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 Mar 2010 Allison Owens
my old stomping ground
a violent playground
where kids emulate birds
the pecking order
last one to the sandbox
goes to prison
blood, sweat and knuckle sprains
truimph, loss and growing pains
but i am not the sum of it
nor it the sum of me
i have lived other lives
so why do i identify with it so strongly
Falling in and out of consciousness.
Looking in the mirror again,
turning away;

A constant commotion of thoughts in my head,
being turned over and over until they are dead;
Until they are free.

Wondering why I am this way,
I fall again.
Nothing makes sense anymore.

Their dead eyes fall on me,
and I feel nothing from them.
So helpless and stuck they seem.

Cars pass by,
the rain violating their windows.
Everything has lost it's colour.

Remembering the yellow in your voice,
the orange in your laughter.
I let the emptiness surround me,
curling up into a ball of regret,
and guilt,
and everything else that has killed the sun.

I will hear your voice once more,

before I forget,


— The End —