Dear Pain, I am not your friend,
I am not your damaged property.
Dear Pain, I am not your friend,
healing is my responsibility.
Dear Pain, you crawled deep into
my depths, I grew a thicker skin
for you.
Dear Pain, I suffered through
burning agany in your name.
I never lost myself, I built string’s
to attach myself to my own destiny.
I am no fearful child, anymore.
I’ve witnessed so much,
I faced my fear’s
over and over again,
until they are no more.
Dear Pain, you’re no friend of mine,
you are my enemy.
I am going to let you burn,
I am going to fight your
push and shove.
Dear Pain, I am opening the door
so you can leave.
Pain you’re no friend, you’re my enemy.
©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton