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Nov 2018 · 243
alwaystrying Nov 2018
down the stairs, a dark spiral
one of them, a mischievous one
made me take a wide tumble to the door
from second last step; desirous of that other one

she ga' me the old sammies and sugar
to take to the sweet peckers
who push such golden orbs
and there's red lines to fill the blue ones, too

quite deliberately yours
if love claws its way to you, why not acquiesce?
do be a divine little squirrel, give in sanely
eat your **** nuts
May 2018 · 306
nidified fall
alwaystrying May 2018
intruding feline, placed too close makes that
nidified fall
too close
to tears.
Apr 2018 · 274
no dime
alwaystrying Apr 2018
endless toil, on angered guard
mindless energy, take it out on another
internal struggle, hard to share
destructive, will this ever stop.....
Dec 2017 · 390
alwaystrying Dec 2017
into the air, flying over the bars
night after night
something ought to give
but can't, because you should've prepared

a feast that the righteous hold back
a sea of farewells, give a living gift
a child sits behind and drops the head
a heartstring can snap, and repenters too.

glass and wood shan't collide, bright beings
must move on.
I won't cry, the sea's enough filled with old secrets
and tone illustrations crumple, the gazelle flies free.
Oct 2017 · 392
Eleven hours
alwaystrying Oct 2017
Crimson seethe. This, a waiting not for all
even glean a PDF, follow crumbs, seal notes.
Raucous cries die before sunset
veering to the door, but sticker too green.

Strange, eleven hours it took to birth a smile
pluck away in quiet corners.
Only, reversing chance to another
nobody gives a hoot. Isn't life much a gauntlet?
Drying, crack open a thought and spy
youngster unsought, of the last month, until the end.
Jun 2017 · 378
bells go silent
alwaystrying Jun 2017
The day a man needs regulation to plant a seed, is when choice is chided for its existence.
Out of existence.
Reduced to two parties - and we believe without doubt.

When schools and factories will burn along with all bossiness and business, perhaps the land can feel hands dig in again.
Metal needs repose, queues deserve to die.
Rules thrive on Pavlovian tinkles to sink the horrid in, endless gauntlets on repeat.
Time to eat, time to work, time to play, time to die.

The matchstick burns bright, a blaze of life, fizzles right before it gathers thought enough to know.
So too, when the coil burns fulsome and beauty carries fitting, bells go silent in dreams.
Oct 2016 · 679
alwaystrying Oct 2016
I admire how you let your feet dangle in the air.
On front of the entire world, a burning mess.
You show us, teach us.

Saplings trick the sky when they outgrow the elder.
Slow and sly, then sudden spurt.

I really feel like making love, but I can't.
Not quite now.
I will sing, when I'm through hiding.

Then, some sparks can touch me too.
I'll fall to your lavender smile
and feel as planted as show yourself to be.

for N.
Jul 2016 · 562
The Saddle
alwaystrying Jul 2016
I live in my horse's saddle: a beast, piteous.
Maidens sing forlorn as we pass.
The children do not see the chopper
at the roundabout.
Soon, their shorn locks will match the minstrel's sins of old.
Castles burn in the day: robbers ride boats on land.
Mascots fade against tapestries, hung out.

It's wonderful to sing out, revolt in time.
The sleepers don't hear the bees, save the woodsman.
Trees whisper secrets of the woods upon the wind.
Rows and rows of spears and woven flocks, poor things.
Descendants of cold metal.
They will come.
Too soon.

Bluebells and daisies flattened in an hour, green to brown.
Leather worn and sweat of ten rides polish the future.
Cut to make ribbons of blue for lasses unborn, the sky.
Bring to rise
new rivers of strange color, coppery seeping to earth.
May 2016 · 342
alwaystrying May 2016
taking time to lick off the walls
the remnants of my scattered mind
so we can let the hole for an hour
(with plastic green)
and safely lower
this last (s)mile
into your dark.

oh, see the child blink
how you ran the fat
rendered and left
the yard
Mar 2016 · 438
Loss /thrown away
alwaystrying Mar 2016
Nailbed, hot stone.
A simmering anger, old.

Some battling debate of
loss thrown away.
A small, gray key.
Join them on a ring and
give back, give back, give back.

See now, new currents drag my pennies.
I'm an octopus penning idiocy.
The counter, brown.
Such a small counter.

But this small key, so heavy to give away.
Is it loss or thrown away?
If so, who did it?

Mind never grasped the sorrow,
the secrets, hid in serpent of glimmered italics
and windfalls left fractured for years
rediscovered in haste of other dilemmas.

Ok, it'll be three dollars (and a bit).
That's all it took a heart to turn.
Ashen walks and stale apple pie,
unstately promise.

It needn't rhymy.
I have no more timey.
Another chunk of sanity slides
(and that bit).
Nov 2015 · 434
alwaystrying Nov 2015
Know you nothing, cat?
Pretend to be drowsy when the keeper comes
and bolt out the cage
like lightning from that essay
you wrote on that other orb.

Come, cross then the stream with me
and wash off the struggle.
Sadly, was only the bottle which spoke.

Begging a cuppa kind smiles. No, them's tight.
Parochial *****, weather's no better there.
Mind opens like fresh sails 'pon the breeze.
Poseidon took a break, this is from
somewhere else. Only the angels know.

Now down it comes, o the ceiling!
Grand, a mess it makes. Unfair is the game
and no use of plaintive tone. Stuff down the fries
and God, down the water goes.
The saucer's up now, they're leaving soon.

Alas, too late. The forests catches fire.
The planet burns. Come, say the fairies
ne'er too tired to fall on dancing shoe.
Let's dance to the end: either the sun's drifting
further away, or we're spinning closer to it.

Take upon the tongue the straw
enough to break one's back
no caring which season
of the five.
Nov 2015 · 534
alwaystrying Nov 2015
That itch, a flea beneath my skin
one scratch here
and zoom! I'm mapping out new continents
on my back
with red marks on blades
and on the valleys over my ribs.

The tall gentleman says he could see
a face from long ago (old gallows)
in the face of a stranger. One who now
has a hand in progeny's songs.

A piece of dried seaweed and two shells.
Beautiful music, salt balm for the soul.
Nov 2015 · 633
Sleep is a machine
alwaystrying Nov 2015
They took away my forest
in a bubble.
From high on the top of a tower
I was locked up.

I was lying on a metal bed
and lice bit my head, then my bed
sat on a green lawn. I closed my eyes
and saw the gun. I decided to shoot up
the town and the teacher, all them who kept
guard, kept our minds fed to tubes
freezing out free will.

They locked me away. I saw my heart.
My red heart floating like a balloon.
Just like the forest they stole, the one built
of my freedom. My bed sank right through
the green lawn, and me with it.
Only to pop up to the morning sun.

That's when it hit me.
Sleep is a machine.

So many bubbles
all with their own suns going up
up and away.
Nov 2015 · 685
mad roundabout
alwaystrying Nov 2015
Dog tired
feet to hades
others run to succour
I'm stepping off
mad roundabout
the finale can be in someone
else's hands

for a change.
Oct 2015 · 495
miles of shy
alwaystrying Oct 2015
All innocence melts to discoveries of desire in glowing smiles
my, how the wall stretches
Into the hours, a pouring of replay on replay
Intake of emotion, overdose of heart unscarred
never a dull moment, the pictures come down in miles of shy
and who knew secrets could tumble easy from bosoms?

Kidding round and passing time, the cat's gone
under the radar, they think they fly
you try over and over, heat rises
upending bits of seaweed and whispers inside shells.
Oct 2015 · 433
cool earth
alwaystrying Oct 2015
Rolling down my sides, pools of sweat
cool earth welcomes my ear.

There, sweet breezes meet and save me
cheek on checkered parquet.

Muted paws startle and patter off
midnight swings its low call.

Can you see the stars through the ceiling?
only impossible dreamers do.

She is always there, like a subtle cocoon
ringing in the new, so easy.

They never elucidated on how heavy cases await
while you shift to art and music dies.

Platters on the way and milky mix, a messy spill
time to don a sombrero.

Let's drink to the future and pour me a glass
tiny toothpick draped in paper.

Hollow gifts and hard wages, a song for the mass
small coin for mules, clap for the fools.
Oct 2015 · 507
alwaystrying Oct 2015
Tight ride over uneven roads, long distance.
Defaulting poor folk kicked off by greedy banks.
The egg broken, the cocoon breached.
The warmth of family tested, cracks a little.

Why do we all play into sickness this way, holding up
the machine?
Nothin' but a greedy gobbler with zits on its face, holding us
over steam, turning our sweat to coins.

Highways passed and road stops by a strange camp.
No, none too friendly.
Into tiny blocks bundled, and foremen huddle sheep
to the fields.

Open slaughter of work. March us back to the confines.
A sad day. Bits of paper and forms to fill, is all we become.

Omelettes today, some meat in the tent later. Come happy, children.
Come lick at the cauldron on the dusty floor.

Beyond the golden fields, the sun bursts to final red.
A small walk denied. ****, dreams in the hot tea curls.
Oct 2015 · 314
load up
alwaystrying Oct 2015
Mine are the shapes in your head, never too lofty
Carting a full truck, load up the great old ones.

Till we can again, I grow exhausted.
My word, grief ran off today when they went away.

The silence, the silence. The tries not dwarfed.
Quaff down in science's name, I got a double. Yay.
Oct 2015 · 370
dreaming (in and out)
alwaystrying Oct 2015
When four hundred winds wrestle with a seeker of light
end up hiding in a cave
the dwelling of tired bears, grumpy of chaffing.

                                                      ­                            dreamingofyou

Tomorrow is just a young child on the verge of learning
how to jump the rope and teasing gales into
your sphere.

I become a blue triangle. You've tripped on my atoms
inside. Let me out.
The engineer stands, baffled.
Malfunction in the algo. Sorry, it may take a while.

Let me out.
Or in.
Oct 2015 · 681
bounce between the lines
alwaystrying Oct 2015
Designed for bouncy, now the appendage
Jets the glance downward.

I'm detecting the sullen art of your railway
scrubbing the skin off my organs, pleasing them
with your moody song, those glittering eyes
hiding what you'd do behind closed doors
Drop my hat reduced
for your pardon, I beg.

She had no idea I watched from the sidelines
she squirmed in her lavender *******
and discreetly rode that wetness (right in front of you)
standing in the swaying crowd.

Dalliance of the holy upstairs (to drive you mad)
clues between the lines
dreams between your legs.

I got a crazy thought. You'd like.
Do you wanna bounce with me
between the lines?
Oct 2015 · 380
piano notes
alwaystrying Oct 2015
Elusive like butterflies in mad seasons of your forgetfulness
and as hard to claim, like piano notes
coming out awry.

I punch down but then, it's me who's the forgetter
that gravity is a friend, like you
and the ground will bed me down one day.

They tell me to avoid the counter-intuitive
and that twins and triplets hide the sharps
maybe, once a lifetime ago, we remembered.
Sep 2015 · 428
the rolling orange
alwaystrying Sep 2015
Some years now, it's been
strange that we still long
for that.

You say you drag me into your private moments
those sessions
in the morning, I don't know what to say.

What to do when castles crumble & walls tumble?
Do the princes and kings build again
or creep to hovels?

Hilltops grow shallow and heads enfeebled
a tiny break when that unwelcome pulse
collides with things forbade.

Quiet morning in reading, a silent house
light avocado curtains lift, fresh breeze
disciple in hot hiding, press a rolling orange.

Dates close and birth on the cusp
Who cracked the twenty tails? Poor sods.
Two calls and the heart lurches, all older now.
Sep 2015 · 498
seven parcels
alwaystrying Sep 2015
Laughter breaks like waves over the rocks
so wonderful to have them here again
It's really been so long, yes
and feels like a delightful festival
in the former dream of seven parcels.

Bring me your marks and let the red slide down
it's time to unwind, I don't how when
we will be free again
to crack a joke and share a tale or two
At worst, we still miss the lost ones. We bless them.
Sep 2015 · 293
blossoms inside the moon
alwaystrying Sep 2015
Petals blossom quiet
Like you can't unsee.

Wide open, some beautiful secrets
flow honey, you've been there.

Thinking of those sweet times
Such a big moon inside.

Every moment, a dream, a graphic scene
of things I'd do with you...........
Sep 2015 · 259
alwaystrying Sep 2015
It comes down in winter, a late storm
eons away from summer
spring and there's no flowers
and leaves fall.

Patches somehow obscured
and cloaked anew
chlorosis brings new death.
Sep 2015 · 355
called in
alwaystrying Sep 2015
Such fun when daggers run steep
like forgotten hills where we used to frolic
as children, fear never played
how unsuccessful when so formal.

Rider called in, rider to run free
over to mad islands
when no papers stick like glue
to bureaucrap.

Right over here, donkey
tuck your tail, and give your print
work till your fingers curve
no more.

Think we ought to split the sunset
but leave some diamonds behind
never know what a soul may need.
Aug 2015 · 316
burst out
alwaystrying Aug 2015
You turned over so quick, the evening sun saw my ***
then promptly, you locked the door
looking for a small to cover the keyhole
when it strangely pushed open
by itself.
We burst out laughing.

Full moon riding the night sky
and odd clouds.....
Aug 2015 · 309
alwaystrying Aug 2015
Finished the crisps, now you leave me the packet
Did you enjoy?

Those songs keep playing in my head
overtaking my sleep, a crisscross dream.

Then 360 turns again and they got the festival
Wonder how to get out, if assuming so easy.
Aug 2015 · 810
alwaystrying Aug 2015
Jester, come
end the game which never started
and the cat curls, entirely oblivious to the sword
now is the time to make all right.

Hey, what was the word?
The weekend bled a million horrors
till next month. Why shift my feet more?
Oh shaman of great power
how is your **** feeling?

Can't make it tonight, baby
just woke now
and I'll keep you a beautiful book
not quite bound, but tight enough
to keep your pages sane.
Aug 2015 · 285
alwaystrying Aug 2015
back to basics
when the world started
valleys meandered further than seas
the oceans spilled sea
don't cry, it's only ships sailing.
Aug 2015 · 319
alwaystrying Aug 2015
Pale blue sky, cold wind sings of sadness
are you coming to help out?
Not until it's cleared, I want less control.
Later, a hot pan of spicy onion, egg and juice.

bring on the rot, threats of a dastardly runner
the cold comes and the walls bleed mercy
you're all users of one or other thing
quip for all eternity
how we let one corpse bring down the living
one block and it is a nice, vengeful filter
in your face.

tired tired tired
of games, in the end
apart, we both lose.
Aug 2015 · 250
alwaystrying Aug 2015
What lingers in the space around your thoughts?
I can tell you're thinking it.
How you need my thumb.

Fine thoughts.
Jul 2015 · 474
technical: insert
alwaystrying Jul 2015
Assistance required, of a technical nature.
Urgent part need, optimal.

Insert a thought for the needy.
Satiate your own hunger, hurry!

New colors arrived after years, long wait, extra.
A trickle of lavender oil, burning towns.

The priest was not the savior, they all thought
Vow of silence briefly broken, to save another.

True sacrifice, his face is half lasered away
Insert the key. So close and far now, it goes.

Charity begins closer to home. Pilgrim, shame on you.
The light is out. Lend a candle then, a chunk of bread.
Jul 2015 · 525
blind moon
alwaystrying Jul 2015
I'll hold you and find a way someday
kiss your indulgence by the plucked strings
of a blind moon.

Where did you put the nails?
The wall cries desolation for
some art pieces my heart can't
be sorry for.

What you along for? been looking hard
for the second part of heaven, we all.
This life closes with every second
you allow to run to gutter, to waste.
Jul 2015 · 299
alwaystrying Jul 2015
Up for a sweet one today.
Make the plans and thrill inside
anticipate the best to come.

Lather soap and hot on shoulder
Bring the water down
beau ful inside.

Oh, plans change.
See another stay along
But soon, cos hardly sleeping
with head filled of stepping out with you.
Jul 2015 · 474
small steps
alwaystrying Jul 2015
You used it.
Big vision.

A baby grand in duet with lapping waves, me.

When they released her, she looked back.
Fuel for the beasts, and getting late for picking bluebells.

The white space filled up.
Noise for cramming, more.

Yuk, some wrote and others spill without thinking.

A good edit needs many small steps.
Dovetail's detail. Clockwork ambience.

Flew off. Left the heat on. And it's still burning.
New day on gusts awful, blow blow blow your horn.
Jul 2015 · 676
alwaystrying Jul 2015
Blades moulded to softness, a kneading
in the afternoon.

Double back efforts to secure new tenure
lots to learn.

A red fluffy thing, vanilla in the biscuit
nobody home.

Although things overflow, Eden's bucket
never forgets.
Jul 2015 · 530
alwaystrying Jul 2015
Two white shirts, starched
on the floor of a car, hatchback.

Blue beauty in the corner, wolfish grin
time for the assassin, new belief.

A resolute thing, his horns won't budge
flying from a limerick's mouth, cavernous.

Sunny youth departs in crocodile fears, a phase
Please don't, I swear the farewell will hold.
Jul 2015 · 487
alwaystrying Jul 2015
A surprise gift, choppy waters for an unintended dip
and wanting to buy a towel but forgoing all to the ******
deserted and clear
detour opens the mountain, the wind howls later.

We carry the burden uphill in a sweatshirt
long abandoned
a dinosaur shell, of pale blue
for a happy child blowing harmonica gratitude
on a black gate.
Jul 2015 · 472
total mess
alwaystrying Jul 2015
When they think love will answer to every beck and call
it's just a cocktail of hormones and time
now the graveyard of wishes has their dreams added to it
a premature disaster when arrogance is a block
still, it's a gift but the timing is out of joint
freedoms flies out, a total mess now, responsibility
heavy on the shoulders not quite ready for the weight.
Jul 2015 · 345
alwaystrying Jul 2015
Within my dakota dream, rests your rock
within your rock, I sleep like sunken ships
and when we wake, songs breathe to life
inside the ghost of irate storms
and lilies on the edge of streams dance
to no preying eyes.

You're writing poems on the ice again
the suite of the pioneer cannot slip.
Who won't like your bedside nonsense
it gave us time to think.

I've just enough time left
to flip a penny to midnight sky
and ride away on the trails of a high wish
inside the bark of trees old men find remedy of
within their breast, old secrets murmured in broken sleep.

It's here.
It's come.
Time to leave.

Don't bother turning out the light
it was never on.
Jun 2015 · 323
alwaystrying Jun 2015
You could pass by here
and none but me would be

Wouldn't that be something.
Jun 2015 · 388
Day off with You
alwaystrying Jun 2015
I'm becoming engorged with thoughts of being with you
of holding you and planting kisses across your face.
I want a heck more than just to hold you
I'll cradle your spirit, hug your mind
I need a day off with you.

Remember that hot day we spent together
how you struggled beneath me
you fed me an apple, straight from your desk
and I felt like an A student, putty in your grip.
You stood there, quiet and didn't touch me
I loved that.

Then I kissed you, softly and gently
you melted against me and moaned
Our eyes closed and you protested
but our kiss exploded the air, a combustible parcel
wow, you tasted so delicious and smelled of Heaven.

That's when things took an interesting turn.....
Jun 2015 · 365
alwaystrying Jun 2015
Cold and wet day, rain hectoring all down to the last pedestrian
A tired man stepped into a corner shop he never noticed before.

Warm glow from fireplace, neat stacks of books bedside a sofa
He sat down and gave his eyes to the ceiling, all worry melted.

The next time he heard the tinkling bell, the door opened again
Felt like a spell lifted, a teacup clanked. Ten years had passed.

Qui jetait le sort?
C'est l'ennui.

Frantic searching for lost moments
Wrinkles he never noticed before.

The curtains parted and on the stage, old
Sorrow pasted its stamp on his forehead.

You said I could have the night, you withdrew
pleasure and left love humiliated, a used tissue.
Jun 2015 · 462
child of the dark
alwaystrying Jun 2015
Don't cry.

I ate the circle of moon before it could disappear
but when I woke, it slipped
and hid in that ball of light
they call sun.

We swore we'd never let it destroy her again
but it was fate who threw the key
into the pond
You spoke to a blue fish with golden scales
and made deals below my disturbing seas
without realizing desperate souls
also lived there.

Why do you keep calling me, child of the dark?
you promised never to but you vanished
like the traitorous treasure of a wakeful reel
that you take down each night
into the craters where your alterego resides.

Aren't you afraid of meeting your other self?
So, one night, when a meteor slid this way
past my bedroom door, ajar with brimming dreams
and a cold, gray mist covered my breath
my head was forced up and through the ceiling
my eyes finally closed, it told me who broke the seal.

You can tell the world who stepped on sleep
worshipper of the wood sprites
it's you, isn't it.
Jun 2015 · 517
wintry thoughts
alwaystrying Jun 2015
How I dream of walking among the reeds
and the whispering bulrushes
and holding onto the reins of tomorrow
Do you imagine anyone could slide out of
today and down into a chosen moment?

Take it and cradle a dream and make
half a universe wish come true
for me.

And count on Mercury to land some sweet spoils
in all the mess embroiled
in the middle of wintry thoughts
We can find a pinned butterfly to a tree
but it will never fly.

Like the wishes we refuse to relinquish
Nothing will step out dream state
until it takes to flight.
Jun 2015 · 776
alwaystrying Jun 2015
Inside, tempests brew for all the quiet I show
Perhaps my discontent has grown wings
living an existence of stress mounds
where time firmly holds all *****.

I dreamed of gulls giving birth while flying
and catching lumps of coal in their claws
the babies fall halfway to the world
and start flying over hills.

That's got my vote for hope in a world
where kindness is a word
and love just a verbose trinket.
Shall I pick you up?
No, she says, but you can whip something out.
Like what?
A storm you're dying for.
Jun 2015 · 432
special skirt
alwaystrying Jun 2015
the hindrance of seeing the truth
longing to touch the sweet taste
of what they call

you love avoiding me, my 3 am muse
you love grilling me, too
I don't mind these tribulations
because I know of the weekly perk
when clouds burst in their teal dance
and you twirl round the room

that precarious balance of
waiting to topple over prayerful cliffs
in your
special skirt.
Jun 2015 · 311
alwaystrying Jun 2015
May I?
I know you want me to.

Like an insect, jelly in knees
wrists imprisonned in my hands
up against that wall.

Shhh, don't cry out too loud
there's folk nearby
butterfly pinned and we keep it still.
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