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3.8k · Oct 2012
Gloomy Gus
Alice Curtis Oct 2012
I see him everyday
Riding on the bus.
His head down
His long frown
Poor Gloomy Gus.

Everyone who tries
To talk to him
To meet his eyes,
Only gets pushed away.
Poor gloomy Gus.

I'd give him a piece of candy,
But he'd slap it from my hand,
If only his mother had held him,
I wish he could understand,
We all just want him to smile
And sing, and enjoy everything.

But, poor gloomy Gus,
Just sits on the bus,
Feeding his hate
And starving his love.
Poor, poor,
Gloomy Gus.
3.5k · Jul 2012
Owed To Chocolate
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
I like candy and popcorn and pizza
and macaroni and cheese
but I LOVE chocolate.
Its so sweet and melty
it tastes so dreamy!
I like the white chocolate,
and milk chocolate
and I love dark chocolate.
Chocolate is wonderful because
there's so many kinds.
Yummy pudding
and cool icecream
and they even make chocolate astronot icecream
which is good because it doesn't melt.
I feel bad for my dog because she cant have any.
I wish I could have more!
If I only could eat one thing for the rest of my life
it would be yummy, creamy, sweat, dreamy CHOCOLATE!
Alice Curtis Sep 2012
People get mad because of hurt feelings,
And because everyone is different people judge.
But they shouldn't,
Because the only person you need to judge is yourself.
Because that is the only person you control.
Some people act mean because they are abused at home.
Lots of things happen you don't see, and the things you see can trick you.
So be careful if you go to judge,
Because even a court judge needs overwhelming evidence.
You know what you did, and you know if you need to change.
Don't let people judge you by their rules and ideas.
If your not breaking the law, then its your business.
But if you feel you can do better, or you think you made a mistake
It is your decision to get better, and fix things.
Don't judge others.
You can't help others while your judging them.
I mean stereotyping and assuming, or gossiping about people. Not law court judging.
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
Last night my mom and dad got into a fight
Because my dad wanted to watch fights on the DVR
And drink beer in the basement all night!
My mom asked him to watch TV with us
And watch his fights later
But he was mean
And he said no.
So my mom said
"You might as well sleep down in the basement tonight too"
My mom says my dad is so selfish,
And he always leaves things where they don't belong,
And he tells silly jokes, and doesn't like to do dishes.

But, I woke up in the morning, to the smell of crispy salty bacon,
And brewing coffee.
I went to the kitchen
And my dad was cooking eggs, bacon and pancakes
And he was chopping up fruit salad.
The only meal my dad cooks better than my mom is breakfast
And my mom says he's the only man that a can cook her bacon, just right.
I helped my dad put the eggs, with yummy gruyer cheese, and black pepper,
And a little cup of ketchup on the side
Because my mom doesn't like it on the plate,
On the breakfast tray.
And I snuck a piece of bacon, when I put that on the plate,
And the pancake plate with butter and sticky syrup
And then the fruit salad mixed with yogurt.
Then we brought it into the room, and my mom
Went from mad to smiling when she smelled the bacon.
She kissed my dad when he gave her the tray
And said "Don't think your off the hook, Russ."
And my dad did his sorry puppy impression.
"But" my mom said,
I forgive you."

We left her to eat her breakfast,
And as me and dad went to wash the dishes
He said
"Remember, Alice..breakfast in bed fixes almost anything...
Until you ***** up again, and then...there's always chocolates"
1.7k · Jul 2012
Faerys Are Real
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
Sprites fly through the living room
they glow green with magical dust sprinkles.
One lands on the end of my moms broom.
She blows it a kiss and it flys away.

Brownies climb the desk with little ropes
they sneak off with my reeses pieces
but they leave behind a bag of hopes
that I'll be a famous poetess someday.

Faerys are real, they just hide really good.
If you believe in them sometimes you get to see them.
If you go for walks in the woods
you might get to see faerys play.
This is my first rhyme poem! Thank you to everybody on this site, and your awesome poems. I learn so much from you guys everyday. :)
1.7k · Jul 2012
Stop Killing Baby Dryads!
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
We are killing too many trees
for notebooks, and mail envelopes,
and not enough people recycle.
My mom says that every tree is a home for a Dryad.
Dryads are nice people that care for the tree they live in.
When you **** an old tree, that the Dryad has already left
its not so bad. But when you chop down a young tree
you could **** a baby Dryad!

Stop chopping down little healthy trees
because the trees give us oxygen to breath with.
We need the trees, and the Dryads need the trees.
Stop killing baby Dryads. And always recycle too.
1.5k · Jul 2012
Ode To Elmers Glue
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
It is so much fun making things.
Cutting construction paper,
and printing pictures from the computer,
and making solar system posters,
with colorful comets, and nebulas.
But without my good friend Elmers glue
I don't know what I would do.

Just a dot, and spread it around,
and you can stick Ganymede next to Jupiter,
and make all kinds of cool collages.

You can make little game pieces,
and play galaxy battles with grandpa,
but without Elmers glue
everything would fall apart,
and all the papers would seperate,
and nothing would work!

That's why I love Elmers glue.
Its like love,
because it fixes little broken plastic hearts,
and keeps beautiful pictures, and strong paper together,
so that you can make beautiful and strong things,
which is what love is.

So you can sort of say
that Elmers glue, kind of
is love.
Which is why I love it!
1.4k · Aug 2012
Lake Monster
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
I love to play lake monster,
And swim around the floating docks,
And grab people and make them squeal and giggle.
You need to wear goggles, because the water is murky,
from people kicking up the silt wit there feet,
We take turns, but I like being the lake monster best.
Because we only have one pair of good goggles,
And the lake monster gets them,
And I love to swim under water, and pretend I'm a mermaid,
But one that plays tricks, and tickles people, and pulls them under,
Accidently they sometimes swallow a gulp of water,
And choke, and I feel bad...
But the lake monster dives away,
And I catch them again another day.
Alice Curtis Sep 2012
Its crazy how quick love makes things better,
My mom was so sad this morning,
Because my dad had left to go to Arizona.
But, just a few minutes ago my dad called.
You should have seen how quick my mom got happy.
Smiling, and singing, as she cleans the kitchen.
Just the sound of his voice was enough to make her dance.
I'm glad my parents love each other so much,
Because my grandpa says that so few marriages make it anymore.
My friend Alyssa's parents are divorced,
And its sad going to her house.
Her mom is never singing,
Or dancing or smiling.
But, I'm not afraid of my parents getting divorced.
The look on my moms face was enough to prove
That she loves my dad too much,
And the nice things my dad is constantly doing for my mom,
I know he loves her so much too.
Just one little phone conversation meant so much.
Its crazy how quick love makes things better.
1.2k · Sep 2012
Alice Curtis Sep 2012
I don't know why love and loved are seperate words.
If you ever love someone, you can't just stop,
Because, even if they change,
You still love them for who they were,
And in a way, you have to love them for who they are too.
Love isn't like.
You can like one type of food, and stop liking it.
But when you love, it is different.
You cannot just stop loving.
Loved is love.
You may be in love with someone,
But you love everyone you loved,
So let's just call it lovd,
Because both words mean the same thing.
1.2k · Sep 2012
Don't Spite!
Alice Curtis Sep 2012
Two people who love each other
Need to learn to forgive each other.
When we make spiteful actions, it hurts us later on.
It is better to forgive and forget mistakes,
Otherwise people can get hurt.
But people can be spiteful sometimes,
And if you are you have to learn to say
I'm sorry.
Because being spiteful feels good as you do it sometimes,
But in the end you feel bad until you say
I'm sorry.
My friend Carly and Tamara got into a fight, and they stopped talking to each other, but they talked bad about each other. They apologized today, because they felt bad for the mean things they said.
1.1k · Aug 2012
Love Is Special
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
Love is a special thing,
its free to give, and to recieve.

If you smile, and be a friend
love will find you in the end.

When you feel low and sad,
think of all the fun you had.

With people that you love
and those who love you too.

Don't listen to the jerks
that say your love is a hoax.

If you love from the heart,
and always be true
you might just find out
how special love can be for you.
I love all my friends here at HP. Thanks for reading and saying such nice things. I wish I could hug and kiss you all. :)
1.1k · Aug 2012
I Miss My Doggie
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
I can't wait until I see you again Lizzie.
Only one night and I miss you.
Morning isn't the same,
without waking up to you kissing me on the nose.
You nuzzle up next to me, all warm and cozy under the blanket,
I don't want to get up, just lay there all day.
But when your not here, I wake up and I need to get moving.
Doing different activities, and playing games, until the day is over.
But, at night I miss you again.
I can't wait to lie in the hammock with you,
And sip lemonade,
As you lick some from your cup,
With a happy smile,
And then you give me a kiss,
Leaving a sugary residue.
I love you Lizzie,
I hope you aren't getting into too much trouble,
And I can't wait to see you again,
When I get home, we can bark at the bird,
And chase squirrels, and sneak snacks between meals,
And best of all, snuggle under the blanket,
I'll see you soon my number one friend.
1.1k · Aug 2012
Different Songs
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
The birds sing sweeter
Flying free in the forest,
Than stuck in a cage.
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
It makes me feel alive when I sing.
My mom playing piano and my
granpa on guitar my dad calls
us Uncle Johns Band.
Which is a song that makes me happy
because it makes me think of my family
and all the good times we have together.
Music is the most magical thing
because it makes everybody feel better
even deaf people. Because they can still feel
the vibrations because sound is air vibrations.
Harmonica sounds crazy and loud.
Piano sounds sweet like an angel.
Guitar sounds like all kinds of things.
But singing is the best because
singing is good for your lungs
and everybody sings differently
and when people sing in harmony
they make lovely music.
Music is the one thing that everybody should love.
My mom picked the title and she said I should put the title at the top and make a rhyme in the beggining but I want to write poems myself and not change them unless I want to. Or if I make a grammer error.
952 · Aug 2012
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
Its fun to travel, far away,
To run and swim, and laugh and play,
But its best to be home, at the end of the day,
With the people who love you true,
No matter what you do,
Home is the place you can turn to,
But home is wherever your loved ones are,
Not just a place you live, and sleep.
Some people even make a home in a car,
If love is there, your at home in the street.
Home is a place, that lives in the face
Of the ones who love you.

Home is in my face.
929 · Aug 2012
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
Cabin smells funny,
The springs in the bed are broke.
Who cares, let's go swim!
Just got back from sleep away camp. It was supercool! I had lots of fun. :)
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
When I was six I lost my dog.
Everybody went crazy looking for her.
Even the people that she had nipped at
and one guy she had chased over a fence.
She's little but she's tough.

After an hour of yelling her name all over the place
I heard my mother call from the bedroom.
I ran in to see Lizzie peak her head out from under the blanket
and let out a little doggie yawn.
Now whenever Lizzie is missing we always check under the blanket first.
Thanks to poetry watch for pointing out my grammer error.
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
Gray sky was crying
Big, sad, booming thunder sobs,
Now he feels better.
The rain makes me happy and sad at the same time. I love hot cocoa on rainy days. It makes me feel good. :)
839 · Jul 2012
Summer Rules!
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
Eat all the icecream
drink up all the lemonade,
dance and sing all day!
I can read poems by myself now! But first I got to help my mom around the house. I can't wait to read a bunch of stuff. Ryple. That means read your poems later everybody. :)
769 · Jul 2012
Ace Of Hearts
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
Hate is a bad deal
hating is a losing hand,
love always trumps hate.
My aunt taught me poker! I am getting real good. We made this poem together. Tomorrow I can read poems! I love everybody on HP :)
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
I Love You. :)
733 · Aug 2012
Love Juggernaut
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
Your pain,
And heal your heart.
Alice Curtis Mar 2015
A star is not a cold rock
a dulled reflective face,
like glazed glass.

It burns when your eyes are closed
it devours itself
while jagged rocks pirouette
rugged rings around the fire.

Variegated spheres swirl
in the cosmic whirlwinds,
as waves radiate from a distance,
bathing all in their path in its brilliance.

I don't know why worlds plummet
like stones from the sky.

I don't know why worlds must die
before a child can reach the summit.

This sick trip they drag you into
from the wet warm of the womb
is not living, but just a tomb,
a sealed and silent little room,
a fleeting glimpse at everything.

All I know is, a star is not a rock.
And death does not discriminate.
Thinking about my grandpa. He taught me everything about stars and planets.
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
If you see somebody
all alone
weeping and shivering
ask them if they are alright.
Say hello and good morning.
Because when you are down and blue
it makes you feel a tiny bit better whenever anyone is kind to you.
If you are kind to people who are forgot by other people,
then when you are sick and sad, somebody might be kind to you.
There is nothing selfish or weak about asking for help.
Humans are only alive today because we helped each other survive.
Help so that when you need it you will be helped.
660 · Jul 2012
A Tribute To Miss Possick
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
Teachers are great people
they dedicate their lives to helping others
and they don't get paid alot of money.
My favorite teacher is Miss Possick.
She teaches english, and writes poetry,
and she is a very special person that
my granpa would say is one in a million.
She is the first person to read my poem
and tell me she liked it, and she always
tells me encorogging things, and she is always kind
to me and everyone else, even the bad kids.
She knows almost everything about me, and we like all the same things,
she tells really funny jokes, and she makes me smile all the time.
And she laughs at my jokes, and she has a beautiful laugh and a happy smile.
My dad says that me and Miss Possick are simpatico
which is spanish for we are very similar,
because we both love animals, and nature, and laughing
and reading poetry and stories, and we both think that
people should be kind, and help others, and teach what they know.
Miss Possick knows all sorts of stuff, and If she doesn't know something
she can tell you the next day, because she is real good at looking stuff up.
Besides my family Miss Possick is my favorite person in the whole world.
And I love her very much.
633 · Jul 2012
Love Shield
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
The power of love
blocks all the hatefull mean words,
let love be your shield.
600 · Jul 2012
Inner Shelter
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
When your friends leave you
take shelter inside yourself,
you're never alone.
I got punished for reading poems I wasn't supposed to by myself. I can't read any poems for a week. :(
But my mom says I can still post my poems. :)
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
In Your Heart,
It's A Safe Place .
My mom pointed out that the title and the poem, could be ten words, so this is what I did. :)
504 · Aug 2012
I Know The Truth (10w)
Alice Curtis Aug 2012
is chocolate cake,
In a flower garden
with Lizzie.
Ten word poems are hard. I need more words! But they are fun.:)

— The End —