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 May 2013 Amanda Dennis
Zoe Mize
It's so cold inside.
I can feel the ice break
and I feel the earth quake.

I know without a doubt that you hear me when I cry.
I know how to die.
And yet, the unknown is fine.
And yet, the hate is sublime.
I know that music is unsung tonight.
And I will go to the light.

That which is not spoken can still be heared.
It's not about the word in the end.
The emotion- devotion- is the winner in mind.
No matter what this won't change.

I know without a doubt that you hear me when I cry.
I know how to die.
And yet, the unknown is fine.
And yet, the hate is sublime.
I know that music is unsung tonight.
And I will go to the light.

And finally in the cold and dark,
I will show you my broken heart.
A letter in the chest.
I'll wear my best dress.
I will do my best.

*Leaving life.
I wrote this for my boyfriend. I am not being over dramatic, but I'm trying to let him know that I do understand... <3
I've got these ink stained hands

untouchable, unwashable

even by the sands of time

ink stained by my words

Words I say, Words I write, Words I hold

words written on the page

concealed within my heart

The words I still hold

ink rubbed off from my

hands,my heart, my soul

Seen by many, Understood by none

fallen on the deaf , the blind, the dumb

fallen on the ground, slipping through the streets

in between the cracks

left to walk back and forth

left inside its crying cradle

Yearning to be with more

    Words that I hold

no matter how heavy ,

no matter how long

I'm Atlas,holding on as long

as I can-

Until I let go-

and I watch them spill out from my hands

to those loose leaf pages

margins too small

filled with words with the beating sweat of my palms

Sweat smeared pages so sweet

It's a living, breathing, part of me

So Spoiled

Sitting there so comfortably

disreagrading the silly lines that try to keep them neat

No more lines left on the leaf

no more words spilling out from me

left in this body

Sealed and Shut

I can't do it

I give up

So this is it, a flame on a long white candle
Once a powerful and intense heat
Generating enough to allow the pearl white wax to drip down,
Creating a small puddle of hot misery on an ebony table
Waiting for someone to scrape it off once it hardened into deep sorrow
The fire, getting hotter and hotter, allowing for the misery to build up and grow larger
Not yet hardening, but merely haunting the person awaiting to scrape it off
The fire became weak, suddenly, all at once
And the misery started to stop making its way down to its black death
The wax hardened, leaving a terrible mess of forgotten memories that I’d always remember
Memories I will never regret
Now, I must begin to scrape them up, and remove them from the surface of the table
The table being my pure heart, now tainted with this candle’s misery
And once the wax is completely removed, and the black table is left with nothing but scars
There will be nothing left of you, but your mark on my clean heart
Now stained forever with the memory of your misery,
You carelessly dripped on my expensive table,
Leaving scratches that paint will never fully cover up,
And leaving me with the memory of you
A flame, on a long white candle,
Burnt out far too soon.
Lives among us never change
the story remains the same
times don't change
and most importantly neither do we

Men come of boys
rebel against their fathers
love their mothers
and hate the world they've just inherited

Women come of girls
grow apart from their shame
and blossom complete and true
ready to tend a world loved by few

Sacrifices made
are for none
are for one another
and for themselves.

Risks are taken
rules are breakn'
Smiles of ours faken

We grow to love the lost
And regret
never realizing
how good we had it

until it

like life

is gone.
I should feel joy
Yet I feel nothing
I should feel complete
Yet I feel empty
I finally got my revenge
Yet I have no clue what it was for
I should be laughing at the face of my enemy
Yet I have sympathy for my fallen foe
Good has triumphed over evil,
or so I think
Perhaps I was the villain the whole time.
If so do I fix what I have broken?
or do I leave before I make it any worse?
 May 2013 Amanda Dennis
An evil green and yellow hand
Reaching from the closet
Drips and drops of drool
Are crashing the tense silence
Claws reach out from under the bed
Tortured faces loom
Wing ***** and screeches sound overhead
Echoing in the room
A scream tightens in your throat
And lunges through your mouth
Mom and Daddy come running
Lights click on, you can finally see
An ugly knitted sweater
The hanger topsy-turvy
The drips and drops aren’t drool
Unless the faucet is hungry
Every bear has its claws
But Teddy’s are first rate
Illumination from the nightlight
Casts shadows on the wall
And the ceiling fan is fast
Like the bouncing of a ball
The lights go out
Your parents leave
But another scream is building –
They each had three feet!
 May 2013 Amanda Dennis
Darkness falls
On top of dusk
Never reaching
Daytime’s dust
I fail to gain one’s sympathy 
as pain approaches and is unexplained.

I believe with what’s left of my dignity,

I lose things that should be gained.

Wistful now I bite my tongue 
to save you from my thoughts,

loneliness is why these words sprung

rejection is true love’s cost.

There must be someplace I can go

where forever lies and hope’s light is bright,

for me, just for me, there’s a vibrant glow

And sympathy awakens as I put to bed the cries of night.

I refuse this crazy world and its vile plea,

but maybe it’s this world that refuses me.

— The End —