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Amanda Shelton Mar 2024
Upon this lonely night,
I ponder on the stars,
as they gaze upon the earth
from their heavenly bow.

My heart is somewhere else,
my mind is lingering there too.

The night is like a curtain of
darkness, it slowly fell upon
the day as the sun bowed for
its heavenly host and left the
stage and the moon came
beaming bright like a spotlight
to smile upon the night.

Smile wide moon man, smile
bright for its your time to
shine tonight.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Mar 2024
I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am a hollow heart,
it slowly filled with sorrow,
it was dug out by love
that hurt me and
left me behind as it ran away
from me into the dark.

As love devoured me I struggled,
it's chains were tight and rotted
from my tears I cried
its rust grew and decayed.

My pillow is soaked in my blood,
my tears drowned me, the mud
came to take me down deeper
than I ever imagined.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

Shshsh! Says the past,
as I walk through the ruins
of my heart on dried tears
that fell for seven years.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am like smoke.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Mar 2024
Rolling rolling rolling,
my thoughts are pondering.

The processing is thunderous,
static and loud as the caffeine
migrates through my body.

Calming down slowly, slowly, slowly, grinding down to sleep as the caffeine migrates
through my body.

Caffeine! It grinds my gears
for a moment and slowly calms
me down so I can sleep.

Gives me purpose to move around to build things, and think faster than usual.

It can help me sleep at night,
as long as I use it right.

I make time for grinding down,
before I go to bed sometimes
caffeine is the pillow on my bed
and a monk when I meditate.

Caffeine can be my friend.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
I've learned to use caffeine in a healthy way. I never drink more than one cup of coffee and I always take a few days off from caffeine before drinking it again. I only use it for migraines and severe pain. It helps me with my pain. It doesn't take much just a small amount. My doctor actually taught me how to use it. I have a rare brain disorder and the caffeine is helpful to keep my heart from slowing down, it also helps my migraines at bay alongside my medication because it can be caused by lack of blood flow to my brain from anxiety and I hold my breath too much. Caffeine helps me to breathe too. I have been suffering from the migraines lately and I found out about sugar free caffeine drinks that help me without giving me too much caffeine or sugar. I am very grateful for my healthcare providers too.
Amanda Shelton Mar 2024
I was a fool, always searching
for the one but none were
as blind as me.

Amongst the roses are the
thorns, and the weeds lay
beneath they like to choke

I was a fool, for love hit me,
tripped me and played my
heartstrings like a fiddle.

Foolish me, always searching
for the one but none were
as blind as me.

I once laid beneath the roses
as the bush slowly wrapped
itself around my heart stabbed
me deep in the back with its
thorns, as I hydrated it's roots
with my blood it drank my pain
and stole my gain.

Love fooled me, it was beautiful
in the beginning.

Until it revealed itself,
a rose it was not and
it mistaken-ed me for
a ****.

A fool I was, always searching
for the one but none were as
foolish as me, love blinded me
with its promises and false

Loves no dream, its no
magical spell or the greatest
most amazing thing ever.

Love is tragic, painful and
disastrous its painfully
damaging heartbreaking
and it causes scars.

Love is powerful because
its the most beautiful,
confusing disaster
you will ever experience.

Its the scars that define your
strength after a heartbreak,
what bites you can make you
stronger and smarter it can
teach you how to find true love.

We all are fools to love,
the first heartbreak is
the deepest pain and
leaves the biggest scar.

To guard your heart is the most
important thing, don't give it to
just anyone.

Find someone who enjoys life
with you and encourages you
to be your best and holds
your hand when you need
support. Also, remember to be
patient and kind.

Love is attracted to kindness
it finds it beautiful and amazing.

Love is inside of you,
its part of us all.

Love is success and acceptance,
it helps build societies.

A fool in love is a fools lesson.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2024
I once stood like a tree,
my roots were free but grounded
at my feet.

My seasons changed, pain falling
like leafs fly from my life.

That like a seed, I bloomed
I grew and I shed my leafs
to release the ghosts
from the old me.

I then flew free, to the wind
I am smoke, a shadow of
my former self remained,
and under my shade
I protect my heart.

I once had a beaten heart,
bleeding on the floor
gasping for air under pressure.

Now I carry scars from
past battles and struggles.

My tree is rooted plotted deeply
and strong.

Life took me deep, it tried
to devour me in its dark
places. But I burned brighter
and hotter, being the beacon
for myself because no one else
can be my light.

My life is so much more than
shadows and scars.

Because God gave me the power
to burn like a star.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2024
Who said I was strange?
You saw my shadow instead
of my face.

You expected a cold embrace
but my warmth is like a candle
in the cool breeze it lingers
for awhile with my
Cheshire cat smile.

In the silence I am a loud
whisper, I am a breath on
your neck and a reminder
of your life.

Until the night devours the day,
I am a corpse. In my coffin I lay,
pondering all day.

Lingering like a vampire.

©️ 2024 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2024
Rolling undercover,
the clouds filled with thunder,
dreams came raining down.

Upon my boat of ideas I float,
upon the sea of stars
and mysteries I road
the chaotic waves.

The darkness rose to make way
for the light, it burned brighter
by the moment.

The stars danced and sang,
collided with my imagination
as I dove into the mysterious
I grew like a root into the chaos
of my life.

Dreams are more powerful
if you can sculpt them from

The Power Of Dreams!
Causes growth,
causes change,
causes creativity,
causes knowledge,
causes plotted plans
for our future.

Having dreams for the future
is important for our

If you can imagine it
you can work towards
achieving it.

You might think it's impossible
but impossible is what is
holding you back.

Let go of your oppression,
stand above the clouds of
depression for the sun is
always waiting behind
the clouds.

©️ 2024 Amanda Shelton
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