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AH Jan 2013
I don't trust you
not one little bit
you should hear what people say about you
the horrible rumors that make their way to my ears
everyone tells me this will surely end badly
but I want to trust you
I don't want to have to worry about my heart getting broken like before
I want to be yours and I want you to be mine
and I want to be hopeful and carefree
I want people to see us together and think
"wow, those two really look happy"
because we will be
that's what I want
but I never get what I want
AH Jan 2013
don't touch me unless you mean it
don't mistake me for another pawn in your games
or a piece of trash you can throw away once you've tainted it
i'm a person
a person who wants your attention
your acceptance
your compassion

don't touch me unless you mean it
don't try to convince me with every caress and kiss that i'm a prize to be won
that I could be yours forever if I just placed my trust in you
then leave once you've received my love
my heart
my innocence

don't touch me unless you mean it
don't offer me your world
then take it away like it was a mistake to offer it in the first place
don't make me part of your game
along with all the other girls you've tossed aside
the other girls whose hearts you've stolen
you've mistreated
you've broken

— The End —