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AH Feb 2013
I wonder how long this happiness is going to last
until it gets ripped away
because if i've learned anything in all my years of living,
its that bliss like this only lasts for so long
until it disappears
leaving you with the same familiar emptiness you felt
before anything good ever happened in the first place
and you sit there wondering if it was worth it
and you convince yourself it wasn't
and you'll never put yourself through anything like that ever again
until something new comes along
and the process starts all over again
AH Feb 2013
my dear friend, how brave you are
shipping yourself off to this manmade hell
this war with no end.
that's why I admire you.

                  your brave soul and loving nature are much needed in that hopeless wasteland...
                  but don't let the stench of death and sin harden your lovable spirit and livelihood;
                                                     ­              come home safely to me...

                                                          ­                                because even though you're wanted over there,
                                                          ­                                                  you're needed here at home with me,
                                                             ­                                                        where I can hold you in my arms
                                                                ­                            and know you're safe from the rest of the world
AH Feb 2013
I wish I could write beautiful poetry
the kind of poetry that would make your knees quiver and your breath shake
as you read the emotions delicately scribbled across the page
I wish I could articulate my feelings in such a way to make you feel as strongly about them as I do
but it seems I cannot express what I feel in such a way
I may not be one of those individuals that write beautiful poetry, no
but I know how to express my emotions well enough to get the respect it deserves,
from the only person whose respect matters when it comes to my poetry:
AH Feb 2013
I found a boy
that gives me kisses instead of nightmares
and compliments instead of insecurities
AH Jan 2013
hgvcc djvfgh,ej,fv
that was me banging my head on the keyboard, and these are my feelings.
AH Jan 2013
words are beautiful
the way there is a word for every emotion and thought and action
when you put enough beautiful words together you come up with an even more breathtaking sentence
but even as i'm writing this, I cannot come up with the words to describe you
nothing that brings you to justice, at least
like how your cheeks turn crimson when you kiss me, or the way your personality can light up a room
how do I find the perfect words to describe these wonderful characteristics?
they simply do not exist
your quirks and habits cannot be described
you're marvelous, extraordinary, remarkable, exceptional
and even those words aren't good enough to describe the essence of you
AH Jan 2013
"you're in the prime of your life"
I hear it constantly
I don't believe it though

in my humble and mostly ignored opinion
every day is the prime of my life
because I make it that way

I choose to make every day of my life worth it
you only get so many days in this world
might as well believe every second is the best it can be
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