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Dec 2014 · 310
Amanda Dec 2014
Those feelings of loneliness,
We have felt them all, I know.
The sense of being all alone,
Just seem to continue and grow.

The thoughts of the past just hurt,
And make me relive times of pain.
I was never really happy,
As if bounded by a chain.

I'm not saying that I dread life,
Or the love I get from friends.
That's all one may need in life,
But, sometimes, It all depends.

Books and movies make it worse,
Creating fiction love tales,
There seems to be no happy end,
For me, just heartbreak and tear trails.

The stories are amazing,
To entertain and dream.
But no story-line pairs that great,
In my crazy lifetime scheme.

But ,I don't need a white knight,
To save me on his steed.
A warm hug on a fall day,
Is all I'll ever need.

I really do hope and wish,
For that one day to appear.
Where I know I am happy,
And have every reason to cheer.

I'm not saying I need a man,
To laugh with, and enjoy life.
I just need to find my place,
And get through with all this strife.

I need to find my solid ground,
A strong and sturdy place.
Where I can calm down, be myself,
Not a very stressed out case.

Loneliness can feel bad,
And we have all felt it so.
Just TRY to smile and love,
It all starts with "Hello."
Ehh, life is a little rough. Being alone in a whole different environment is... well... different. College life.
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
Stay Happy
Amanda Oct 2013
I can't believe it's over
You ripped out all my heart
But now I'm looking back
And we're better off apart

All the **** you made me go through
All the sneaking and the lies
I looked all over this
And looked right in your eyes

I thought that there was love
And real meaning in there
But now I'm looking back
And you didn't really care

You deceived my whole family
And put me up for the blame
I feel like just another piece
In your experimental game

But I loved you anyway
With all the pleasure and the lust
You were everything I needed
But one that none could trust

You are a great person
Without a doubt I know
I just thought you would man up
And not just let me go.

How hard it is to say sorry
Not that difficult I'm for sure
Just grow a pair and do it
Or just kick me out the door

You said goodbye through text
Oh how classy you are
I was in tears and pain
But that didn't get to far

I came to the realization
You were bringing me so far down
I need a real man in my life
And not some filthy lying clown

I'm happier without you
And my smile never fades
I have my joyous life back
Without you who just degrades

I see you a couple after
I ask if you are okay
You say not a word
So I just walk away

You then TEXT me right after
Yet again I state what class
And you say you really miss me
And I say kiss my ***

Please ******* you loser
I don't mind being friends
I want you to be happy
But not with me as your end

When I pass by your home
I hope you really see
Me with my windows down
And As happy as can be

I have the bass in my head
And my happiness where I go
I never needed you at all
And my smile I get to show

So the lesson of this all
I really must admit
Always be happy
And don't listen to his ****.
Sorry for the cussing... Just the feels.

By the way... Always stay happy. It works... I can pretty much guarantee it.
May 2013 · 780
Simply You
Amanda May 2013
The rare moments we spend alone,
Simply holding each other strong,
I constantly get lost in your eyes,
But being lost is where I belong.

As you pull me close to you,
And wrap your arms around me,
You slowly lean in for a kiss,
And our lips touch; my mind is set free.

Just that one sweet little smooch,
Throws my silly mind into a haze,
I never return from this land of love,
Because you never cease to amaze.

You drag me into your arms,
And touch your lips to my neck,
And quietly tell me you love me,
And give me another quick peck.

My eyelashes flutter and I'm gone,
Your love has me under a spell,
I am all yours and only yours,
Which makes me love drunk as hell.

You work your way back to my lips,
And begin to kiss me more than before,
You whisper in between kisses,
"I will love you so much more".

You take a break from my lips,
And you wrap me up arm in arm,
You hold me really close to you,
And keep me protected from all harm.

Your heart beat is tantalizing,
Again putting me in a trance,
You give me that sly little smile,
And I sense your feeling of romance.

All I can feel in this moment,
Is your love surrounding my soul,
Your warmth and love has got me,
Completely in your control.

Just being anywhere near you,
Gives me a calm and comfy feel,
You are just truly amazing,
And your love for me is surreal.

How I wish to be with you more,
Anywhere and anytime at all,
I would love to be with you always,
And never have to miss my oddball.

I love how you are so silly,
It always makes me smile,
Your love brings laughter in my life,
And I want you to stay for awhile.

Your silliness; I adore it,
Your nerdiness; completes you,
I love everything you are,
And all of my love is true.

You are everything that I need,
From your vividly ***** mind,
To your dumb sense of humor,
You're all amazingness combined.

To put it very simply,
I love you very much so,
No matter how much I'll miss you,
I'll simply never let you go!!
For my real life "Romeo and Juliet" love situation... It will prevail... hopefully. :)
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
They Don't Know
Amanda Apr 2013
I am in need of my own world,
One where I can be set free,
Please somebody make this true,
A world where it's just you and me.

Snitches and unfairness,
Begin to surround us both,
Exaggerating the truth,
And stunting our love's growth.

People these days just **** me off,
They need to get their own **** love,
They need to leave our life alone,
And let ours soar just like a dove.

After blowing off some anger,
And letting myself dream,
You are everything I want,
No matter how crazy it may seem.

I could spend forever in your arms,
And constantly long for your kiss,
I love everything you are,
Which makes you very easy to miss.

No one knows how you make me feel,
Even my own brain does not know,
Only my own heart can tell,
How you make it beat and grow.

Whenever I am with you,
All my strength has to hold me back,
From never letting you go,
And losing the thing I lack.

I wish this nightmare would end,
And I could be reliving my dream,
Of that one wonderful time with you,
Of just us underneath the moon beam.

I miss you so much now,
Even though I see you everyday,
I just want a moment alone,
With just actions and no words to say.

Every kiss that we share,
Sends a shiver down my spine,
I yearn for your touch all the day,
And another time to call you mine.

Every moment just-in your presence,
Makes me want to smile real large,
I try to hide my great big grin,
But it is no use when your in charge.

I know your always there for me,
Even when we can't be near,
The small and important words you say,
Can keep me going and lose all fear.

Your hugs make me melt in your arms,
I long for that constant feeling,
Your warmth and your embrace,
Help me speed all this healing.

It's taken me weeks to write this thing,
Cause I just have so much to say,
I just love you no matter what,
More and more each and every day.

I miss you all and every time,
Even though I see you here now,
I just wanna be with you a lot,
I just do not know how.

I love you so very much,
I continue to watch this feeling grow,
We know what we both think,
And the others... Well they don't know.
wrote this over a long time... multiple moods in it... finally... finished... i guess. BAHAHA!
Mar 2013 · 2.5k
"A Moment To Remember"
Amanda Mar 2013
I was standing at the door,
My thoughts as scattered as the stars,
So excited to meet you,
And to call a moment “ours”.

I take a great deep breath,
And stroll right through the door,
I see many many people,
And several many more.

I search the crowds for you,
And call you on your phone,
I sit down on the lonely bench,
As it buzzes out the busy tone.

I sigh quite loud and give up,
Think that this is all a mess,
How stupid of me to try,
Quite stupid I confess.

But my hope isn’t all gone,
I stay as positive can be,
I know that love conquers all,
When I see you come up to me.

I get up and look at you,
And run to you quite fast,
I jump into your arms,
And let the moment last.

How I have missed you all this time,
These months have turned to years,
So many moments alone,
Spent with silence, nerves, and tears.

I come back to this moment,
And feel the warmth of your embrace,
This moment is our own,
And one I cannot replace.

As I retire to my room,
I begin to close my eyes,
I remember the great times,
And refuse to kiss goodbyes.
ancient-ish poem that I wrote some time back... Haha.. enjoy!
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Amanda Mar 2013
HA HA HA! Here I go again,
Writing this just for my dear,
I hope you get that goofy smile,
Just like you get when I'm near.

Yet again I'm gonna ramble,
About how much you mean to me,
And how my heart was locked before,
Until you used your love filled key.

Yeah, I know this is sappy,
But every word I say is true,
Nothing can ever stop me,
From saying "I love you".

So let me start this thing off,
Describing you and all you are,
From your derpy personality,
To your mind that is real bizarre.

For starters you are a dork,
But of course your dork self is mine,
You are also a total loser,
But that is way more than fine.

You play silly tricks on me,
Which make me laugh then cry,
But that is always a great thing,
'Cause you're one hell of a guy.

You are very strong and sturdy,
Which is great for giving hugs,
Not to mention your warmth and charm,
And your embrace when we snugs!

Overflowing with silliness,
And just the way I like it,
You make me smile all the time,
And you are impossible to forget.

I get lost in your embrace,
And even more so when we kiss,
Being with you is amazing,
Every moment is pure bliss.

Just seeing you in the hall,
Sends my mind on a trip,
Makes me have a goofy smile,
And causes my heart to skip.

Sorry for I ramble so,
As I write this fro my nerd,
But I just love you so much,
And I don't care if it's absurd.

I am a truly lucky girl,
To have you as my own,
I've known you for a little time,
Yet many times my love has grown.

I cannot stop loving you,
And I love you more each day,
Nothing can ever stop me,
Or even keep me away.

How I wish to be with you now,
And to simply stare into space,
As long as I would be next to you,
There's forever smiles on my face.

I don't care what others think,
Or even what gossip they spread,
I will love you no matter what,
No matter what anyone has said.

You make me feel amazing,
When you say you love me so,
You are truly incredible,
And I will never let you go.

Who knows when we'll have a moment,
To hole each other really tight,
To share each others heat and warmth,
And to love with all our might.

So it's getting rather dark outside,
And I'm missing you so much,
Thinking about you makes me ponder,
About how I'm longing for your touch.

Having you in my silly life,
Is truly amazing for sure,
If loving you is an illness,
I definitely don't want the cure.

And now I must end this poem,
As I shall and always do.
But there's one thing that won't end,
And that is ME loving YOU!
Feb 2013 · 678
Amanda Feb 2013
Walking past you in the hall,
Only stopped by your "hello",
This then turned into something,
That none would ever know.

We both start talking now,
And it gives my heart a whirl,
Just one crazy awesome guy,
And this silly little girl.

Trying to keep this secret,
And avoiding the wild stares,
But then I think to myself,
That they don't really care.

We enjoy our own adventures,
And let our imaginations run free,
I will never let these moments go,
This I can guarantee.

You walk me to my door,
And we stop to stare at space,
And I then appear to be lost,
Just I return through your embrace.

I'm surprised by this act,
But I melt into your clutch,
I can feel my heart beat skip,
From your strong yet soft touch.

After several like moments after,
And I have to say goodbye,
You say how much I mean to you,
Which gives me a tear in my eye.

You say I am your whole world,
And mean everything to you,
That you are there for me always,
And I have someone to turn too.

I shy away my smile,
And slowly start to glow,
And this makes me wonder,
Why before we didn't say "hello".
Another rhyme-y one... Its how I roll.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Amanda Feb 2013
Look what we have gotten into,
Just this insane and scary mess,
All of these tears of sorrow,
And this heavy load of stress.

Our elders won't understand,
How much we love one another,
They start to yell and get mad,
That's why we call them "mother".

They punish us together,
'Cause I know we both deserve it,
People say love is hard,
But I know that it is worth it.

When I'm with you my heart skips,
Just the sight of you makes me smile,
Any moment with you is endless,
Even just for a little while.

Soon we can be on our own,
These moments that I ache for,
Just any time to spend with you,
Makes me yearn for much much more.

No matter what all happens,
Or if the good becomes the bad,
Know that I'll be there always,
To make you smile and get glad.

Oh the silly things we do,
Just to make each other grin,
Even getting into trouble,
We may loose, but love will always win.

So I've come to the conclusion,
That our love will conquer through,
Because if I lost my dork,
I don't know what I would do.

You gave me something special,
And I thought it was real clever,
I just about teared up,
And I will cherish it forever.

However many poems I write,
Or letters from the heart,
No words could explain how I feel,
From the beginning or the start.

Excuse me as I ramble,
But I really must go on,
About how I love you so much,
Way more than just a ton.

I wish I could be in your arms,
Feeling the warmth of your embrace,
Where I would close my eyes and think,
"This is my happy place".

I love you with all I have,
And you're forever in my mind,
Don't let silly things like this,
Kick you in the behind.

I won't get mad at you ever,
And remember this you shall,
I am so honored to have you,
As my lover and my pal.

So it is getting kind of late,
And I hope you're sleeping well,
I will stick with you forever,
Even if we go through hell.

I don't know how to stop this,
But I'll do the best I can
'Cause I'll do anything for you,
My sweet and loving man.

I think I'll end this poem good,
And please agree with me,
That It'll make you smile,
As you find it rather cheesy.

The roses I know are red,
And I know the violets are blue,
You're my super derp-y dork,
And of course... I love you!
Some of my first attempts at poetry... and yes I rhyme. But this pretty explains my life... my forbidden love... and the rest.

— The End —