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He was ‘the one,’

while she was just another number.
Fifty years later their love has not blemished
it's only grown stronger it will not deplenish.
They still like to kiss at those midnight hours,
he still buys her chocolates and beautiful flowers.
Their love story continues to write out more pages,
as their love persists throughout the ages.
You say the rate i'm going
I'll be laying in an early grave
But to bed and left to rest
with no accomplishments to my name
You say i better learn from my mistakes
It's now or never to behave
My mind is breaking
My insecurities are looming
Bringing me down way lower then i already am
A ****** ****** loser
Generation Why
A ******* child of Nixon's drunks
Born without talents or interests passed down upon
INternet and social networking the hell with it

The needle tears a hole
And the hole never heals
Because its always always scratched
Never given time to let the wound scab
And now their are scars on my arms
Like tracks on the farm

My mother she once said you better learn it right
Or the bad habits you'll take to your grave
I went away to rehab
and now i'm still not right
 Dec 2012 Alexandra of Old
I originally wrote this as a song, but after a while I came to like it better as a poem.

I remember the first time I saw you,
It was a star filled summer's night.
I couldn't find the courage to talk to you at first sight.
No tight game to run
No tricks up my sleeve
My heart said "you have a chance", but my brain wouldn't let me believe...
That the most beautiful girl I had ever seen would talk to a geek like me.

It would be a year or so before our paths would cross again,
Maybe it was luck, or maybe I had some help from the wind.
It blew me in your direction...
No course. Me young and reckless, you fragile and the essence of perfection.
On that day we met I found my courage, opened up and made small talk as we passed back and forth a bright, alive ciggarette.
To you it was small talk, to me it meant the world
To you it was nothing, to me it was one step on a long road that ended with me calling you my girl.
Years passed and we grew close, but my confidence vanished, like an apiration, a ghost.
I had my chances, knew what could be...but my brain still wouldn't believe that a girl like you could see something in a geek like me.

More time has passed,
And our distance has grown.
All that signs that I once saw have now vanished on that road.
The love I was trying to weave, could no be sewn, and the word love has become nothing more than a hinderance, a drone.

The nostalgia those times hold will never be replaced
and neither will the feelings I get whenever I come across your grace.
Those star filled nights will be held as some of my best, I know this might come as a surprise to you, but I just had to get this off of my chest,
Needed to leave them etched in every line of this song...
I knew the queen in you wouldn't fall for this geek all along.
So now I live inside
someone I do not recognize,
when I capture my reflection
from the corner of my eyes.

I am forced to walk their line,
to pay homage to their shrine,
to be patient with the way it is
while I'm screaming in my mind.

The pressure from the outside,
the forces from within,
pulling, stretching, twisting, gnawing,
crawling in my skin.

Do I carry on this fool's facade,
this walking contradiction?
Or turn and burn the whole world down,
release the inner friction.

Black and white is all I see.
My mind is blank and sterilized.
These choices linger, haunting me,
so I do nothing, paralyzed.

As I sit still, the world goes by,
I'm just going through the motions.
"Smile and nod." I'm lost, again,
drowning in the oceans.
 Dec 2012 Alexandra of Old
The death plant comes creeping in the door crack
Slithering and wrapping around all that is near
It clings and adheres to everything close
I keep cutting it but it keeps coming back
I keep snipping the leaves, black at the tips
Turning upwards like sinister lips
And trimming the edges but it just
Life-line, Death-vine by Geneviève Pardoe Macchiarella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
 Dec 2012 Alexandra of Old
sweep and fly
weep and cry

slither and creep
wither and weep
What animals do by Geneviève Pardoe Macchiarella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

— The End —