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Walk Free
Notice the earth pressing against your feet
An embrace from mother to child
The cool air allowing you to breathe
As though it were your first breath over again
To feel the world moving around you
You are alive

Walk Free
Escape all worldly concerns
Let your limbs move loosely
Relaxed, natural, true
Shaking out the worries
Leaving only the chance to wonder

Walk Free
As if you have nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
As if you are worthwhile
As if you are special
As if you are human

Walk Free
Let the sky caress your face
Greeting it with contentment and honesty
Stretch your soul
Across the universe
As you live your life

Walk Free
As though you have never walked before
I was scored
like a dog
As if I could be paraded around on a leash
Not that even that worked for you
Now did it?

1 out of 10
That's a pity point, I know it is
Too weird, too quiet
Did you try to get to know me
Did you try to break the shell
Of course not, why waste your breath...
I'm not pretty enough

What a duo you two are
playing the victim
playing the hurt
Only to disguise who your true identity
And that
That is what hurts
It hurt me
enraged me
consumed me until I couldn't stand it
Until it broke me

But it doesn't matter does it?
I'm not a person, I'm just a number
Not even that
I have been reduced a fraction
Pause. Step back. Think.
What is desired of me?
The road signs deliberately direct me
Well if you insist
But it's in the past
A mere memory
Now I'll do what I want
I'll take the lead
I'll go with bold and brave
And I'm done with gentle
Moving forward yet looking back
Improvement seems increasingly satisfying
A resolution difficult to measure
Needs to be nevertheless
Now I'll do what I want
I'll take the lead
I'll go with bold and brave
And I'm done with gentle
The extinction of timid
The expulsion of weak
Construction of strength
Construction takes strength
Gentle has its place but no longer in me
Now I'll do what I want
I'll take the lead
I'll go with bold and brave
And I'm done with gentle
I'm done with that me
It seems to me that I can never be two
Every circumstance labeled as absolute
Black Or White
Yes Or No
But this isn't how I live
Not only do I possess my strength and courage
Not only can I be gentle and sweet
Not only do I roar across the tundra
Not only do I lay in the meadow quietly
I am not one nor am I the other
I am both the lion and the lamb
This isn't an unfortunate case of division
Yes, you could argue that I'm at war
But I'd rather live with my own opposition
That not know at all what I could live for
Not only do I roar across the tundra
Not only do I lay in the meadow quietly
I am not one nor am I the other
I am both the lion and the lamb
How can I choose sides in a world without limits
How can I deny either of my halves
One can only hope that the ends meet perfectly
One can only hope to rise after the storm
One can only hope to be who she really is
When I roar across the tundra
When I lay in the meadow quietly
I am one and the other
I am both the lino and the lamb
Ciao Bello
You are beautiful
And I don't mean that beauty on a pedestal in a museum
lights reflecting on a glistening surface
I don't mean the orchestrated beauty
found in the media surrounding us
perfectly groomed and manipulated
I don't mean an unreachable beauty
You, bello are an honest beauty
A beauty comprised of everything
Of movement and of quiet
Of thought and of action
Of sensual darkness and of warming light

Ciao Bello
You are a mess
You are all over the place
Your mind is like a heavy steam engine train moving at full throttle
Scary, concerning, worrisome
but yes beautiful
in it's power and intensity

Ciao Bello
Your presence is infectious
Your absence nonexistent
You are always there
You are always there bello
and it is beautiful
Ciao bello, ciao
Forget the whispers.
Forcing their way through my ears and into my thoughts
The soldiers marching through the countryside
eager to conquest, eager only to win
Forget shared secrets, you can keep them.
I haven't the storage anyhow
And your touch- Don't touch me, don't touch me!
Do. not. touch. me.
your touch is like a restraint
Your very presence holding me back
keeping me from making strides
Limiting me to cautious steps that **** me
Forget the whispers.
We aren't special and in pretending we aren't real
I tried.  I tried to follow these rules, these guides
But I did so so religiously that I couldn't enjoy the game
From here on out I'm doing what works for me
Forget the whispers.
They aren't lasting and neither are we
So I take to the wind and it takes to me
I left you behind with the whispers
that I never wanted
Spark.Light. Ignite.
with one strike, one stroke it begins
Let the flames dance around me
Creating a ring, surrounding me
And it flames upward
As all the colors in the world surround me
I'm not sure where to turn because I want to see them all
Strength. Power. Beauty.Grace.
Skilled control and wild abandon merge
into something striking
To understand art but to never create
I burn the notion
Watching the blackness spread
I open my arms. Welcome whatever comes
Maybe a scorch, maybe blissful warmth
Either way I am revived
Resolved to soar. Resolved to be awe-struck
Sometimes all it takes is a little heat
to rise to the fullest height
Above the debris
But with the sparks

— The End —