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Your childish lies have nothing of a true meaning
because you never saw what truly went on inside my mind.
The cogs were turning, but the wheels got stuck in the muck
that you had left behind when you decided that it was time to bid me adieu.
That child inside me broke
Like the Bay Lake dam that came crashing and tumbling down,
the waters swirling into the ever after.
Leaving me behind, alone, with the lonely company of the silt and the sand.
And then, I wept.
As I take in my surroundings
I cannot help but remember the insanity that had flown
The laughs the cries the bonds
Such madness that I shall forever cherish

But now that those who have brought the insanity
Are gone to their own path
It is time that I follow suit
It is time I chase a world that has been tacking my every move
A world that reality is altered
As if entering a realm far beyond Earth
With my peeks into its jungles
Discoveries appeared that no one else has seen
Yet so much more is in store

As destiny gleams brighter
Something holds me in place
With binds ever so tight it keeps me from walking any further
What is it that holds these chains?
Is it a fallen friend?
Is it a lost brother or sister?
Could it be an ill elder?
I look back to see what holds the chain
To my wonder that what was really a who
And that who will leave those in wonder with a what held in their lips

When I first gave her a glance
There were nonexistent thoughts of romance
Truthfully I have never taken the chance
To dig into those grounds to see what treasure was buried under the surface
But something happened
Something that made me stumble through a crooks work which opened a door
That door
Allowed for me to enter a chamber
Of knowledge thought forgotten from the ancients

I took my time observing the sight
Every stroke of the brush
Every change of color
Trying to understand each story that it held
And to my surprise
Each story only reveals another sight
A goddess in disguise
One of such beauty
Men who dared enter her presence
Are driven insane by the essence
I guess it is a good thing I am already insane

None the less I cannot help but admire
The sweet smile that eases my heart
Her emotion is so driven it is hard to imagine
What could hold that wheel
I stretch my arm out to a catch a ride
When the rails of the chariot
Smack my palm, I swing on board
For a rider faster then ever before
Who knew that it was possible
To have a giant wonder at this speed

Untapped potential lies in us both
Everything we try is passed with ease
No boundaries are placed in our flight
Never has many seen such might
We may have been born a world apart
Yet we are not so different

My hope is that someday when we are closer
That our journey is ignited
And we are able to shoot past the moon
Past the stars
And further away from the galaxy
To explore the vast distances of the universe
While learning about the trials of our own planets
Who knows what we may uncover
The mysterious pasts of my Starlight Princess
with the cloak of her Shadow Giant
Can write a history
Even more frightening then horror

Yet when we are at peace
Music is always at flow
Her voice always at play
With mine blooming the roses of her cheeks
If I am soon to lay at rest
I will be without a mortal pest
Or if I am able to live a century more
A regret shall not peek

— The End —