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Allie Apr 2013
if i could make everything better for you
i would
all i want is for you to stop hurting
because it hurts me too
and i die a little inside everytime i hear you say those words
or hear that you've taken a blade to your beautiful skin
it kills me
i know i might not have the right words to say to make it better
but i can hold you and kiss you and comfort you
and i can make you feel wanted
and if had to give up everything to make you happy
i would
because you deserve to be happy
you deserve it much more than i do
Allie Apr 2013
on those sticky summer days
she loved the way the sky reflected the color of her eyes perfectly
she loved the way the wind washed over her body
she loved the way the sun felt upon her bare shoulders
but eventually it turned into fall
and she found a boy
that made her feel like the way she did during the summer
she felt free, happy, and beautiful
but soon, when it turned into winter
everything grew colder, even the people she loved
and then she felt alone, inadequate, and broken
it turned into spring
and she had lost her friends
she had stopped eating
she was convinced she would never be good enough
and when it turned summer once again
she wasn't there to feel the sun or the wind
and now her eyes were lifeless
yet the sky shone brighter than it ever had before
on a sticky summer day
Allie Apr 2013
i just want you to know
i haven't met you yet
but i know that when i find you
i will love every part of you
from the matted hair on your head
to the freckles on your toes
you may not be considered beautiful to everyone else
but to me
you are perfect
Allie Apr 2013
20 years from now
will you still think about me?
will you still miss me?
will you still want me?
and i can't help but wonder
20 years from now
will you still love me?
Allie Apr 2013
i just want to lie down
and feel your heartbeat next to mine
i don't want to talk
i just want to listen
i want to hear about that time you ran away for a week
i want to hear the cracks in your voice when you talk about your family
i want to hear about how she broke your heart
i want to hear the sadness in your voice when you talk about your childhood
i want to hear about everything you've ever experienced
i just want to hear all these things
because i want to make them better
and if i can't make them better
i will listen
i will hold you until you feel okay again
i will stroke your hair until you fall asleep
and then i will lie there
and fall in love with you and all your little imperfections
that make you perfect to me
Allie Apr 2013
this sadness drowns me
it pulls me under and rips every breath from my lungs
it makes my chest burn and my eyes water
my legs and arms are tired from grabbing onto streams of nothing
trying to pull myself out of this dark, dismal hole
my voice is barely there after screaming for someone to help
for someone to save me
for someone to free me
but nothing can free me
i'm sinking fast
but it feels like an eternity
i want to stop hurting
i want to stop this feeling
but i can't
i am nothing
i am worthless
and that's all i'll ever be
and all that is left of me is a drowning body
with no reason to stay afloat
Allie Apr 2013
if you were mine
i'd kiss you all the time
i'd bring you your favorite food when you were sick
i'd let you pick the movie to watch
i'd hold your hand
and squeeze it to let you know how happy i am
i'd cuddle with you whenever you wanted
i'd send you the sweetest texts when you were sad
i'd make you laugh with all the stupid jokes i tell
i'd rest my head on your chest when we're watching tv
i'd write you nice poems like this
and put them in a box and save them
for when we fought
and so if one of us got mad at the other and walked away
i'd drive over to your house in the middle of the night
and place one of these poems on your doorstep
so that way you would know how much you mean to me
and how the fight that we had was stupid
and how perfect you are to me
it wouldn't fix it, not completely
but at least you'd know how happy you make me
and i hope that you would hug me
and tell me that everything will be alright
and i hope that i would be enough for you
because if you were mine,
you'd be enough for me.
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