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Amanda Shelton Jan 2024
Rolling undercover,
the clouds filled with thunder,
dreams came raining down.

Upon my boat of ideas I float,
upon the sea of stars
and mysteries I road
the chaotic waves.

The darkness rose to make way
for the light, it burned brighter
by the moment.

The stars danced and sang,
collided with my imagination
as I dove into the mysterious
I grew like a root into the chaos
of my life.

Dreams are more powerful
if you can sculpt them from

The Power Of Dreams!
Causes growth,
causes change,
causes creativity,
causes knowledge,
causes plotted plans
for our future.

Having dreams for the future
is important for our

If you can imagine it
you can work towards
achieving it.

You might think it's impossible
but impossible is what is
holding you back.

Let go of your oppression,
stand above the clouds of
depression for the sun is
always waiting behind
the clouds.

©️ 2024 Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Dec 2023
Depression can seem like
internal darkness, it shrouds
the mind miss guides thoughts
into its deepest depths of

It seems I've been wandering
for two thousand years
or more within my dreams
of vivid thoughts, its choking
me holding me to the ground
with its thorny roots.

I bled for its embrace.

The shadows of the past
follow me, my future ghost
picks at my wounds
reminding me of my
future ruins, as my bones
lay underneath the girth
of dreaming earth, six feet,
my life is a seasonal change
buried beneath pain and

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Dec 2023
The table is set
the plates and cups
are ready for dishing.

I'll be serving dinner,
karma's the host and
I'm her ghost.

Watch your step and
mind your manners,
karma's a host that
plays no games.

She'll remind you when
you stubbed your toe,
if you forgot your keys
and forgot to add the sugar
to sweeten your tea.
Karma's bitter and sweet.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Dec 2023
Black, I'm sleek and clean,
I wear time on my back
as a burning hourglass.

Wrapped up in a poetic web
I've got my heart locked inside
a spider design.

Eight legs are plenty but
I've got many more enough
for eternity. Nevermore!

Up in the window
I am thinking
weaving and winding,
waiting and grinding,
building my shrine
a place to ponder and unwind.

Black, I am collecting poetic
formats weaving a tapestry,
sleek and clean I am weaving
the moments of struggle
strengthening my design.

Black, I am a mother
of poetic webs always
weaving, sleek and clean, waiting and winding
setting up my next design.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Nov 2023
Sometimes I want to runaway,
sometimes I want to play,
sometimes I want to go
back in time to when
smile’s and happiness
was common.

As time grinds,
the winds of my life blow
and weather my heart
and my childhood
withered like a rose.

Change chases me,
it wraps itself around everything
as I watch the seasons
shake their gowns
blooming, falling to
the ground.

My spirit is left naked wondering in the
forest of chaos.

Dreams allude me,
wishes forgot about me,
and the stars fell without me.

I am leftover bursts of energy,
there are dusty dreams
in between my footprints
I left in the sands of my life
as I walk this plain of experience.

Like dust in the wind,
I am a fading star
leftover from the big bang.

Yet I am still blooming
I have so much more to offer.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Nov 2023
In-between night and day
is where
my mind likes to play.

Blinded by the light
but I see in the dark
like a bat.

My mental health is not all that,
its chained to the four walls
I live in.

My muscles never work
like normal,
cramps and joint pain
crunching my day,
it keeps me awake all night.

Like a haunted house,
my body creeks and shivers,
I lose balance as I quiver,
my past stalks me like a ghost
and my hair is turning
into pepper.

Like a haunted house
my life is falling apart
but the foundation is
still standing
so when I am ready
I can rebuild.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Oct 2023
Memories are priceless
because they only happen
once in a lifetime.

You can only imagine the passed
so cherish the future
because it will be the passed.

Also this very moment
is the future, present as well
as the passed.

Now is the crossroads
of our lives.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
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