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Sep 2014 · 1.7k
Hot air balloon
Alex DeLarge Sep 2014
There's a simplicity to your grace.
The moment I first caught a gaze as I was lost in your face.
Admiring every beauty mark, every gesture, making sure not to miss a detail.
Probably looked like a deer in headlights; you're not just a gust, you're the prominent wind to my sail.
You speak volumes with silence, a powerful talent.
You're a gifted bird when others can't land it.
I'd journey alongside each one of your curves, take pit stops to poke at every nerve;
Just so I can see what it would take to get you on that verge.
Take a dive off your forehead to land on your lips,
Lay there in bliss while your words serve as a blanket for me to reminisce.
And as I lay there in splendor of the ideas you render,
I jot down love poems for practice so I can show you once I get better.
I even have one I wouldn't mind to display.
I'll show you it now; you let me know if it's worth something to say.
It goes:


I hope you can find pleasure in the diction I splurge.
Because you need to know you breathe life into each one of my words.
Mar 2014 · 902
Alex DeLarge Mar 2014
Calm before the storm and I love when we perform,
Electric touches running through our wires, ecstasy growing higher.
Learning every day your value, happy of the walls we smash through.
Intensely looking into our eyes, getting lively as anxiety dies.
Nothing matters, filled with laughter & intelligent chatter.
Density, you filled with order what was the mess of me.
A*nticipating your sight; with you, the future looks bright.
Jan 2014 · 826
Alex DeLarge Jan 2014
Unearthed and untamed,
Can't swing through life without the right Jane.
Take another picture,
Still doesn't look right without the proper fixture.
Fading like morning fog, hungry like a dog,
Don't bite the hand or it'll leave you broke like 'no job'.
Too much, too soon,
Water filled balloons that seem to be juggled by buffoons.
No proper balance,
Take a sip from the chalice and patience from parents.
Just some friendly advice,
Keep your head on straight and keep rolling them dice.

- Life.
Dec 2013 · 807
Another brick in the wall
Alex DeLarge Dec 2013
I don't know if you take me for a fool or if you're just scared of the truth, but, you've been faulty with your fabrication.
You chose to step into a trajectory of the mess of me but disregarded the tools I use to build my foundation.
One brick at a time. And I'm inclined to start over on my mind's motivation.
You feed me the notions in a deep dish because you're aware my appetite is calibrated to devour.
My palette has tasted malice and it's the lessons learnt that allows me to note my powers.
The grass is green on this side; I've grown to appreciate. If you can't kick your heels off, peel off, and stay of my ******' flowers.
I know this is work. I know this is a trip. But when my partner assumes I'll be doing all the driving on this long journey I'll direct us to the precipice quick.
Take off on a cliff, find us on the ocean basin with the seat belts still clicked.
Drowning in the hindsight of our memories, debating whether we should've kept our plan of action more strict.
We opened ourselves up to so much, ironically that same night you cried in my clutch.
Embraced the distaste of putting the amount of trust in someone of such.
Felt relief when the truth of my emotions were accentuated by your touch.
I'm not saying I give up, I'm saying I've had enough.
Things change, so will we. I just hope it's for the positive.
I scrutinize every step before I decide which life to live.
Thought I found someone in you, hope the image still exists because there's lots I have to give.
Alex DeLarge Dec 2013
Almost a year since the presence was known, gave me time to roam,
she was busy gardening an idea that couldn't be grown.
Times change. The mind got rearranged. If I stepped in untimely then I'll burn too quick in the fame.
My past is in the past and she's not one to be passed. But I'm not sitting in crosshairs because I've already got my own aim.
I can't start something that has no substance, or at least a hint of,
But a constant trajectory to the revolving door is what I could easily get sick of.
I have my own value, sad & true. If there's no space to place it then I guess I'm just passing through.
For now, I'm giving it time to see what the ride might brew.
I'm all in. Take every inch, every thought, every sin.
I don't trust a soul because there tends to be bite behind every grin.
If you want all of me there's a simple recipe:
Be true to yourself and then I'll bring the mess of me. Restlessly.
I can sense the powerful energy.
Life is what you make it. I've grown with every ache and confronted anything I've been faced with.
When you concoct your potion hope it's not poison it's laced with.
If you mean every word, bird, we'll paint the sky with our symphonies.
Make rainbows jealous with our palette of memories,
Sitting tight, sipping fine wine as you bring out the best of me,
Turn the atmosphere on it's head while we chill in our new heavenly mezzanine.
Nov 2013 · 755
Alex DeLarge Nov 2013
Dream deferred, seek the best, expect the worst,
Drop a verse, quench the thirst, contain the verbs.
Met a broad that caught my gaze,
Eyes are sharp, the grasp's a craze, just a phase?
Love the laugh, equal math, hope to last,
Prepared to crash, thick skin to absorb the blast.
Take the ride, enjoy the highs, loathe the lows,
Dismiss the blows, welcome the lesson as knowledge grows.
Stand alone while youth is lost within the phone,
Watch the tone, write a poem, feed the dome.

*I stand at arm's length watching your dying silhouette, hoping you'd find a better reason for me to interject// I kind of like it here in the cold remnants of what use to be, reminds me of me//
Alex DeLarge Nov 2013
Now, I've been down a similar path before, so excuse my hesitation.
I lie awake premeditating the proper adjustments to make, something confusing and eluding.
See, I don't know where this will end up and, to be quite frank it can go anywhere.
Guess that's the beauty I see in you driving me closer to the precipice while my other self starts intruding//
It's hard to find someone worth my time and with such class that it's an ominous affiliation to make.
Your presence stands 10ft tall while the world dwarfs to your aura.
I'll take the climb to penetrate the mind if it meant you'd end up in my framework,
Can't hold you back though. You're deserving of the regal and I'd build you up to my vices but I'm scared you'd end up my Gomorrah//
Can you blame me? It was the answer to the question I asked that made me think of going swayze.
Openness is a hopeless fist being swung and missed if one cannot sustain the whole bliss,
And I'm just not one to go out like that, doll.
I'd rather nip the bud than crash and burn, but I know we're capable of building something that'll test time, knew that from our first soul kiss//
I'll enjoy the ride, let Alex step aside, take the dive, I'll oblige.
Basically, if you're the breath of fresh air I've been looking for then it won't be hard for me to make up my mind.
If not, I understand, timing is everything and for now, I enjoy every second you take of mine.
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
A Sweet Escape
Alex DeLarge Oct 2013
I've bent backwards trying to find the meaning of the hereafter,
then dame inflamed the brain, making the heart beat faster.
I'm trying to appreciate my numbered days inside this vessel,
yet her presence makes the days seem shorter with every nestle.

Misconstrued test tubes of lessons passed.
Experiments of ill placed notions resulted in enlightened grasps.
Life, the illest four letter word,
seems disturbed when challenged with mistimed verbs.

It appears like I've found the right moment.
My vulnerability, the only validity to hesitate atonement.
My past sins dangle from limbs and I can't negate their knowledge given.
But she seems to have a good sense of direction so I don't mind being driven.

We had our moment of truth: a reckless, real, connecting, application of our youth.
I saw the the future in those eyes for that moment and caught a glimpse into the booth.
It had displays of flashing whites, mountain hikes, star sights, travel delights,
galore of discomfort that would result in an enriched palette of new appetite.

Think I've found a new comfort zone, seems close to home,
Haven't been searching but the path led me here, I don't think there's more need to roam.
Still hesitant because her past is not far behind,
So I'll spill my mind within these rhymes until she's inclined.

It all needs to be real, needs to be organic.
That's the only way to have something worth it, if it happens naturally without having planned it.
I hope she gravitates to my sweet escape,
We'll build something that'll be hard to imitate.
Connect like an interstate to then drive off into our destined fates.
"Sweet like Honey, heavy with mood"
Alex DeLarge Oct 2013
I hope you forgive my abrupt interjection, but, I cannot shy away from your divinity.
Simply put: my knees buckle under your presence.
Something odd with the display of my affinity.

You're that complete package, a rare item, awesome.
Caution: unwrap with care, choking hazard with small items.
Yeah, I read the warning signs, the garbage is usually where I toss 'em.

That smile. Those flashes of white.
The sight, those glazzies, sharp without regard.
Like you see my soul and talk to it without fright.

Which, to me, is an achievement beyond comprehension.
My reflection: an ominous droog staring back working at working at sharpening the lines.
My disbelief in your presence sits comfortable on this rigid suspension.  

I know this might be a fruitless endeavor, a **** in the wind, pennies against dimes,
Fine. But I'm a ******* for this closed-fist brutality that comes off your lips.
I'll crawl into fetal before letting you walk away from the rhymes.

If I'm not enough to catch the radiation of your burn, I don't know who is,
Truth is, if I could spend a day without a thought of you then I guess you win.
But I bet I'm running across your mind right now, and I'll never tire until I indulge in this fool's bliss.

Why am I doing this?...
Aug 2013 · 942
Alex DeLarge Aug 2013
A dismal despot, allowing distracting dimensions.
Another distant drowning accentuating dire directions.
Assimilated destinies detailing a dreadful downfall.
Accumulated disinterest destroying antique displayed drywall.
Abstract desires depicting abnormal - doper,
Destined attention deficit disorder
Aug 2013 · 1.5k
Inner beast
Alex DeLarge Aug 2013
Let me inject some insight into your windpipe.
The things I'd do to you in a dim light - the sin type.
Lace, hair up, high heels, low patience.
A taste; cold hearted with warm embraces.
Divvy up my intentions to evoke your inner beast,
Rummaging thru to devour my winner feast.
Appetite for destruction, thirst for the unconventional,
Back up, head down as the walls resonate your increase in decibel.
No celestial being within these walls when the mood hits,
Deuces, I'll make you see the light more than twice; my stamina defined: ruthless.
Jul 2013 · 719
Score Another Miss(us)
Alex DeLarge Jul 2013
I have a tendency to give up.
Not because I don't care, it's just because I don't care enough.
So when I sit some 10 rows back, curtains open, fade to black,
and I see your gams creep from stage left like that,
there's a symphony that runs through me when I see the spotlight.
Something like, with hypnotizing might, you take me elsewhere as I gaze at your sight.
The power you have over me, and you don't even knows it.
Makes me grin that I'm safe for now hiding this secret but truth is, I want to expose it.

Keep dancing. That's all I think when I think of you.
Two powerful words that describe the truth and how to get it through.
Life is as you take it. And your constant flash of whites reminds me to never forget:
'There are two sides to everything", but I haven't seen the greener grass yet.
And it's probably on your side of that picket fence.
Devil smirk, woman's worth, with a child innocence.
Of course, I mean, I trip over the right words to dish out,
Haven't been too fond of broads lately and you're one of which I can't miss out.
See, you're that I'mgoingtoregretnottryingharder type of dame,
oozing with beauty like you can't keep it contained.
But if that were radioactive waste, I'd still want a taste.
Let me bathe in that divine cesspool and show you how to drown,
I don't mean it literally, I just mean I'll hold you down.
Don't feed me sympathy, simply tell me don't come around,
And I'll pack my thoughts within poems that are internet-bound.
This one is for my sanity.
Jul 2013 · 3.0k
Alex DeLarge Jul 2013
She makes herself present when you need her most,
not to boast, but this tasty delight will treat you well as she continues to host.
She doesn’t give herself away too much,
****, if it was up to me I’d cop more than a touch;
A squeeze, a whole late night session, to indulge in her taste of imperfections,
Eat her up til I obtain a dental infection.
Not my intention, but her silhouette alone breeds thoughts of sin,
what I would give, to have her all to myself, wouldn’t know where to begin.
Undress her slowly as she teases me,
And repeatedly, she teaches me to treat her with care and show some decency.
But I can’t concentrate, she has my mind in a figure-four,
I'm a carnivore, but she exposes her flesh and I want more and more.
Its all been done before, but in this moment I’m in bliss,
I reminisce, as I write this, and continue to lick her residue off my lips.
She brings so much variety, all of them eyeing me,
Which will I give into as I inspect each of them quietly.

Sometimes she comes bittersweet, sometimes she’s a freak,
But most of the time she’s in a bad mood cuz I just wana beat, or rather eat.
Our relationship is never bland, she always keeps it fresh and new,
If it gets monotonous she won’t even hesitate to bring a friend or two.
She keeps my hands full, and that’s no easy achievement,
But she brings so much to the table its hard to not fiend it.
My favorite color on her, has to be green, not to be obscene,
But I’d tear her up as if though she was in a different team, knowwhatimean?
And after that delight there wouldn’t be much of her left,
Not to be greedy but Im not sharing until I know there’s more to come next.
If not, I’m vexed, I mean, I’m not addicted but I wouldn’t mind another round,
That’s not being spoiled I just want to know what other delights could be found.
Don’t be selfish and sadden me,
give me a taste so I can eat you up casually.
Oh miss candy, you’re just too fancy,
let me get a grip and I’ll put you on the walls like Bansky.

— The End —