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You kept changing from one door to the next,
I couldn’t reach you in time like every ex,
You’d step through a door and I would try to fallow,
But every room had been cleared and hallow,
I reached finally and grabbed your arm and looked in the eyes,
And you were beautiful,
But you said you need to go,
With eyes of hate and anger was now all you could show,
And to let to let go of her arm,
I begged you to please don’t,
And you said you wont,
My satellite ran into your semi in the sky,
And we both flew down to earth,
So I let go of your arm.
but even after the morning this dream is still here.
his calls seem weak
as they fall upon my deaf ears
and echo in the valley

words seem cheap
'cause he whispers he loves me
but i wanted his heart
beating in my hands

my breath feels wasted
as i'm struggling
and your eyes are hurting
when I say your embrace
is the chokehold

i teeter on a cliff's edge
just to feel tears on my neck
it's like the blood
i wanted from your heart

the DNA so similar to hers
as a reminder
you can't feel love at a distance

even if it's there

i'm lost in this insanity
to comfort me

brother, can you really love me?

when i'll never be me?

not until she returns
and i can feel her pulse
in the valley

where the angels take souls

— The End —