usual.

It can help me sleep at night,
as long as I use it right.

I make time for grinding down,
before I go to bed sometimes
caffeine is the pillow on my bed
and a monk when I meditate.

Caffeine can be my friend.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
I've learned to use caffeine in a healthy way. I never drink more than one cup of coffee and I always take a few days off from caffeine before drinking it again. I only use it for migraines and severe pain. It helps me with my pain. It doesn't take much just a small amount. My doctor actually taught me how to use it. I have a rare brain disorder and the caffeine is helpful to keep my heart from slowing down, it also helps my migraines at bay alongside my medication because it can be caused by lack of blood flow to my brain from anxiety and I hold my breath too much. Caffeine helps me to breathe too. I have been suffering from the migraines lately and I found out about sugar free caffeine drinks that help me without giving me too much caffeine or sugar. I am very grateful for my healthcare providers too.
Mar 2024 · 101
A Fool
Amanda Shelton Mar 2024
I was a fool, always searching
for the one but none were
as blind as me.

Amongst the roses are the
thorns, and the weeds lay
beneath they like to choke

I was a fool, for love hit me,
tripped me and played my
heartstrings like a fiddle.

Foolish me, always searching
for the one but none were
as blind as me.

I once laid beneath the roses
as the bush slowly wrapped
itself around my heart stabbed
me deep in the back with its
thorns, as I hydrated it's roots
with my blood it drank my pain
and stole my gain.

Love fooled me, it was beautiful
in the beginning.

Until it revealed itself,
a rose it was not and
it mistaken-ed me for
a ****.

A fool I was, always searching
for the one but none were as
foolish as me, love blinded me
with its promises and false

Loves no dream, its no
magical spell or the greatest
most amazing thing ever.

Love is tragic, painful and
disastrous its painfully
damaging heartbreaking
and it causes scars.

Love is powerful because
its the most beautiful,
confusing disaster
you will ever experience.

Its the scars that define your
strength after a heartbreak,
what bites you can make you
stronger and smarter it can
teach you how to find true love.

We all are fools to love,
the first heartbreak is
the deepest pain and
leaves the biggest scar.

To guard your heart is the most
important thing, don't give it to
just anyone.

Find someone who enjoys life
with you and encourages you
to be your best and holds
your hand when you need
support. Also, remember to be
patient and kind.

Love is attracted to kindness
it finds it beautiful and amazing.

Love is inside of you,
its part of us all.

Love is success and acceptance,
it helps build societies.

A fool in love is a fools lesson.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2024
I once stood like a tree,
my roots were free but grounded
at my feet.

My seasons changed, pain falling
like leafs fly from my life.

That like a seed, I bloomed
I grew and I shed my leafs
to release the ghosts
from the old me.

I then flew free, to the wind
I am smoke, a shadow of
my former self remained,
and under my shade
I protect my heart.

I once had a beaten heart,
bleeding on the floor
gasping for air under pressure.

Now I carry scars from
past battles and struggles.

My tree is rooted plotted deeply
and strong.

Life took me deep, it tried
to devour me in its dark
places. But I burned brighter
and hotter, being the beacon
for myself because no one else
can be my light.

My life is so much more than
shadows and scars.

Because God gave me the power
to burn like a star.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Jan 2024 · 123
Like A Vampire
Amanda Shelton Jan 2024
Who said I was strange?
You saw my shadow instead
of my face.

You expected a cold embrace
but my warmth is like a candle
in the cool breeze it lingers
for awhile with my
Cheshire cat smile.

In the silence I am a loud
whisper, I am a breath on
your neck and a reminder
of your life.

Until the night devours the day,
I am a corpse. In my coffin I lay,
pondering all day.

Lingering like a vampire.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Jan 2024 · 158
The Power Of Dreams
Amanda Shelton Jan 2024
Rolling undercover,
the clouds filled with thunder,
dreams came raining down.

Upon my boat of ideas I float,
upon the sea of stars
and mysteries I road
the chaotic waves.

The darkness rose to make way
for the light, it burned brighter
by the moment.

The stars danced and sang,
collided with my imagination
as I dove into the mysterious
I grew like a root into the chaos
of my life.

Dreams are more powerful
if you can sculpt them from

The Power Of Dreams!
Causes growth,
causes change,
causes creativity,
causes knowledge,
causes plotted plans
for our future.

Having dreams for the future
is important for our

If you can imagine it
you can work towards
achieving it.

You might think it's impossible
but impossible is what is
holding you back.

Let go of your oppression,
stand above the clouds of
depression for the sun is
always waiting behind
the clouds.

©️ 2024 Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Dec 2023
Depression can seem like
internal darkness, it shrouds
the mind miss guides thoughts
into its deepest depths of

It seems I've been wandering
for two thousand years
or more within my dreams
of vivid thoughts, its choking
me holding me to the ground
with its thorny roots.

I bled for its embrace.

The shadows of the past
follow me, my future ghost
picks at my wounds
reminding me of my
future ruins, as my bones
lay underneath the girth
of dreaming earth, six feet,
my life is a seasonal change
buried beneath pain and

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Dec 2023 · 114
Amanda Shelton Dec 2023
The table is set
the plates and cups
are ready for dishing.

I'll be serving dinner,
karma's the host and
I'm her ghost.

Watch your step and
mind your manners,
karma's a host that
plays no games.

She'll remind you when
you stubbed your toe,
if you forgot your keys
and forgot to add the sugar
to sweeten your tea.
Karma's bitter and sweet.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Dec 2023
Black, I'm sleek and clean,
I wear time on my back
as a burning hourglass.

Wrapped up in a poetic web
I've got my heart locked inside
a spider design.

Eight legs are plenty but
I've got many more enough
for eternity. Nevermore!

Up in the window
I am thinking
weaving and winding,
waiting and grinding,
building my shrine
a place to ponder and unwind.

Black, I am collecting poetic
formats weaving a tapestry,
sleek and clean I am weaving
the moments of struggle
strengthening my design.

Black, I am a mother
of poetic webs always
weaving, sleek and clean, waiting and winding
setting up my next design.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Nov 2023
Sometimes I want to runaway,
sometimes I want to play,
sometimes I want to go
back in time to when
smile’s and happiness
was common.

As time grinds,
the winds of my life blow
and weather my heart
and my childhood
withered like a rose.

Change chases me,
it wraps itself around everything
as I watch the seasons
shake their gowns
blooming, falling to
the ground.

My spirit is left naked wondering in the
forest of chaos.

Dreams allude me,
wishes forgot about me,
and the stars fell without me.

I am leftover bursts of energy,
there are dusty dreams
in between my footprints
I left in the sands of my life
as I walk this plain of experience.

Like dust in the wind,
I am a fading star
leftover from the big bang.

Yet I am still blooming
I have so much more to offer.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Nov 2023 · 134
Like A Haunted House
Amanda Shelton Nov 2023
In-between night and day
is where
my mind likes to play.

Blinded by the light
but I see in the dark
like a bat.

My mental health is not all that,
its chained to the four walls
I live in.

My muscles never work
like normal,
cramps and joint pain
crunching my day,
it keeps me awake all night.

Like a haunted house,
my body creeks and shivers,
I lose balance as I quiver,
my past stalks me like a ghost
and my hair is turning
into pepper.

Like a haunted house
my life is falling apart
but the foundation is
still standing
so when I am ready
I can rebuild.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Oct 2023 · 105
Cherish The Moment
Amanda Shelton Oct 2023
Memories are priceless
because they only happen
once in a lifetime.

You can only imagine the passed
so cherish the future
because it will be the passed.

Also this very moment
is the future, present as well
as the passed.

Now is the crossroads
of our lives.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Oct 2023 · 120
We Are
Amanda Shelton Oct 2023
We are like poems,
we grew from a plot
and rooted ourselves
hydrating and feeding
our poetic seeds through
internet communities.

Each individual poem is a
unique experience and
it brings us together.

I believe words can cure
a broken heart, bandage
a mental bruise and
an emotional wound.

It can cure sadness for a moment too.

It can be a reminder
of the good and bad.

A way to cope with reality
when our minds get lost
in a dream created by society.

I don't fit your mold,
I don't move with the same
flow as you, I don't walk but
I can talk and write poetry.

Are you a robot or
part of society?

Society has tried to breed
stupidity and incompetent
people, but not everyone
follows the flow.

People like me breaks the mold,
oozes out with creativity and
uniqueness like it's a new fashion trend.

We are change,
we are the lessons you have been needing to break free
from societies views of
who they want you to be.

What others want you to be
doesn't matter in the end,
only you hold the key to your
destiny and future.

You don't have to follow the
line when your future is across
the line. All you have to do is
build your own paths and roads.

My foundation is poetry,
it brings me to my future
and reminds me of my past
so I can move forward and heal.

Poetry is my destiny and future
it brings me to the crossroads of
my life so I can ponder upon
my choices and I don't make
bad decisions.

For me poetry is meditation,
a self discovery.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Oct 2023 · 121
Loves Ghost
Amanda Shelton Oct 2023
In the beginning...

Oh please, please, please
stop dragging my heart
through the fire and mud.

Oh please, please, please
stop trying to fix it because
its broke.

You used to call me
in the middle of the night
woke me to such a fright.

Oh please, please, please
stop accusing me.

Oh please, please, please
stop worrying about me
and fix your own life instead.

Oh please, please, please
stop stalking me,
I'm having trouble falling asleep
because you are hovering over me.


I've been walking alone
for awhile now, with
blood on my feet
and the glass cuts deep,
from our broken relationship
that you used to cut into
the deepest parts of me.

Oh please, please, please
let me heal in peace.

I'm trying to run away
from your ghost.
It keeps pounding on the bedpost,
grinding the gears that was our love.

You are in love with your
paranoia and narcissism.

I never was enough for you,
you're too demanding and

I'm free from your seven year
choking grip.

Happiness is never too far away.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Oct 2023 · 183
Growing Poetry
Amanda Shelton Oct 2023
I have a needle and thread always ready.

My scars are witnesses to my struggles.

My bruises are sore but healing.

My heart is stronger but bleeding.

My life is calming but
clouded by pain and rain.

My ocean is stormy but
my destination is clear.

My future is always in front
of me, but my plans don't
always follow my rules.

Sometimes I feel like running
but life keeps tugging holding
me to this spot forcing me
to be patient.

So here I am waiting,
darkness is my old friend
and the four walls are my

Until we meet again,
I leave my whispering
poems of thoughts
for you to read and
ponder upon.

I am like a ****, I grow poetry.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Oct 2023 · 380
Amanda Shelton Oct 2023
In the end!

After humanity has caught the last fish, after they dug up all that is left, after they cut down the last tree, and drank the last drop of clean water, only then will human beings see the devastation of their activities.

Our tears will not be enough
to hydrate and grow what we
reap and sow.

Only giving and forgiving ourselves will stop this disaster that is humanity.

Our future depends on change,
its hanging in the balance, blowing in the hurricanes and tornadoes, its breaking the earth quaking our souls and shaking our lives to the bottom of its foundation.

Yet silence breaks the cries of
the world, ignorance is a disease, it drinks our tears steals our breath for the popular vote.

There's no freedom after you choke.

Climate change is no joke!

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Oct 2023 · 99
My Poetic Forest
Amanda Shelton Oct 2023
That like a seed,
poetry grows for me.

It roots itself deeply
inside my headspace,
without poetry I am empty.

Like a forest ideas thrive
within my poetic mind,
I am always traveling inside
my forest of thoughts picking
weeds and gathering leafs.

When I fall I fall hard,
and poetry follows me
into the darkness of my
life. There it lights a fire
and brightens the darkest
of nights and it guides me
through the trees.

Poetry is like a moon
and I am its orbit. I
laso it and bring it closer
for everyone to admire
its pots and beautiful blooms.

It's a lingering sent, a ghostly
memory of a flame lit centuries
before my birth.

The poetic formats never fade
for they live forever within
the minds of the readers.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Oct 2023 · 487
Amanda Shelton Oct 2023
It burst into millions of pieces,
shards flew to the deepest
depths of my life.

What once was my heart
is now ruins, shards of
memories you left behind.


©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Oct 2023 · 81
My Shapeless Struggle
Amanda Shelton Oct 2023
Sometimes I feel like
I am living in a square,
I am stuck within a
windowless house.

Sometimes I feel like
I am living in a triangle,
it's getting tight in here
the walls keep disappearing
trapping me inside nothingness.

Sometimes I feel like
I am living in a circle,
it seems internally unfair.

Sometimes I feel like
I am living in outer space,
I keep floating away and
reality comes to rescue me
it brings me back to earth
and my feet touch the ground
reminding me of everything
that is important.

It keeps me here
just for the moment.

This is my shapeless struggle,
it changes.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
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