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Amanda Shelton Apr 2023
I held back the tears with fear,
it built a wall in between suffering
and release.

The pressure of it all felt like
an anvil on my life, it cushed
me in between its fingers.

The girth of suffering burried me
under sorrowful stars that have
no wishes for you stole my dreams.

Behind your lying eyes there's a dark
surprise, you have sharp teeth and
claws to brutalize your victims.

You started out with blue silver
linings they crossed your eyes like falling stars, we began colliding as
the dark clouds rolled in, bringing
the darkest that you were hiding.

Pain seems cumbersome and
immortalized in my traumatized mind.

Is this what you wanted?

To be immortalized in my trauma
seen as a monstrous devil hovering
over the horizon stealing the light
for yourself?

Well, this is a new dawn a new day.
I have lifted your shadow I have
freed myself from your painful
beatings and darkened depression.

I have learned how to be brightly lit
and be heard.

Immortal pain is nothing more than
a ghostly smoke from a used candle.

I am renewed! In recovery...
I am a candle maker not just
a candle.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Apr 2023
I lost my heart amongst the roses
and thorns as you slowly choked

Love slowly turned to porcelain
and stone. It shattered under your

Your perfume was luring,
you are romantically delusional
polluted with your indulgence
and shady promises.

To love myself I had to lose you.

To the darkness you
dove head first, no thinking
of a future for us.

I lost you to the shadows of
the future of love's indulgence
it got deep and you dug it's grave
before we could speak our vows.

You pushed me into the depths of
your anger and rage until I became
a bleeding wound festering.

The ghost of love's possibilities
still stabs me, burning deep within
my lucid dreams.

It stalks me like a monstrous shadow,
out reached agony clawing at the stitches
of your stab wounds from constant
narcissistic nagging, my heart is throbbing
in raw pain. You keep tugging.

You beat the drums until I became
a painful strum, a broken song stuck
on repeat.

Boom! Bleed! For me
Boom! Bleed! For me.

I'm a river of broken dreams
pooling on the floor, a stain from
a murderous lovers outrage.

You have no love,
only painful strumming
beating at the chambers
of my heart there I locked
myself up. Safety security
away from your nagging agony
of selfish deluted penalties.

I no longer pay your taxes
no more wasted hours trying to
please your narcissistic needs
and broken ideas.

I have ran my roads alone before you,
I am only growing stronger
without you punching my pride
and beating my self-esteem until
it's bruised and burning in pain.

I became the fire you tried to smother,
now I am burning your memory
your ashes blew away on a breath
of winters frozen kiss.

I got one last wish that you
are forever gone.

I want to allow my heart to
make room for possibilities of
love's embrace once more.

I am renovating my heart chambers,
removing the rubble from the ruined
love affairs that you left behind.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Apr 2023
Build upon sand with mud and straw,
your house will fall. Weathered by wind
and rain, decay eats away at the foundation.

Build upon rock with brick and concrete,
your house will stand strong. Even through
an earthquake.

©️ 2023 Amanda D Shelton
Amanda Shelton Apr 2023
Love is acceptance and success
because it helps build societies
so be kind to each other and
humanity will thrive.

Peace comes from the heart
and vibrates into the universe
by our personal struggles and

We are an example for each other
so be good and others will follow.

We can't stop abuse with silence
so be loud and proud to tell the truth.

Be brave and that like a stone,
and your strength will grow
upon the foundations you build.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Mar 2023
Please be careful.

There's creepy crazy people
living amongst us like they are
monsters wearing masks.

If you hurt their egos
you can witness them
taking off the mask and
their fangs come out.

Grrr! They wanted to keep that
so badly they are willing to damage
property and their freedom.

Egos explode when a narcissist
gets a tow. That's a repo!

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Mar 2023
The reason a liar can't make up
possible story to blame is because
they are guilty and they know it.

No criminal is smart enough
to cover up their crimes.

The truth stands firm while a lie
runs around in circles trying
to catch other lies to cover up
its tracks, it loses oxygen real quick
and burns out.

Over time the lies pile up
and begin to get confusing
because they are fables
made up on a breath of hot air.

****! 😮‍💨🤯🤥💥💨🔥
there goes the liar in a ****
of smoke they are burning
on a bed of hot lies.

Lies burn you in the end.
Leaving scars and the ghost
of guilt follows every lie.

Just watch the lier act like a joker,
they run around in circles
gaslighting their way to
the pit of fire.

Truth is still waiting
and never moved.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Alex Murdaugh trail is the inspiration for this poem.
Amanda Shelton Mar 2023
I am not a gender, I am a person
with thoughts ideas and I live.

You might think this is a man’s world,
but there’s a woman behind the scenes.

Mother nature knows how to sing,
she writes poetry, births beautiful
rivers between her legs, she has a
breath softer than silk capable of
moving mountains and making
weaves, she has oceans that build
shores and islands.

A women is your mother, daughter,
sister and cousin, also she is your
boss, teacher and doctor, a nurse too
as well as queen.

We bring ideas to the dinner table,
design clothes and accessories,
we bring you hairdos taller than a
beehive, lipstick redder then your
blushing cheeks in winter and we
are also creators.

We inspire greatness, we encourage
bravery and strength.

This might be a man’s world
but in reality beside a man
stands a queen and majesty.

Equal to your male girth
we women too are capable
of being great.

Man is short for human,
Woman is short for no man
but a human.

To be great you have to stand tall
don’t allow a mountain to stand in
your way, cliam above them peeks
and say hello world I have arrived
and smile wide.

Remember a woman brought you to
your knees with a smile and a wink
and poetry.

I bring you poetry, artwork and
creatively designed ideas from
my lucid mind.

I am woman!

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
This is inspired by my body dysphoria. I might have a women's body but I am not dictated by what's between my legs. I chose to be who I am not a gender. I never played gender roles. I am uniquely autistically me. You can't change me neither can I change myself. My brain is exactly what it is, was and always will be. You have a choice to love me for me or move on and don't be a ****, be kind to each other and humanity will thrive. ❤️ "Love is acceptance and success because it helps build societies so be kind to each other and humanity will thrive." ~ Amanda Shelton

May peace be with you all. ❤️
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