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Amanda Shelton Mar 2021
I can smell the heat
raising from the stone
above, the earth is warm
but cold underneath the
slab I lay, no breath I

I’m cold beneath the
girth of the grave.

So cold am I, choking on
the dirt, every night
I awaken to the living,
drinking from their
fountain of forever dead
but still I am digging.

Deeply burdened by the
acid sun, bites my skin
burns my being deep within.

Ash and bone, I’m
grinding the stone.

Dripping, bleeding,
tasting the heat like
a thirsty monster licking
its teeth.

Hunger lives in between
my teeth, grinning wide
with eyes like Sapphire

Lips as pale as my skin,
as ivry porcelain.

Salvation comes on the
beams of sunlight
streaming from above.

So close I am,
yearning for the
taste of blood.

©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton
I had a dream about this but I wasn’t the vampire, I watched through second view point of a vampire. I don’t dream often but when I do I lucid dream. It can be confusing waking up in a dream. I feel like I am falling and slowly I open my eyes and I am aware I am dreaming. Sometimes the awareness wakes me before I get to experience the dream. I don’t dream about Vampires often either so that was an odd experience. I thought I should write the poem down to share with you. Sometimes I find inspiration in my dreams, this poem is one of them.
Amanda Shelton Mar 2021
Imagine chewing a large piece of gum,
now after the first 25 chew’s
spit that out.

Now imagine yourself being
small enough to swim in a
glass of water, now place
your tiny self into the gum.

Try to run! Come on, run!
You can’t.

Then you try to move but
the gum is pulling your
body back into itself.

You build muscle and you find
away to move but you’re still

You find out you can break parts
of the gum but you have to move

From there you learned to
flop yourself against the walls
you can wait there for assistance,
like a fly in a spider web.

Now you understand how
I feel.

Also, I feel like a
beached whale, or an
overstuffed panda bear.

Let’s do the MizzTwitch shall we?
Wahwahwah! Twitch, twitch, twitch!
Yeah buddy! ~~~~~~~√

© 2021 By Amanda Shelton
I am dealing with my Dystonia until I get another surgery to repair the batteries to my deep brain stimulator. I am also waiting for my pain pills to be refilled. It should be ready tomorrow. I have to wait up to a month for my surgery. I thought about this poem while taking a shower. Its hard to move without a working device. I am half android a bionic woman. Dystonia ***** but technology is awesome, together they are legendary 😎
Amanda Shelton Jan 2021
From the gaping wounds I escape,
from its painful thrubs I leap,
relief is found in formatted sentences
and bleeding ink I smudged upon these pages.

For you to leave this page empty and
confused is to know I failed
to write a good poem.

It takes a master to draw you
in, it takes skills to paint
with words like an artist
paints with brushes.

Years of research and experience,
builds a masterful piece of work
and expressions.

Time dosen’t heal alone,
it needs help along the way.

Line by line,
slowly I build my rhyme,
it grows like a flower slowly
blooming into a beautiful tapestry;
complex and designed by a poetic

My threads are heavy, easy to read
and to imagine my story.

The simplest words and softest lines,
can build a tapestry so beautiul it
burns in your mind for a long time.

©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2021
This be truth,
love dreams of you.

You are loves wish
come true.

A kiss so fair, upon
a blushing cheek it
warms the heart even
when freezing winter’s
hug tightly holds your
heart in its contemptuous

Love is the victim
of hate and abuse,
it can hurt you or
save you from
loneliness embracing
your fragile heart.

The heart is that like
porcelaine, it’s easily
creaked and tampered by
the pressures of love and
its embracing of passionate memories.

Upon a lovers promise,love
settles with the whispering
wind as two hearts are

©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2021
I was born a poet,
with a pen in one hand
ideas in the other.

I am also, an artist,
with paint running through
my veins, and a bigger
picture mapped out in
my brain.

Its a big responsibly,
my birthright is to
be a philosopher.

I love learning and sharing
the knowledge.

Philosophy is simple, but the
concept is complex and diverse.

It can be a river of flooded
concepts, rooted in historic
preservation of ideas.

Philosophers like myself
preserve the ideas of its
concept’s and diversity.

Faith keeps my interest free
and unchained by societies
views of how life should be.

I knew early on in my life,
I am the master of my own destany.

©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2021
To be mad, is to repeat the same thing even though its broken. Beating the heart after it stops. Not accepting chances. Not taking effort to learn. Not caring enough. Thinking poorly of everything. Depression at its deepest depths.

I once suffered from madness. I became Alice.

Now I am the raven, I am craving a poetic mockery of a desk, with a quill in one hand and ideas in the other.

No madness in sight.

©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2021
Upon the waves I crashed
ashore, the force caused change and chaos pursued.

We all are like chaotic
oceans, crashing against
the shores of life.

We become earthquakes,
moving mountains with
our technologies and

Our minds evolving over time, we become more aware of the changes we’ve caused.

Not everyone is open minded, it takes a philosophers view point to direct the way to the future possibilities.

I am a modern day philosopher, I enjoy learning and teaching.

Language is my best quality,
art is my favorite entertainment
and personal journey.

The art of living is
my job.

My poetic journey slowly
plays out upon these pages,
I’ve created.

My expressions stain the
internet with my rolling
formats of sentences and
word play.

Its a full deck of wildcards,
you never know what your going to get.

Jack be shameless,
Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack drew an ace
missed the king,
kissed the queen of hearts,
while playing a deck of

We all play a part.

©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton
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