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7.4k · Mar 2011
Tectonic Plates
Alexis Mar 2011
We turn on a clock
we've created ourselves
while the nature around us
seems to sit on a shelf
But it's all moving too
just on its own time
how selfish to assume
this world is only mine!

We live and we breathe
and then our lives are done
But the dirt and the rocks
continue to run
they seem to be the ones
having all the real fun!

In the light of reality
I'm the insignificant one.
1.2k · Mar 2011
Alexis Mar 2011
raindrops have it so easy
their only job
their sole mission
is to crash
plummet into the ground
nowhere in particular
never have to rise again
never have to apologize
never look around and realize they are nothing but a puddle
Alexis Mar 2011
freedom in aloneness, admiring the shifting skies
while the dainty grass below me dances all along my thighs
as if hugging the earth around me, praising it for all its given
you must break down the walls to be one with what you live in

through a thick cotton shirt, you can hardly feel the wind
those itchy, stiff jeans dont let any fresh air in
its time to take it off, theres a zipper for a reason
what better way than ****** to really feel the season?
1.1k · Mar 2011
The Wizard of Oz
Alexis Mar 2011
Thrown on a map by a force I don't know
with a body that's able
and my head's not too slow
Did He do it on purpose?
is he even a He?
Am I crazy to question the origin of Me?
I sense something bigger than my hands could ever hold
something strong and powerful
and often very cold
Maybe "God" is the word
But I'm not quite so certain
Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain
1000 · Mar 2011
you should try it too
Alexis Mar 2011
drop through my veins
like sap honey dew
sweetness and blue
green sublimation
cerebellum vacation
mental exploration
brain decoration
this is dedication.
934 · Dec 2011
Alexis Dec 2011
Click Click Bang!
Now who's dead?
A shot in the arm
is like a shot in the head
If you're not moving forward
you'll only fall down
My life is in colors now
yours is still black and brown

I know you can feel it
I know you're aware
That although you're still breathing
you're hardly even there
What do you expect?
Consider your future
At the rate you're going
you will always be a moocher
a ***** parasite, just feeding off others
your own selfish motives
end up harming your brothers
And eventually, you'll see
everyone's moved along
orchestrating symphonies
while you still sing your sad song

So wake up! see the beauty
that moves all around you
And excavate those demons
that have vowed to surround you
I've watched you fall prey
to their vicious, scathing hunger
It's time to grow up
you're not getting any younger
There are passions of yours, waiting
must I really remind you?
You're tethered so tightly to the chemicals that bind you
All those ***** needles you ***** at your skin
they wear you rail thin
as you Sickly Sin

Let your life begin
and wet your fins
Jump into the stream
and soak it all in
Let me see that grin
I know it's there
Just take a deep breath
and taste the fresh air!
907 · Dec 2011
11:59 pm
Alexis Dec 2011
Dreaming of Mountains
Words flowing from the fountain
of my mouth, but ignited in my Brain
and it all catches flame
suddenly I'm insane with thoughts that I can't keep
my memory's not that deep
I need to save them, nourish them
I write them down and flourish them
this whorish pen, that always puts out
loosens my fears and all my doubts
I've gone without, in order to Go
the key to life is Living to Know
But I can't know it all
That's why I roll the ball
of curiosity, into everything I see
and I wonder
I wonder so much about so little
but the little things matter
there's no cat without the fiddle
theres no cake without the middle
the filling is what tastes good
I've done some bad things
but I mix them up and make good
with myself and this Universe
a potpourri of stars
mixed with soil and fabric and electric-slide guitars
I know who I are, and I know that's bad grammar
but I take pen to paper
and go harder than a hammer
I don't stammer, I don't stutter
my mind is in the gutter
but I speak like a queen with a Dream
and I'm only nineteen
I've seen some things but freedom rings
and the bell is on Earth
so forget about Hell
cause heaven is tangible
if my life is merely manageable
and I can do it with strength
and my dreams at arms length
they inch closer to my fingers
as the breath of beauty lingers
I grasp it, I gasp, spit
****! make this feeling last!
The past, it's over
I take this bulldozer
to my attitude and solitude
with gratitude
it's Solid, dude.
857 · May 2011
Alexis May 2011
It’s really a nuisance
to be misunderstood
everyone has their own
definition of good
whats wrong and what’s right
what really has meaning
maybe being normal
might actually feel freeing
cause even if you’re dumb
people call you by name
they dont have misconceptions
you’re thought of all the same
but that’s truly an insult
to my ever-whirling brain
I guess everyone
will see me in their own frame
and I clearly don’t mind
because I’d rather be me
than an obvious slave
to mediocrity
so you can call me crazy
or you can call me for a chat
and I promise I will prove
I am so much more than that
805 · Mar 2011
Donkeys and Elephants
Alexis Mar 2011
A society of animals, a gang of strays
deciding on rules that need not be made
Proclaiming the "truth" while adorned in a mask
In rain, they run
But in sunshine, they bask
Alexis May 2011
I've never been at a loss for words
but sometimes I'm quiet
some people talk too much
I just can't afford to buy it
words are just words
if you don't know how to say them
you might be seeing raindrops
but the weatherman just sprays them
to trick us into thinking
that our world is actually blue
and we follow the footsteps
of all these empty shoes
if you're looking for the truth
then you'd follow bare feet
mostly in the woods
sometimes in the street
they don't leave a mark
on everyone they meet
but if you follow the smell
well, the taste is pretty sweet
734 · Mar 2012
New phone
Alexis Mar 2012
sometimes i feel disconnected
not quite rejected, but separate in my own way
i think about my young age, my crazy ways ive been trying to cast away
seeking, searching, maybe pray, that I can smell each every day
through a clean nose and clear head
I must remain this well-read,
I'm well-bread so it shouldnt be that hard
except when im handed some pinot noir
but its mere romanticism
the real poetic schism in my psyche is just like me,
its so beautiful but frightening like heat lightening in georgia,
and tightening our borders,
man why do we try so hard to keep the world in order?
i guess we must, we gotta trust, or we'll just bust
as a people, a race, a face, a breed
we all gotta look out for each other's  common needs,
but then there's that thing greed, its green and spreading everywhere
man I hope that disease never touches my air,
I think im good cause my airs pretty clean,
and im seeing pretty things, life is pretty pristine.
i know it could get better and one day it sure will
but now im happy breathing in this air, its so real!
this wheel, this round thing we are spinning so close to,
this circle might get smaller til u realize its' choked you,
but the day will come when you realize you've broke through
every chain, every thing, that's made you feel insane
its all part of a game, but you can win it
i love this world and I'm so ******* happy to be in it.
670 · Mar 2011
Alexis Mar 2011
I get such a high
when I steal something small
I walk right past the register
and they don't notice at all

Just some lacy *******
or a couple purple pens
I always steal candy
But I never steal from friends
612 · Mar 2011
~*Teen People*~
Alexis Mar 2011
I'm choking on cotton
please get me some water!
I know what they're thinking
"we've finally got her!"
Don't feed me stupidity
I am not your goat
Stop forcing your fluff
down my ******* throat
571 · Mar 2011
New Memo
Alexis Mar 2011
Stillness transposed
through the Clarity of prose
not rhyme nor reason
merely influence of season
to bury the sword and lift my Pen
words flow free through my blood once again
as if I am Falling
or Flying
and I love it!
no other high could lift me above it
A home built of syntax
protecting my core
from the demons of silence
I've come to abhor
Poetry lives underneath each breath
and will linger in my being
even after my Death
Because the heart stops beating
and blood stops flowing
But even underground
My mind continues growing

— The End —