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Alex Feeney Sep 2014
I would have done my homework
but my tears would run the ink
I would have done my homework
but my hands burned from having no one to hold
I would have done my homework
but me+you was done and you did not equal forever anymore
I would have gone to school that day
but my body ached with emptiness since you left
I would have gone to school that day
but I couldn't find a reason to leave my bed if I could not see you again
I would have gone to school that day
but I didn't learn a ****** thing besides to never trust a soul
I would have called my bestfriend back
but when it rang, I'd hoped it was you
I would have called my bestfriend back
but to her, heartbreak is nothing new
I would have called my bestfriend back
but there was nothing she could do

I swear, I'll be this sad forever, and I've been this long before
I'm out of strength to pull myself off of this bathroom floor

Alex Feeney Jul 2014
despite what you may think,
you do bring me happiness
but I was born an unhappy human
and I do not blame you
if that makes you want to leave me
you will tire of lifting me up
and holding me when I cry too often
you will grow bored of seeing me
with tears in my eyes and shaky hands
breakdown after breakdown
you will find yourself wanting to breakaway, so don't be afraid to do so
because I am afraid
I will be sad for a

Alex Feeney Jul 2014
******* it
you are everywhere
the fires you have started and
put out in my heart are killing me
slowly and I want nothing but to escape the smoke in my clouded lungs and the flames that spread throughout the memories in my brain
and I am hopelessly trying not to become a pile of ashes like the others you burned holes in to

Alex Feeney Jul 2014
you were nothing
but bittersweet
on my lips
for merely a second
so why is your aftertaste
still here after
3 **** years

- a.f.
Alex Feeney Apr 2014
you could surely drown
in all the lies you've told
if the ***** don't sink you first
you'll be the  only one to burn
when your lighter flickers a flame too hot
you can't pay the bills or groceries
but you're willing to pay the price
for clinging to a man that was never yours
this is the role model you've become
I don't want to be just like my mommy anymore

Alex Feeney Mar 2014
March 25, 2014
it's still cold here
in case you were wondering
but don't worry,
you're still the coldest winter I've ever known

March 26,2014**
the midwest can't seem to make up it's mind
it's sunny again
and I still feel  the warmth of your arms
it's as if I'm sitting by the window in the early morning
waiting for the sun to come up
but you never show
and I've gone too long without the sun
to ever believe there'll be a summer this year

- a.f.
Alex Feeney Mar 2014
I always thought
I'd never be able
to stop missing you
but now,
I don't need you to
want me
or miss me
or hold me
or kiss me
because I have him
and he is not a distraction from you
like the others were
he is so much more than a sweet kiss
to help me forget the feel of your lips
and I want you to know that

he wants me, more than just sometimes
and misses me, even though I'm not absent
and holds my body so close, I feel like a part of him
and kisses my lips as if he can't breathe with out them

because you didn't
and I'm starting to believe that
that's going to be okay with me
which is something I never thought I'd be
without you;

- a.f.
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