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1.7k · Mar 2010
Drunken Lobster Man
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
big blue Atlantic sky
gold sparkle like the sun
smelt a nip of rye
never thought you'd be this fun.

baby sea of curl
burnt tobacco cloud above your bed
you could see on your own, I wanted to be your girl
but still there you are residing in my head.

Mr. Perfection where you been
hiding your pretty little self away from me
only seen across the lawn with your puppy dog grin.
Why was it so hard for you to see
my love, I have fallen and yours I'd win
they all said "only you to pay an end fee"

I put ALL my trust into only you
countless times of breaking down
can't say how many tears I have drained for you
for some reason you,yourself is never able to make me frown.

but I didn't care, nor will I ever
love the accent of a true east coaster
swear you'll keep me forever, and let go of me never
so let's take our chance on a love roller coaster.

and you know all of this
yet you willingly send yourself North over again
it always seems like you make my life a hit-and-miss
but I can't stop loving you, just wait for me until then.

so go ahead, mesmerize me, take my breath of air
even without tights, you are my superman
in my world you were the only one who seemed to care
I will always love you, my Drunken Lobster Man

And this to you I swear.
942 · Mar 2010
Putty in Your Hands
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
you know I'm  just a child
I'm really not that innocent or mild

I'll melt within your gentle hands
turn me into art, place me where love stands.

but i can do better
I've wrote many of one letter.

just to explain who i want to be
who i want you to truly see

maturity, I've got twice as much as yourself
i know the look and image of myself

mold me, fold me anyway you like
you know you're in control as if a lightning strike

you know if you ask I'd give you anything
please just  give this thing

a real chance?
855 · Mar 2010
Honey Suckle Summers
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
the air is warm
and the pave is hot
watch passing storms
smell of BBQ, in my nose it got.

twinkling wake within the pool
sun glaring down keeping us dry
refresh with a drink that is cool
none of us with a care and we don't have to try.

nothing ever feels wrong
warm fire in the eve
music, you just have to sing along
i never want these feelings to leave.

but yet here we are
when winter comes we will morn
if we can wait a year and get that far
soon the honey suckle will be reborn.

and oh how i miss that
our honeysuckle summers each year
no longer it stays, my heart is now flat
for just a fading memory ringing through my ear
744 · Mar 2010
Lost and Found
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
I walk this road all alone
independent, I don't want help
all I am is lost and accident prone
and finally I will give in and yelp.

out for help, out for you
I know that's where I want to be found
no longer trapped, out searching for you
I can safely say my feet are happily on the ground.

I've located, who I am, and who I strive to be
all I wish now is for you to stand proud beside me.
709 · Jun 2011
Hypocrite Boy
Alison Matthews Jun 2011
go and get a life hypocrite boy.
you told me don't cry.  told me don't hurt yourself.
make a girl fall in love, let her settle in your life,
then turn against her without warning.
hows the drink taste now a days?
is it still satisfying as you drown your liver,
and chard your lungs or has it gone bitter?
as I walk with rage in my heart I ask of you
to give me a call when your clean and sober.
quit trying to dig yourself a slow six feet under.
fact is I love you too much to sit and wait.
so please don't expect me to watch you,
willingly **** yourself, i beg of you.
Alison Matthews 2010
687 · Mar 2010
Do Words Mean Anything?
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
you see me every day
wearing a mask
to blind your eyes in every way
i only asked for one little task

and now i fear to sob
in front of you
because you'd do the job
i just wish you would fall this hard too

not for that cow
who's a complete ****
but me, the girl next door  right now
cause all i ever feel, is my upside down gut.

you told me i could trust you
i never thought that, that would be a lie too.
669 · Feb 2012
Alison Matthews Feb 2012
Here is your gift's second part
Forgive me if it sounds cheesy
But I'm somewhat of a romantic at heart.

Distance is just a small cost
For someone great to come into my life
Because in your eyes I want to get lost.

Yes it's true you light up my day
Your smile is infectious and bright
You are perfect in every way.

I swear I will try my best
To make you the happiest girl in the world
So go ahead and put me to the test.

It's true you are very fine
I know I don't have much to offer
But my heart is empty so please be...

549 · Mar 2010
Always A Sigh of Relief
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
good bye dark cloud
let me float onward
pride let me scream out aloud
all by my lonesome it was quite hard.

but then you took my hand and should me around
all the good things that made me blind
now that i can see, no longer lost or found
i am content that you're always on my mind

you put me on a path, no longer a lone lost pup
i drag you down when i am scared
but you always pick me back up
and i am real glad you showed me the most important thing of all... showed me someone out there really cared.
530 · Mar 2010
Broken Teen Broken Dream
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
all these years
so empty and dark
try and scream yet no one hears
others leaving their mark.

yet none of them good
its hard when you feel this alone
and all we need is one who could
save a life and silence the moan.

they say these are the best years of your life
but I hate those fake standards they put on teens
really, its deep and feels like a knife
are you someone who could sew the seems

of a child who needs your shoulder, will you be there for me?
526 · Mar 2010
If Santa Were God
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
if Santa were god would we ask for a train?
if Santa were god I'd ask for a better brain

there is only one thing I'd ever want if  S.C were god
to be normal, your equal as you would see
all i am is a duck that is odd

no longer do i want the pain
all i want is my pride and glory
all i want to do is wash off this stain
its really nothing like a fairy tale story.

so Santa if you were god just take back the "gift",
and hand me that coal
just remove the scars and give me a lift,
up to the top of the world where i belong, that is my only goal.
523 · Mar 2010
A Man's Voice
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
it's not just the wind that you hear
late at night whispering through your door
so stop your sobs and forget what you fear
its just the man trying to reach your core.

he's guiding you along
willing to take your hand
he tries to take away the wrong
showing you the good in this green earthed land.

so if you ever feel a velvet whisper on your cheek
do not fear, it is only him soothing you
he's only trying to prove you wrong, that you aren't weak
he'll always be there for he is the bonding glue.
515 · Mar 2010
No Longer Yours
Alison Matthews Mar 2010
sick of your stereotyped way
no longer do I want to be yours
don't ask why, but we both know I'll be okay
and the deep opposite feelings that sit in our cores.

probably won't ever leave us
still, I've wasted away 15 years of me
and I don't plan on wasting more, I don't want to make a fuss
I just need to go, daddy's little girl is not what I want to be.

I don't think I'll ever be sorry
as your scaring runs deep, more than you'll ever know
it's just something we all have to live with, end of story
just let your little "angel" fly freely and let her go.
422 · Feb 2015
The Evil Friend
Alison Matthews Feb 2015
How long ago has it been?
For years you were my only friend
Though many thought it to be sin
I knew it was us until the bitter end

You gave me pain
You gave me pleasure
You left a blood stain,
And that was my buried treasure

Carve in deeper why don't you
Hit me until it becomes a drug
I love the sudden rush don't you?
Keep going for my grave has been dug


I no longer need you
I no longer want this
You promised no one would see
All the pain you caused me
It's always been a hit and miss
So go sit in your anger and stew

My body is not a canvas for,
You to paint in red
Blade; I don't need you anymore
Now please get out of my head

I'm worth it
I'm perfect,
In my own way
Away from me you will stay

I was once a cutter
I am now a fighter
I was once in the gutter
I am now a few secrets lighter

I was once a cutter,
And you were my evil friend.

— The End —