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 Feb 2011 Alex E Morris
Jiggs the Trolley dog**
was his name
His favorite past time
was basically a game
He got on a trolley
at 9 o'clock
And tried to get home
before it was dark
Long have I longed, till I am tired
    Of longing and desire;
Farewell my points in vain desired,
        My dying fire;
Farewell all things that die and fail and tire.

Springtide and youth and useless pleasure
    And all my useless scheming,
My hopes of unattainable treasure,
        Dreams not worth dreaming,
Glow-worms that gleam but yield no warmth in gleaming,

Farewell all shows that fade in showing:
    My wish and joy stand over
Until to-morrow; Heaven is glowing
        Through cloudy cover,
Beyond all clouds loves me my Heavenly Lover.
 Jan 2011 Alex E Morris
Day in
Day out
He sits on his bench
No one goes near him
Because of the stench
White Lightening
I watch from my window
It’s really not fair

So … I put on my coat

Open the door
Cross over the road
Step up to the fore
I tap him gently
Take his hand
Silently lead him
To my witness stand
As soon as were in
My head’s in a spin
Unsure what to do

Please … Give me a clue?

He then sits
On my threadbare chair
Looks deep in my eyes
So much love
There to share
My lips start to smile
He touches my heart
At last I’ve discovered
My own golden cart
He imparts me with tales
Of a life filled with pain
Not looking for sympathy
For the dragons he’s slain
He just wants to talk
Connect with another
Before long I realise
This man is my brother

My brother in arms
My lost fellow man
My point of existence
My part in the plan

This wretched man
Has set me free
To live this life
With empathy
My heart is open
My *** is full
I now have the courage
Of a
Sitting Bull
I thank my guest
And he thanks me
I invite him back
He doffs his hat
He smirks that smirk
I just know
Our love will work

Day in
Day out
He sits on his bench
No one goes near him
Because of the stench
White Lightening
I watch from my window
It’s really not fair
 Jan 2011 Alex E Morris
nice but dark
I can at least
make out your face
if I focus on that
the darkness
will go away

its almost too peaceful
but I like it
Its quiet too
not many people
stay up late outside
when its cold
but we don't care
or at least
I don't

If you hold
onto me
and I onto you
it could be
the darkest of darkness
but I wouldn't care
cause you
would be my light
 Jan 2011 Alex E Morris
I'm sick
sick of it all
I remember walking down
that same hall
People smiled at me
now they glare
Its nothing I did
nothing they did
its all thoughts
Based on nothing
that is important

Same people
used to be my friends
Now they just glance
and look away
 Dec 2010 Alex E Morris
Ripped jeans
grass stained tights
both of us laughing
we did't care
can you remember?
I got hurt
you'd hide
scared to get in trouble
cause it was your idea
in the first place.
 Dec 2010 Alex E Morris
Stack of mugs
from coffees we didn't really need
talking for hours seems to do that to you

Childhood memories
old relationships
all on our mind

Talking to you is like going back in time
to things I miss
not because they were great
but the innocence that came along with them

Doing things just for the sake of doing them
no worries
no influences
just because

I miss that
but with you
at least I can have the memories

— The End —