Some people are so nice
You just have to smile
And others so mean
It's quite a trial
Sometimes I lose faith
In the whole human race
Then someone will come
Put a smile on my face
They restore my belief
That people are GOOD
That people exist
Who do what they should
Be kind, fair and honest
Spread love and delight
Respect other people
And do what is right!
I'm lucky to call
Some of these people my friends
And am grateful to know
They'll be there till the end
They'll be there for me
When I am in need
and be happy to know
They've done a good deed
It warms my heart
To see people like this
To know that they're there
That they still exist
It makes me so happy
I smile like a dope
They restore my faith
And give me new hope!
Inspired by: LB