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ive shunned that part of me
that stupid, ignorant heart of mine
that spot that knows you exist
I found my pain today
in my best friends eyes
his heart was breaking
and tore open my wounds like they belonged to him
he asked me not to cry
but supplied
my brain with memories
of pain
of losing you just the same
as he lost her
lies and deceit
the knife that took my life
dropped at my feet
watch it glisten
with the last light of love
flickering ever so gently
to a far off glow
and extinguished
he shunned his too
these stupid hearts of ours
what good are they anyway?
to life ever present
the blood flowing and pleasant
what the **** does that even mean?
keep striving for the dream?
goals and achievement's and such?
I wish I could say
"I miss you this much"
but presently
I pleasantly
give no *****
You know what i want....more than anything? is to hear the words "Babe,you are all i need" from the lips of that special human being.I want that feeling of what is it...... "meant to be?" ..... i want to tell you i love know like...past the moon. I want your lips on mine and i cant lie.... i want them soon. I'll make love to you everynight as if it were our honeymoon and you can bet while im making love to you.... im playing your favorite see the miles id walk to meet the person that'll walk for me are ...infinity... but you know i have that feeling...true love doesnt exist...people are so quick to and forget...that they often forget...something so delicate...Why are we here? you see i'll never give up on love....why? because it never gave up on me and i know for a fact that there is someone out there made just for me and if i have to wait i'll wait for eternity because i know for a fact that there is someone out there waiting for me !!
You say you have moved on
So why do you still haunt me?
Thoughts of happiness and laughter
Happiness and laughter without ME
I tell myself im over you
so why do you still haunt me
I dont hit you up like i use to
does this mean im over you?
i dont dream of you like i use to
does this mean im over you?
sometimes i feel i'll NEVER be over you
what must i do what must i do  to be over you?!!
Sad to say but i still love you
and what angers me the most is i'll never stop
you'll forever be a part of me....but apart from me
and it bothers me
stuck in my head like a sweet sweet melody.
For Eternity.
give me 1 shot
1 bullet
click-clack i think i pulled it
not time for talking the cops are now looking
stupid mistake why didnt i have it on safety
god i dont know now my mind is pasting...
back and forth thinking on my decision
is it even a reason
for running and just leaving...
hes heartless with blood to cover him no shield....
hes bleedin now left in the streets
trapped inside caution tape and the ******* police
**** why me.................................
comment if ya like

— The End —