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May 2020 · 206
Allie Pine May 2020
glass broke in my hand.
blood spilled,
wetting the black lace bra i bought in Venice
to remind me of the life i lost staring out the window

nights like these,
i float through reality
turning off the sounds and sights
just me and the wind, silently living

my black bra is soaked through
i have to throw it in the wash
there’s nothing else i want to wear
so tonight, my neighbours saw my *******.
Feb 2020 · 216
Allie Pine Feb 2020
And then everything ceases
And it’s silent
And my ears bleed
And my soul dies
Because the voices scream
Louder than the sky whispering
The date I sold my soul
To the Devil
Feb 2020 · 199
Une Promesse
Allie Pine Feb 2020
Un jour, ton corp s’éteindra.
Mais ton âme, à jamais emprisonné dans mon coeur,
Sera comme une étoile,
Aussi brillante que la nuit sans nuages.
One day your body will die.
But your soul, forever trapped in my heart,
Will be like a star,
As bright as the cloudless night.
Jan 2020 · 154
Lilac Skies
Allie Pine Jan 2020
I built a garden
Out of my own hands.
Planted seeds,
Watched them grow.
And when they bloomed,
I hacked them down.
Because they were prettier
Than you.
Dec 2019 · 167
Allie Pine Dec 2019
There's something so majestic
About holding a knife in the dead of the night
Just before disaster strikes
Dec 2019 · 280
Allie Pine Dec 2019
Devilish boy,
Breathe me in
And I'll lick your knife.
Nov 2019 · 24.6k
Cuts Bleed
Allie Pine Nov 2019
Im a broken soul
Laughing and twirling
Under the stars
Of the bleeding Heavens
Oct 2019 · 1.2k
Twisted mind
Allie Pine Oct 2019
I'm living an angel's hell
Oct 2019 · 202
I Had an Idea
Allie Pine Oct 2019
What if we had a tongue war?
Oct 2019 · 443
Sad Reality
Allie Pine Oct 2019
The number of times I have told myself
“Can’t get drunk on a Monday”
Is astonishingly sad.
Oct 2019 · 255
Story Told in a Lifetime
Allie Pine Oct 2019
One night, I ****** a bomb.
A self destructive bomb.

He left me at 6am,
Opened my window,
And blew me a kiss.

Naked and alone,
I prayed to the heavens,
I prayed that he never came back,
Prayed and wished he forgot my name.

But how can a self destructive bomb ever forget a tsunami ready to destroy?

So one night at 2am,
Once again,
He lost himself between my legs.

And we searched for something to tie us to the world.
We searched in each other,
We searched between the sheets.
We even searched in the stars, when he took me for a dance at 4am.

5 am, he was gone.
A kiss on the forehead and no goodbye.

I got down on both knees and prayed that whatever I’d found would leave.

Two nights later,
A bottle of ***** in hand,
He knocked.

My heart leaped
And my hands opened the window.

That night, we drank.
Sip after sip,
Until our mouths crashed
And our hearts bled.

His hands were as hungry as my eyes.
We roamed around,
Crashed at different time points
And messed up my bed.

3am, in his arms,
I still couldn’t sleep.

I wrapped myself in a blanket,
Kissed him as he slept,
And I left.

I walked around on my street,
Naked and alone for the world to see.

When I got to the end of my street where cars pass down even at 3am,
I layed down, looked up at the sky
And cried my pains to the stars.

— The End —