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Time something that cannot be controlled or manipulated but is always taken for granted. There is a time for everything but for everything there is a time. Sooo when os time up

7 years i gave to a person. Dont feel sorry for me. Just read my words and see that life and time is basically running out when you procrastinate on following your dreams, constantly running from finding you and loving yourself.

Well i tolerated someone to come into my life and change the me i saw in that mirror. I am ready to see me again. May have partially wasted seven years waiting for an unworthy,ungrateful, dishonest human being to change while losing myself in the process.

Time such a precious thing yet wasted on deflated promises.
No more tears, because you don't care no more.  Once you use to worry about every little thing he does but now your like i dont f**cking care. What you use to feel and the feeling you use to embrace and liked in the past has faded away between it, s journey to the future. Time do have a way in the way everything works. Time makes you realize and sometimes regret what you can''t change.  Love was once there but i guess....... It has runned its coarse.
I use to always dream of a life filled with love, until i met you.  Why I lost all hopes of ever wanting a happily ever after.  I have seen and compare the person you were before to what you have become today.
I have lost my best friend,the only one i thought would ride for me forever. But forever is just a day away.  And i finally realize forever doesn't exist in the future. I have lost all hopes of this relationship. And now i am going to sit back and watchit slowly decay.  I have no more energy  to fight for someone who doesn't fight for me.  Im done.
You dont touch me or show me affection,  you don't  have to say it.  I know.  You make simple excuses why you cant give me attention, don't worry i get it.

Dont lie to me just to make me feel better.  It feels worse. The hardest thing is to know something but your partner dinies it.
cant really decide how to feel. at least now i realize that life isn't really a *** of is filled with deception, lies, disloyalty, selfishness and jealousy. no one gives a **** about nothing anymore in this day and age.    

respect is not there. tears becomes just water from the eyes.
depression becomes just thinking too much about everything.
emotion becomes only mixed feelings .
women becomes mothers before wives.
father prefer to play games and refuse to be a man and raise their kids.
just a little thing called life.
you left me alone,you went far away not showing me any kind of indication if you really still love me. i am alone. dont i need somebody to talk to as well and lean on their shoulder in my time of need. i have been battling alone trying to hold everything up until one day i got enough and just gave up.
giving it my all and in return ask for nothing.
all i needed was attention and he only time i got it was when you believe you have a little competition.

i have tried to not only love you but not only you i love myself more.
where were you when i cried alone?
when i nurtured your baby alone?
carried your child for nine months?
Rome in my man wondering and questioning the decisions i have made to be with you. where were you when all i had was you?
no calls or text from you asking me baby how is your day.
never have nothing good or honest to say.
am i fooling myself thinking that you got me. or do you want to have your cake and eat it too.

do you know what it feels like to be in a lonely relationship.
that only you know your in, only you fighting to hold it together, because the other half don't know where to begin.

constantly begging for attention but is running on empty. promises constantly get broken, dreams shatters in front of your face and the splinters sink into your thoughts.

seeing everyone happy to be with their lover except you and then you have to make excuses for them. cry until  you run out of tears. think until you run out of things to think. being angry until you forget what you were angry for.

when he doesn't acknowledge your birthday, valentines or important couples  events. you are the   only one pretending everything is okay , holding up your end and his, fooling yourself.
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