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Jan 2011 · 605
Writing Love
Alexandra Jan 2011
I want to write it on your skin:
how I love you, need you, know you.
want you. there is warmth in every second
drinking time with you, love on eyes.
I want to stretch prose across your back,
your neck, your lips, your hands,
your arms, where I rest in pieces
of deep contentment.
I want to cover you in ink...
tasting blue on your lips,
feeling you feel the words I stutter to say
and writing love on your skin.
Dec 2010 · 491
Alexandra Dec 2010
It's late now, and the moon is too loud.
the cold touch, surreality
and the harshness of knowing are too much.
I need the static and to chew glass,
to dive beneath the grassy waves
or become part of the mattress.
it's too loud, too light.
i need to be still, so that this will pass me by.
if no one breathes, and i close my eyes
perhaps i can purge myself of sense
scrub my mind, my insides
and think of nothing at all.
Dec 2010 · 791
Alexandra Dec 2010
i try
to make myself cold
small and  jagged
so that perhaps
you will believe the lies i tell you
and leave.
i try
to make myself
leave you
your warm smile
and soft hands
that thaw me, because if not,
you'll think that i love you.
and i will.
Dec 2010 · 466
Little Tokens
Alexandra Dec 2010
How, now, to toss a heart
and prevent inevitable shatter?
Dec 2010 · 708
A Lady.
Alexandra Dec 2010
she loves war paint,
battle drums,
peace rallies, angry kisses
sports what-me heels?
and ****** lashes
she'll break your heart,
or a window
with sweet reassurances
on buzzed breath.
Dec 2010 · 569
Dreams of This
Alexandra Dec 2010
Watch the stars fall down
a metronome guiding through
the electric buzz.
Dec 2010 · 600
Fog and Seeds
Alexandra Dec 2010
Through the fog I see the around the bend
and find the early shadow of a kiss
behind the ear.
Little seeds, bullets, unwritten letters
in my pockets; they sprout newness
and fear.
Dec 2010 · 460
First Love
Alexandra Dec 2010
I wanna find your softest spots
curl up in your heart
and dream life away
I'll be the way you think,
the sound of your steps,
the deepest scar
and your first gasp.
Nov 2010 · 706
Gold Teeth
Alexandra Nov 2010
Forget the bills, I want the gold
I want to live before I get too old
I don't need your love, your sanity
All I want is you to release me
I don't believe your pretty lies
Let me go and let fists fly
I don't want to live a fairytale life.
Nov 2010 · 866
Su Nombre
Alexandra Nov 2010
Your name is music
pronounced as a French kiss
my tongue dancing over your
mountainous syllables
and bringing your mouth
close to my ear
to whisper its secrets.
Nov 2010 · 785
Virgin Bones
Alexandra Nov 2010
The ****** bones
that dance alone
neath winter snow
in the hereafter know
a life unwarmed
by a lover's arms
is hardly prize
to lonesome eyes.
Nov 2010 · 538
Alexandra Nov 2010
I look back
and see this person
she's making herself quite useless
and there is a thorn
in one paw, yes, but
the other just flutters
and calls for help
she doesn't want help
or she'd help herself.
Nov 2010 · 496
Alexandra Nov 2010
Mother, won't you talk to me
you're a fire in the corner
every year each holiday
you prepare your little boxes
and for each little hurt you've felt
you gift us razor blades
Mother I only want to smile
and feel you smile back
Mother can you please just say
anything at all?
Nov 2010 · 1.5k
Alexandra Nov 2010
The bells are ringing
Christmas, class, alarm clocks
singing 2010 to sleep
bringing us closer to
a brighter new time,
another chance to love, fail, succeed
a clean white fog to cover the ***** snow
and the blood on our boots
I hear them ringing
and I sit beneath mistletoe
waiting for Lady Luck
to give me a new year.
Nov 2010 · 976
Alexandra Nov 2010
I think you do not fall downwards into love
rather, you circle eathother warily
slowly entangling , a double helix
of mutual fascination
and desire
breath matching the tempo of heartbeats
certainty pulled apart, bodies together
motion by emotion, death by little death
heart and mind entwined in dangerous play.
Nov 2010 · 506
A Love Note
Alexandra Nov 2010
When the times are hard and your heart is heavy,
when the friends are too few and the enemies many,
don't forget the smile I searched the world to find
don't forget the hugs I gave  although you weren't kind.

stop what you're doing and run **** in the rain.
stop being afraid to love someone again.
you're indulging yourself in idle misery
you're aching to laugh again, so don't deprive me
of seeing someone i love live happily.
Nov 2010 · 597
Losing Light
Alexandra Nov 2010
Is it really better to lose at love
than never play the game?
Is it truly wiser to bare your soul
knowing it will never be the same?
Because on these lonely nights,
I wish I'd never seen your face,
and that my lonely ****** heart
had never left its place.
Nov 2010 · 689
Alexandra Nov 2010
I eat fire
I swallow it whole
I dance to the flames
that spark in my toes
You feel the heat
as I pass, as I pause
I light your fire
then I burn you raw.
Nov 2010 · 694
The Wait
Alexandra Nov 2010
i am searching for reasons
where none exist.
loyalty requires that i fulfill
the contract written by destiny:
years ahead, time to ****, another day.
but it's a ****** lie and
i want to go home.
Nov 2010 · 522
Bones and Memory
Alexandra Nov 2010
I am powerless
pitted against your will.
You're so beautiful:
a hard, bruising embrace,
unkind with a ****** heart.
I may love you.
But I have nothing more to give:
I am but bones and memory.
Nov 2010 · 656
Alexandra Nov 2010
Selfishly in the night I raise you from the dead.
each suture cleanly picked, caressed and bled
until I'm lost. I wake to pink skies.
Gray memories call behind me: tentacular smoke
pulling, insisting, towards you, and hell.
but you were one for ice, not fire.

If I turn quickly I can still see it:
'two skinny long-hairs' in an empty hall
blushing, secret, tripping into a kiss
knocking together and  sliding past innocent days.
I didn't blame you, naturally, but there's
blood on your hands and you still have my things.

So I close my eyes again and sail for another day,
another night to miss you, to watch you fall grain
by unnoticed grain in a sandglass.
already the light has changed and you no longer glow.
it is a cruel hope, but I know I shall awake
and one day, find no lover, only dust.
Oct 2010 · 3.3k
Alexandra Oct 2010
A pomegranate
is unlike your whorish apple.
Regal, divine,
Only a diligent suitor feasts.
Oct 2010 · 890
Alexandra Oct 2010
funny how you're broken yet
the world keeps turning
and the ants keep marching.
already life has accepted this,
long before it happened,
even if it wouldn't happen.
we'll kick and fight
but the world turns on,
and the ants march on.
funny how you're never really
broken, just rearranged.
A night beneath a harvest moon...
Oct 2010 · 466
It Could Be
Alexandra Oct 2010
I love your story.
your arms, your eyes, funny face.
i pause and wonder.
Oct 2010 · 361
The End
Alexandra Oct 2010
there comes a point of such desperation
and need for what you can't quite name

there comes an step that is the just one too far
you cannot lift your feet again

there is the last stream you cannot cross.
you are spent and finished and
done trying for you're not quite sure what.

no more. just, no more,
turn your back on everything
walk away scathed, loathed, and
incredibly drunk if need be.

whatever it takes to do whatever
is going to make you happy again
put the tears back and pull up
the curtains of your thirtysomething ivories

i am sorry sorry sorry
(too many apologies mean nothing's left)
and no one can give you back what's gone.

— The End —