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Amanda Shelton Jun 2020
I slowly became rooted within
the fiber’s of my chair, it
supports my life of pain
and grind.

With its needless blues and greens rushing through my veins.

The blues are sadness,
the greens are my favorite
things I miss the most.

I once had a dream now
I am lost amongst the clouds
and the fiber’s of my life.

I once was a shy girl,
I grew into a poetic format
that is rooted in my life like
the chair is rooted in my strife.

My blues are easy to express,
it flows with a slight pressure
a push and shove. Once I open
the gate it floods the page with
my tears and faith.

With my broken heart I fell apart
but poetry keeps it hanging on
by a thread. My love bleeds out…

Love gave me doubt and a reason
to run out. I became its broken jar
full of bruises and tears.
Don’t forget the poetic formats
that bleed from my roots and drowned me in tears.

You became a scar upon my heart.
The scars are inspiration burning
hot and it grows wild deep inside
its depths. Now its rushing,
gushing out.

© 2020 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jun 2020
You know your a poet when your spitting out poetry and you trip over the words but it still makes sense.

The format keeps flowing, floating in your mind like a leaf on the breeze. It landed upon this page.

Mouthful of grunge and ***** blues leaving my jeans stained with regret, I didn’t express myself sooner than I expected.

Now I am mowing the lawn with over the top wordplay, spitting my poetic fire like a rapper losing volume quite but still slick from losing my grip. I catch myself quick.

Twisted rhythm with grinding rhymes and flooding banks of expression. I never leave without passion, I burn like a wick my candle is hot and half melted. Its wickedness lashing out from the blazing words I am expressing.

Call me a poetic fool but I am not joking, my passion burns holes through the internet disconnected from myself, just so I can express myself.

I think like a flower, my passion withers away if I don’t keep expressing in poetic ways.

I hold a lot of power in my words. Words are mightier than a sword. But only if you keep writing…

Express yourself just keep writing.

© 2020 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jun 2020
You give words a meaning
it means nothing until you
express the meaning.

Its best to speak intelligently
than like a fool with wool
pulled over your eyes.

Be mindful and respectful
for someday your actions
will come to a full circle and
it will come back ten fold.

Your actions speak louder than words.
Violence brings nothing but death
of both life and culture.

Love yourself and others
so we all can be survivors.
A community is nothing without
structure and hate does not support
the structure.

We are not race, color, money,
or products, we are all equally human.

Be free from your closed mindedness
by stopping the violence and hatred
some of you have betrayed through
the media.

No screen can hide your face,
your name is forever engraved
upon your activities you’ev
brought to the table.

We all need to eat,
so be careful what
you cook.

A balanced meal is healthier
than junk food.

Feed your life with healthy behavore
and you will support the structure
for future survivors.

© 2020 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton May 2020
While musing over the past
I feel lost in the fragments
of the memories of you.

You stole my dreams
with your lies that you
love me.

I regret nothing but
holding on longer than
I should have.

Our love is a shadow
a memorial of past pain
and struggle.

I have learned how to
stand stronger, how to
love myself and let go
of expectations of
unforgivable love.

In the end I am no longer
held back by your shadow,
I am stepping out into
the light so I can ones
again shine.

You should be ashamed
of yourself for dimming
the lights so you can
steal the spotlight,
because we were meant
to be a duo sharing
the light.

© 2020 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton May 2020
My dreams use to bruise
my ego, until I learned to
let go of my ego and reached
for my dreams instead.

I replaced my fears with
passion for life and
the ocean doesn’t have
to calm down because
I learned how to ride
the waves.

© 2020 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton May 2020
I use to be just another
shadow amongst other
shadows, until one day
I decided to step into
the light.

I grew so bright,
my flame shines like
the sun, you will never
lose my vision for it
burns within your mind.

So many times I have
ran from my fears,
I got tired and decided
to give up and
start a new life.

I allowed doctor’s to open
my head to implant a device
that gave me freedom, I never
knew before, I learned how
to fly and grow my life.

Upon my new found wings
I choose where I go
from here.

I have a lesson for you,
forget what you believe
you are capable of doing,
let go of your expectations
and learn how to join me
within the dreams waiting
for you.

The freedom of acceptance
is a breath of fresh air,
you will feel like you
are flying upon a breeze.
Like a leaf floating on
the wind, you choose
where you land.

Just don’t forget to keep
climbing, and get back up
if you are falling.

A brave person knows when
to rest, a bold person knows
you have to sacrifice to
succeed and move forward.

You know what I sacrificed?

My fears! The one thing
that held me back for years.

My life is blessed because
I love and I wanted to share
my passions with you.

You are the reason I fight
to live my life. I want to
be an example to show all
of you what we are capable
of doing.

You choose if your life
is a hindrance.

We sacrifice our dreams for
society but you don’t have to,
you are a unique, beautiful, living, intelligent being.

Your choices dictate
who you will be.
So be free!

I got brain surgery,
faced my fears so I
can be who I wanted to be.

I am an autistic woman with
a rare movement disorder,
my IQ is 200, and I never

I don’t want you to forget
how special you are too.

© 2020 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton May 2020
You brought greed and pain
to my door, broke my heart
and stole my food and pills
you left me in pain and
to starve.

With no remorse you stole
from others too, you lie about
your purpose and support.

You are no ones friend,
you’re an abusive judgemental
dude you manipulate, behind the scenes you say horrible things
you are not honest and clean.

You even accuse me of being
abusive when I have done nothing
but change my life to stop your

You lied about your apology,
you haven’t changed anything,
you still use people and drugs.

Why would you accuse a
handicapped person of
doing things they are
unable to do?

You are the only dishonest
person here, no shade do I
cast, for my soul shines only
for Jesus and I never show
any kind of evilness.

You can ask everyone else,
I am honest and loving.

As for you,you have no stable
ground to place your blame
on everyone else.

I have no blame for
I don’t do shameful things
or accuse others, I keep
to my home where my chair
is placed and my cat rests
beside my legs.

I have seizures and pain,
my autistic brain keeps
me busy and my sanity
stable as well as my faith.

You don’t support my sanity
and faith,you gaslight
everything until I second
guess myself.

You called me the liar
while you did drugs and
stole from everyone else.

You play your music that
causes me seizures,you
turn on your devices
after you told everyone to
turn off the lights, so
I can feel better.

You make excuses
to judge others when its
you whose doing bad things.

You have no one to blame
but yourself, no one hurt
you or caused you suffering,
you’ve abused yourself
before you met everyone else.

I have no problems but what
you bring, I worked hard
to build my life above the
pain and suffering I’ve been
forced to endure.

You’ve never supported me
or made me feel stronger
and beautiful and like
I am a beautiful queen
by your side.

You’ve made me feel unwanted
and ashamed, you made me
think I am insane.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

© 2020 By Amanda Shelton
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