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May 2010 · 574
Will it be a new begining?
Alexa Sz May 2010
I've heard before that each end is a new beginning.
But with the history that has added up
in this aging world.
Will the end be the start
when we fade away?

Will the world start over?
Or will it be ended too?
We will not know
because we will be gone.

If we respected the world.
Like the Native Americans.
than the end would be far from here.
There would still be history to make
and promises to keep.
There would still be
the young ones to create a hopefully brighter future.

"Love the land like god loves you
because this we know there is only
one God and no man be he red man or
white man can stand alone
because we're brothers after all."
-Chief Seattle, 1854
May 2010 · 485
Who said...
Alexa Sz May 2010
Who said life isn't worth living?

Who said hope isn't reliable?

Who said knowledge is useless?

Who said peace is impossible?

Who said love is not stable?

Who would say these things?
Because I promise it was not me.
May 2010 · 646
Half is not whole
Alexa Sz May 2010
If you happen to have half of a chair
how will you be able to sit?
If you have half of a fork, spoon, and knife
how will you be able to eat?
If you have half of a foot
how will you be able to walk?
If you have half of a heart
how can the love be a whole?
May 2010 · 429
Alexa Sz May 2010
Stop! Before you fall apart!  
Before you break your own spirit
before it is too late
May 2010 · 1.3k
Alexa Sz May 2010
my stomach does ache
my mind is floating in space
I'm holding it in
although I want to scream out
the worst time of the school year
May 2010 · 959
Two people on one horse
Alexa Sz May 2010
Is it two people on one horse?
or two camels in a tiny car?
maybe it is two horses for one car
and two people for one camel

did you ever think of two horses on one person
or two cars on one camel
maybe two cars on one horse
or two camels on one person

Dedicated to Claire and her drawing of the two people on one horse. It will never get old... hahahahahahahahaha
May 2010 · 7.3k
Alexa Sz May 2010
Why does everything seem so small
when something becomes larger?

I'm confused

Why do people want what they don't have
even though it is more than what most have?

Does it make sense to you?

Why do people say life is so short
when it is the longest thing you will ever experience?

oh, does anybody understand?
May 2010 · 723
I doubted myself
Alexa Sz May 2010
I doubted myself, I am sad to say
I went against all I was for
I judged myself from the outside
and forgot about the importance of the insides
I doubted myself and I can't believe I did
I am so much better then that

after I realized I had doubted myself
I came to see that I have been so worried
about what others think of me
and I regret it I do
I am who I want to be
no one can change that
no one can tell me what I should be
or what I should look like
because if you want to be on my good side
you're going to have to like
who I am
not what I look like

I doubted myself
and I couldn't sleep last night
because I did something
that I shouldn't have ever done

I am fortunate
and I don't need to worry

I doubted myself
I can't get it out of my head
and it stings like bees in a frenzy

true story.
May 2010 · 522
Renga #4
Alexa Sz May 2010
The music moves us
through time, space, and sweet freedom
Please react your competing response.
May 2010 · 1.9k
Alexa Sz May 2010
Strength isn't winning an arm wrestle
or tackling someone on a football field
or checking someone in Hockey
strength isn't being able to summit a mountain
but being able to stand in front of the mountain and know that you can summit it
or at least try

Strength is the willingness to endure
the eagerness to make the write choices
or stand up for what is right
or to be able to feel the good in your heart
strength is seeing the good inside of a person instead of the bad
strength is when you do something that a lot of people wouldn't
and not complaining about it.
and strength is knowing you have something to fight for
and that it is the right thing
you can tell by being able to say,
"it is worth dying for"

But some people don't get this strength
and they act like they have it
but inside you know that they don't
because they say they can do something
or they say that they WILL do something
but they don't and that isn't strength

Strength is in the mind
in the heart
and in the soul

and I know all of you have that much
if you didn't
you wouldn't be doing what you are doing.
A poem for the USA forces (Mostly my cousin Nick).
Alexa Sz May 2010
alarm starts beeping
I groan with great exhaustion
slowly getting up
May 2010 · 954
The fattest dog dodoitsu
Alexa Sz May 2010
His body is round and plump
his stomach drags on the ground
his legs vanish in his fat
Watch out he might pop!
This is a dodoitsu. This is a Japanese type of poetry usually about love or humor. The syllable use is 7-7-7-5 unlike a haiku which is 5-7-5.
May 2010 · 542
The Bird song
Alexa Sz May 2010
A sweet melody
from up in the trees
a song just for me to hear

Alone at a table
writing my feelings
I stop and listen
to the birds singing
Chirping so smoothly

I wish I could sing
like those bird up there
and then fly away
May 2010 · 1.3k
Alexa Sz May 2010
The little black silhouette of the bird
floats and soars through the sky
flapping, flailing in the air like a puppet without strings
They soar past my observing eyes
off into the distance.
May 2010 · 902
I am my own leader
Alexa Sz May 2010
I lead myself
through hard times.
I help myself
through the holes in life's path.
I make my own choices
for what is best for me.
I am my own leader
I am not afraid.
May 2010 · 515
Did you know?
Alexa Sz May 2010
Did you know?
Each second is different?
That you can't live the same second again?
Did you know?
That life is made up
of the moments you live during it?
That each moment can change your opinion?
Did you know?
each day I live is another day older?
But yet I am always young in the soul...
May 2010 · 412
It starts to rain
Alexa Sz May 2010
The sun is hidden behind some clouds
A strong wind starts up once again
the trees shake
the grass danced
as it starts to rain
May 2010 · 715
Goldy Reid
Alexa Sz May 2010
Oh Goldy, honey, shush now
close your eyes
fall asleep
your cries are heard off the canyon walls
the first white child born in Hells Canyon

Sleep now, in the ground
your history is washed away by the rain
very few memories are remembered
Disappear with each of the years
shush now Goldy
Close your eyes.
Dedicated to Hells Canyon.
May 2010 · 802
Alexa Sz May 2010
I am led through a journey within
Take me to the place of which my heart leads me to.
I am alone, I am claimed by my soul, and I am separated from my common sense. Aloft, I feel braver.
Dedicated to Hells Canyon.
May 2010 · 656
The crow calls
Alexa Sz May 2010
Up in the cliff
I hear the crow call
it waits for its prey
it will take it to the unknown
and it will be forgotten

The rain then falls
the crow calls once more
but this time
it calls for you.
Dedicated to Hells Canyon.
May 2010 · 466
Alexa Sz May 2010
Time is blown away by the wind
It has no relevance to me and my writing
it does not matter
not now
I am in no rush
just me on a rock writing
time is long gone...
Dedicated to Hells Canyon.
May 2010 · 649
Sitting by the river
Alexa Sz May 2010
A cool breeze tickles the grass creating a whispering sound.

A fish jumps from the flowing river then lands with a splash.

A bird calls from across the river but is unseen.

All that matters is that moment. I am lost in time, nothing else matters.
Dedicated to Hells Canyon.
May 2010 · 741
The evil computer
Alexa Sz May 2010
It stares at me
it's wide screen
what does it want from me?
What did I do?
I'm not that bad
but yet it stares
and haunts me
like it is expecting me to
disappear under it's evil stare
I think I'll stick to a pen and paper for now.
May 2010 · 466
Soon to rain
Alexa Sz May 2010
Clouds gather in the sky
rough wind blows trees blooming leaves
river pounds rocks
Dedicated to Hells Canyon
May 2010 · 2.1k
Alexa Sz May 2010
You say happiness comes in boxes
You act like you could never be happy
You always want more and more
What's your issue?

Happiness is something you give through smiles
and words and love and friendship

Happiness is received through what you love to do
or how you express yourself or where you are or who you are with

So stop acting like you happiness is so impossible
because you just aren't looking for it.
May 2010 · 498
Alexa Sz May 2010
Life is not making it tough for you

you are making it tough for you

stop blaming life for everything that goes wrong

it doesn't control your actions

you do!
May 2010 · 723
Swollen Hearts
Alexa Sz May 2010
Through the battered eyes
The pain is visible
the tears of children
who don't understand
truth is melting away
slowly drip by drop

Into the deafening ears
the old men moan
the infants screech
the families sob
the music goes faint
drying out with the years

Under the calloused fingers
the ground is to dry for agriculture
money is passed away
the feeling of another hand in yours is absent
freedom has been taken from our weak grasp
it is no longer in our control

The love left in our swollen hearts
is too small to share
for some, it is all gone
luckily reality isn't as bad as this
but this could be the future
let's not let that happen!
May 2010 · 1.0k
The Beatle's world!
Alexa Sz May 2010
I am the walrus walking, with Lucy in the sky with her diamonds, talking about going to Mr. Kites show tonight and then we'd have dinner at the Octopus's garden in the shade with Father MacKenzie. She said that Rocky raccoon was going to be at the show too and I remembered that Lady Madonna will stay for a bit if she earns enough money. I bet you didn't know that Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts band will be there to play a bit. They are going to arrive in the yellow submarine with the nowhere man. then they are going to strawberry fields to play. I am going to meet up with them tomorrow at Abbey road and then go visit Jojo with them. From there we'd go to play for the Blue meanies and their bulldogs. What a wonderful place Beatle world is, but I have a ticket to ride the Magic mystery bus back to reality. Too bad I can't stay awhile longer!
Apr 2010 · 3.9k
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
Flowers blooming...
Smooth clouds in the sky
strong winds blow them forward
Apr 2010 · 836
Computers are EVIL
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
It's staring at me
scheming how it can anger me further
what does it want?
It then shuts down
and I loose everything  was working on
Why am I typing on it right now?
because I must work it out of it's schemes
Computers ARE EVIL
If you didn't know it you do now
they are evil and will loose all of your stuff.

leave me alone
stop making a fool of me.

Apr 2010 · 573
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
I am falling
every time I make a mistake the hole is deeper
and I fall further
I never hit the ground
I am lost in gravity pulling me to nothing
I reach and nothing is around me
I yell but I am not heard
I awake and find myself no longer falling in reality
but in my head.
Apr 2010 · 747
Music has a greater affect
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
Each note is another breath
each chord is another day
every beat in a rhythm is another beat in my heart
Every measure is an angels touch
each song is a trip to heaven
and the instruments are far off dreams
Music has a greater affect on those who feel it deep down
don't think
stop talking
listen to my life
my love
Apr 2010 · 598
Believe me
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
When you walk with me we talk
of the world it's greatness
you ask me questions
I easily answer them
then you ask, "What is life?"
I think for awhile and answer in a soft tone,
"life is what you want it to be"
we walked in silence for awhile
and then you say, "that makes no sense"
I stare down at my feet and then stop.
"Olivia, you ask this question because you are worried right?"
you nod your head I agreement
"I could life is a always changing river, one minute it is smooth and flowing
and then the next you hit a waterfall, but since I hate comparing something like life to smaller things I will say this, you need to not worry about what is going to happen in life but what is happening right now"
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
The bison spirits mend our soul,
the shy breeze blows breath into us,
wolves lonely howl fills our strength, t
he smoke's strong sent patches our beaten minds,
the gentle grass relieves our sore feet,
the rain washes our wounded dreams,
the thunder trains our scratched voices to chant,
the sun clears our fogged eyes,
the river cleanses our clouded memory,
the tree's shade gives back our rest,
the pounding waterfall returns our pride!
We are the children of the earth,
the lovers of the spirits,
let nature heal us,
under the gods turquoise sky!
Apr 2010 · 922
Close your eyes
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
Close your eyes to reality
just for now
open them into your soul
look deeper inside yourself,
see the truth
hold onto your imagination
join me
hold my hand
let us walk into the distance
the strange beauty of tomorrow,
and yesterday
find yourself
open your mind
let out all of the nonsense
let your heart take the wheel
cut the line of gravity
Close your eyes
see the world beyond this one
see silence
see truth
see me
see you...
Apr 2010 · 1.3k
Pancakes are yummy
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
Mix, mixing all the ingredients become one
Flip, flop, golden brown
yum, num add maple syrup
Cut, cutting pick up with fork
chew, taste oh that taste good!
Apr 2010 · 428
What will you do?
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
What will you do when it's your last day on planet earth?
if you know tomorrow the world will be the end of the world.
I would pick up my guitar and blast the world into song,
or do something no ones ever done.
This world might end
what do you think?
do you believe?
Apr 2010 · 488
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
I walked down the empty road
the rain disguised my tears
and cleaned my punctured soul
the clouds lift me higher
the lightning gives me strength
I can't hold onto this any longer
so the wind blows me away
Apr 2010 · 424
Night a haiku
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
It was a dark night
but the stars shown as a sign
to all who dare watch
Apr 2010 · 582
Love these days
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
In the 1900's barely anyone got a divorce
but now a days I know about 10 couples
or at least heard of 10 couples
in my town, getting a divorce
it sounds as if people are desperate
desperate for the love of their life
instead of waiting and watching
You also hear about a lot young girls getting pregnant
you'd think they'd just wait
for the right time
the right person
but love these days has gone crazy
love these days are not like the 1900's
Don't you agree?
Apr 2010 · 524
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
Fighting in an endless war
people killing, too much gore
love is dieing in the hands of choices
pain is spreading through young minds
this war is not just hurting them
but hurting me
I wish I could end this war
but I would need a lot of help
would you help me?
Apr 2010 · 2.8k
COMPUTERS!!!!!!! :*(
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
I swear I hate computers
what happened to antique typewriters
Yah computers are helpful and all
but what happens if they crash
or the hard drive erases
what happens if your life depended on computers
and then your computer freaked out?
If you asked me, I would love to be sitting in an old fashioned
office, typing away at an antique royal!
oh well I'll live not like I can convince the world to agree with me...
Apr 2010 · 1.3k
Ripping solo dude
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
the base drum beats
bump... bump... bump... bump... bump...
the base guitar plays one note
brung... brung... brung... brung... brung...
the rhythm guitar strums one chord
strum... strum... strum... strum... strum...
Then the lead guitarist rings out in epic
greatness, as the lights turn up
you see him ripping up the guitar with his fingers everywhere at once
playing a great solo
moving across the stage
curly hair all over
breathing hard.
the Singer starts his song
clear but unique
no other singer could sing like he
but it's not the reason I love AC/DC
it is because of the guitarist
a inspiration above many!
Apr 2010 · 600
Not unsubstantial
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
Gripping to nothing, nothing is there
My soul is pricked, pried at
My love is ripped beyond repair
I have already tried to sew it back

But I stand strong, I am sturdy
I hold on to the absent
My pain is hidden, ignored
For I am not unsubstantial

Leftover pieces are stolen
Searching for them is useless
Starting over takes too long
Decisions are not made

Tears fall down horror’s waterfall
And traitors betray themselves
Memories are no longer true
Lying among the hurt is hidden

With each last step
The silent breeze blew life back into me
I stand up
I stand strong

Because I am the owner of my soul
I am the persuader of my choices
Written after reading "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley. A true inspiration! :*)
Apr 2010 · 1.5k
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
The sun was just setting
on the empty tropical beach
a cool breeze brushed through the palm trees
the only trace of human
was a two pairs of footprints
in the soft sand
the owners are unknown
but the memories remain
Apr 2010 · 2.3k
Magic Carpet ride
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
I sat upon the soft detailed carpet
we rose into the air
out of the window
seeing the world
New York, Rome, Greece, Paris, London, Tibet, Beijing,
Budapest, Oslo, Munich, India, African plains, Jerusalem, West Bank, etc
What was the best is the people and the culture
how different each one is but yet wanting the same thing
riding the magic carpet made me think about how everyone
in the world
could work together
to make peace
but there is still those internal
peace between enemies
hurts further

In real life I was my imagination
and the carpet was my dream
the future is my hope
Apr 2010 · 771
Favorite Color
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
You ask me what my favorite color is
you'd think it's a simple question
but it is like asking
what college you want to go to
when your only 13
But to answer your question
I have to say
every color is my favorite
There's colors out there that I haven't heard of
Colors that no one Knows
colors so random like "razzmatazz" or " sunset orange"
you get what I mean
so next time you ask what my favorite color is
remember how many colors there are
and that I don't answer those questions
what's your favorite color?
Apr 2010 · 499
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
I sat down next to my little sister
and I opened up the Shel Silverstein book
I read out some of the poems
and laughed to a few of them
and sighed to others
it was the feeling of the poems

After writing so much poetry
I am able to understand it without thinking
but with feeling

But every time I laughed
or sighed
or even commented
my little sister would think VERY hard
and then say, "I don't understand"
At first I ignored it and just read on
but after awhile of thinking about how much she was thinking
I had a moment
I felt her confusion
and suddenly I understood
something that has been put into words so many times
yet I never understood it this deep
Although I know it is too deep for her age
she's only 7 how would she understand it
but it took her confusion
to clear mine

So finally I answered her
I said, " When you hear poetry, you can't think about, you've got to feel it. When you hear poetry, take it in by your soul not your mine. Don't think about it, be it, feel it, hold it in."

Now when I read poetry I can't say I get it, but I have to say I feel it, I know what the poet is getting across.
Apr 2010 · 491
Looking down
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
I am looking down on a girl
a child
that brings hope
she is the future
she is what we rely on
all children are
face it people
we need those children to know
don't lie to them
face them with only truth
face them with reality
they are the future
she is the future
Apr 2010 · 760
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
There is a world
further out into space
where people who imagine
are respected
people who can see colored pictures
are blessed
the Imaginers
there are some in every planet
we unite through dream
we connect through our thoughts
we become one with each other
possibly meeting in the next world
the next life

we are all connected
some may not see
that we all share this fantasy
to imagine a world together
different from normal or regular
even though that does not exist

Imaginers express themselves
through art, writing, song
colors, words, writing, and almost every art, science, or study
but not every artist, writer, musician
is a Imaginer
only those who believe
those who don't accept
those who question
those independent old souls
who reach out to others to convince
My fellow Imaginers
Reach out
feel me
don't step down
be powerful!
This was a poem after a dream, a message that told me about The Imaginers
about the Planet of which they are most respected.
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