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Alexis Cook Aug 2012
Watching the sun go down

To watch the lights come up on the night

Illuminated parking garages gave way to the dark blue sky

Sitting up on a loft playing guitar to the night air

Playing to the lighted windows across the way

Playing no one and the whole world all at once

I’m humming your lullaby in this elevator

I’m liking the way the notes bounce off of the walls like it bounces around in my head

Like the way you make my heart bounce around in my chest

Like the way I feel when I can’t rest.

My feelings are for no one in particular and for everyone at all

In the quiet of this room I feel alive

This night air is alive

We’re on the brink of summer

As though the days of spring were nonexistent

And I’m viewing the world through drooping eyes

This season brings dreams silhouetted by the sun slipping below the horizon

Just like you and me walking straight towards the line of eternity

We just look like the outlines

Next month promises of different days and

Narrow ways of escape from what is real          

In time the warmth of the sun will lull us to sleep

Only to wake us up in the fall.

What happens then will be so far away from us

When the dog days fall away

Into leaves catching breezes

And my fingers turning pages.

So, here’s to the days that I will feel so alive

Store them away until the days where I close the shades.

This season brings love

To only be taken away
Alexis Cook Aug 2012
its like there are 50 miles between each cloud and the sun. the sun is beating down and i just stand here willing each one to move faster.

protect me please.

its so hot and i can’t bear it.

i need you here.

its like im clinging to the thought of each cloud protecting me from what ails me.

so many analogies there and i cannot even begin to name them.

oh god, pull each cloud closer like a blanket.

each space between is just like a pinhole in the sky, the light shining through is a blessing and a disguised pain.

sometimes it too hard to know the difference.

oh god, protect me please. its so hot and i can’t bear it.
Alexis Cook Aug 2012
Today my heart soars over the tiny town with its tiny shadows between well lit spaces.
This is where yesterday is just a mystery and tomorrow never comes.
Today never ends.
Forever is suspended sleepy over roofs and windows.
It drifts down like the tiny flakes that often come.
No sign of stopping, no sign of letting up.
Forever folds around like blankets in the cold.
The tiny town with its tiny hearts are in the moment that never passes.

I want to be in the town where tomorrow never comes, yesterday is gone and tonight is the rest of forever.
Alexis Cook Aug 2012
Tonight Ill lie awake waiting for the reprieve of sleep that will never come. My eyes will bore holes in the night sky for stars. Like a moth eaten blanket that covered up the outside light. My heart will sink to the center of the earth like stones and heavy metals. Arms crossed hugging myself so tight. Thoughts twist and curl through my mind like the dark waters in the sound. I’m sitting upon the breakwall that I’ve built, held steady by the mortar of my past life. Prior planning leads to stable landings.

The water leaked into the cracks that you made. I sandbagged but it meant nothing. It was like dutch fingers in cracking dams. Contents pouring out to water Holland’s tulips.

I held steady so long but recent lapses in judgement left me open and waiting.

This time, like the last, I read the weather report wrong. Sunny days relapse into clouds and rain. My stray into meteorology took me down dark streets at night passing empty parks with vacant swings and lonely slides. Houses filled with slumbering occupants. Tired streetlights lighting up void roadways like ancient nightlights. Somehow I managed to find my way home. Back to where I’ve always been. Stagnant between the surf and the cliff face, I sink to swim
Alexis Cook Aug 2012
we used to be friends

i guess those were the thens

that left me with the nows

still riding the waves of past tides.

its almost like i have the bends

i got pulled under for so long

im still feeling the effects of a deluge.

im sick of the constant reminders.

im sick of my windows into the past.

its one or the other in real life

but in this blue tinted subaqueous world

its always transient floating through water walls dancing with particles and plankton.

the ins and outs.

cant go forward without cutting ties from behind
Alexis Cook Aug 2012
What do you do when you can’t handle yourself anymore?

Lying in this bed won’t save you. The blankets and pillows you surround yourself with won’t save you.

Every single tear that falls without permission staining your favorite pillowcase dark blue, won’t save you.

I’ve lost my grip on my own mentality. I was like the giant Greek temples that never crumbled. I had time tested supports that up until now, never faltered.

I can’t keep holding myself together with crumbling rocks. I need to find a way to put myself back together again.

I don’t know who or what I am looking for to save me. I guess I always have been searching for someone to come in a sweep me away and save me from my own head. I made myself think that each one of you could save me. Now I know that you won’t save me.

I swept you all away like the tides that move in on the beaches at night. I pushed and pulled the rest of you into the sea. My tide pools are few and far between. I run to them like life boats. But we all know that even life boats deflate over time.

You won’t save me. I can’t save me. It’s only a matter of time until I pull myself down.

Lets see how this ends.
Alexis Cook Aug 2012
The light coming from the crooked paper lanterns
that stand in my bedroom
floats around me on my bed that has so quickly become an island.

Paper thin walls echo the sounds like paper thin lamp shades diffuse the light.

Tiny notes in piano arpeggios ****** from my computer as the dryer rolls along like the most familiar sound i’ll ever know.

The slight shake of a beautiful voice as it lays down its soul, the flutter of a heart that recognizes the plight of another.

With the door closed i am in only this world.

Until my favorite friend pulls me away again, in wait i lie holding my breath for the cacophony that awaits.
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