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103.1k · Apr 2010
You and Me
Alex Caldwell Apr 2010
You send shivers down my spine when you walk in,
Cause the butterflies to flutter like mad.
When you look in my eyes,
You burn right through me.
You are the sunshine when my skies are clouded,
The light when I can't find the good in the world.
I could be all that you need,
You are all that I want.
My stomach knots when you are next to me,
You make me nervous and giddy.
I smile at the thought of you,
Quake in your presence.
You have all control over me,
And you don't even know it.
5.7k · Feb 2012
Her Hazel Eyes
Alex Caldwell Feb 2012
She stand before me,
Skin caressed by the soft moon light.
Her hazel eyes,
Dancing like the stars above.
This beautiful woman before me,
Is everything I have longed for.
She stands within reach,
All I have to do is reach as well
2.1k · Apr 2010
Close your eyes
Alex Caldwell Apr 2010
Close your eyes,
Tilt your head towards the sky.
Let each drop of rain gently caress your face,
Soft to the touch,
Cool to the senses.
Let nothing but the wind be what you hear,
Close off all your senses but your ears.
Become only one with sound,
The pitter patter of the rain,
Each splash will keep you sane.
Just close your eyes,
And drown out the world.
1.6k · Mar 2010
Out of sight, out of mind
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
Gone from my mind,
Left everything behind.
No trace of disappearance,
No bread crumb trail.
Vanished without a trace,
Just to escape this place.
This place of emptiness,
Hole of lifeless despair.
Find the clean crisp air,
Hide from the city lights.
Burst into the sky,
Fly with angels on high.
I will be gone from thought,
If only for awhile.
1.6k · Apr 2010
If I am drizzle
Alex Caldwell Apr 2010
On stormy days I think back,
To the time where she was with me.
She would dance,
She would sing.
She was gorgeous,
Like the rain.
A beautiful storm in her own right,
Nature's finest creation.
I was just the stepping stone,
I was her drizzle.
I opened the stage for her to amaze,
To release her storm on the world.
If I am drizzle,
She is a hurricane.
Inspired by a line from "Looking for Alaska" by John Green
1.6k · Feb 2012
Alex Caldwell Feb 2012
Taken from this world too soon.
A tragic end to a just flourishing life.
On your way to being a champion rider,
A cowboy.
Cut short in the screech of tires.
May you be at peace my friend,
Guard us all from the evils of the world.
Until we meet again,
I miss you.
1.4k · Mar 2010
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
I bow my head,
And fall to my knees.
Head hangs in shame,
I've hidden my true self from you.
Battered and tattered,
Cut and gashed.
Lost the battle,
Retreated from the war.
Internal battle with myself,
External war of shyness.
I'm not as strong as I thought,
Only to hide in myself once again.
1.3k · Nov 2010
For Caitlin
Alex Caldwell Nov 2010
Your bright blue eyes that made me smile,
Are closed forever.
Your beautiful smile that brightened any room,
Shall only brighten heaven now.
Your time has come to dance with the angels,
But our friendship will never stop.
Shine your smile down upon us,
All your friends and familiy you left behind.
Be with us until we meet again,
In heavens bright sunshine.
I wrote this 4 years ago when I lost my friend and sister from Southwind Drum and Bugle Corps in a car accident.

Watch over us all Caitlin Rose Brideau
1.2k · Dec 2010
Need to move on.
Alex Caldwell Dec 2010
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray into my head she doesn't creep.
Into my thoughts she must not follow,
If she finds my heart she'll find it hollow.
I want her too much,
She makes my heart flutter and such.
But she's wants another,
So I shall not bother.
Into my dreams I will escape,
A frown on my face will only be draped.
1.2k · Jan 2014
She is...
Alex Caldwell Jan 2014
She is perfection,
Wrapped in an enigma.
With passive aggressive undertones,
Shrouded by brilliance.
She is the dew on morning grass,
So thick and hard headed.
Molasses filled blood stream,
Slowing her heart to a crawl.
She is everything I want,
Hazel eyes filled with tears.
Looking for a way out,
Walking away from the world.
She is,
No longer mine
1.2k · Feb 2010
In me you can Trust
Alex Caldwell Feb 2010
Trust me when I say,
Everything will be okay.
Just grasp my hand,
And understand.
Until the end of time,
You will remember this rhyme.
Trust that I'm here,
And always will be.
There is nothing to fear,
Trust me.
1.2k · Mar 2010
Take Flight
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
Watch the world from star filled eyes,
Guilded souls with fire on high.
Floating through the cloud bursts,
Lightening striking to enhance the sights.
Golden sunrays,
Black and silver clouds.
The people on the ground dancing like ants,
Birds flying through the air like the swimming fish in the sea.
Hold my hand and we'll take flight,
Just as long as you're with me tonight.
1.1k · Aug 2010
Untitled #2
Alex Caldwell Aug 2010
I can't seem to sleep,
You make my heart skip a beat.
I avoid eye contact with you,
Because it's me you see right through.
You make me flutter,
And stutter.
I really wish you knew,
Exactly what you do.
1.1k · Oct 2011
Guardian of the World
Alex Caldwell Oct 2011
Standing guard,
At the gates of hell.
Protecting the world,
From the evils of the past.
Ever vigilant,
Never faltering.
Unnamed protector,
Dispatcher of horrors.
1.1k · Mar 2010
Jumbled Memory
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
Rainy days,
Bring me back down memory lane.
Overnight stays,
Keeping me from going insane.
Back to the good old times,
Seeing friends long lost.
Missing the sunshine,
Catch the ball that was tossed.
Rainy days,
Stroll down memory lane.
No one stays,
They just come back again.
1.1k · Mar 2010
Strikes Twice
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
Tongue Twisted,
The things I become when I talk to you.
In hope of finding the right combination,
The exact thing to get you to smile.
Feeling something I haven't truly felt in years.
Butterflies in my stomach,
Twisting and knotting trying to contain something.
Fighting myself,
Unsure what to do,
When all I can do is think of you.
1.0k · Dec 2011
Sky View
Alex Caldwell Dec 2011
To lay under a sky so blue,
Watch the clouds stroll on by.
A dog,
A horse,
Or stratus.
Waiting on the sunset,
As the fluffy white monsters absorb the colors.
Radiant reds,
Or subtle pinks.
Troubles all washed away,
Laying under the sky.
1.0k · Feb 2010
Alex Caldwell Feb 2010
Forgiveness I will not beg for,Forgiveness that I need.Go for the big score,No warning to heed.
995 · Jun 2011
Alex Caldwell Jun 2011
I quit,
I'm done,
I can't go on.
The bell has wrung,
The fight is over,
The war not won.
I stayed strong as long as I could,
The smile on my face has run its course.
I cannot keep the facade up anymore,
I quit
965 · Mar 2010
Coloring Book Flashback
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
Stay in the lines,
Bright and vivid colors.
Gentle wax shavings,
Filling a blank canvas.
To be a child once more,
And create chaos on a page.
On the walls of your grandma's house,
Or the kitchen counter.
To ignore the lines society set in place,
And be free again.
953 · Mar 2010
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
Cloudy day rolls through,
Light drizzle of rain.
Eyes closed to feel the gentle mist,
Sense the cooling droplets.
Silent intensity in the breeze,
Chilling to the bone.
Cold winter day,
Bitter winter night.
Once green grass,
Becomes a blank white canvas.
Deep breathe of sharp coldness,
Exhale the warmth of a spring day.
945 · Nov 2011
In my own way
Alex Caldwell Nov 2011
All I have to do is open my mouth,
And everything is shot to hell.
I babble like a brook,
Diarrhea of the mouth ensues.
I do myself more harm than good,
Especially in the presence of a beautiful girl.
I should learn to not stick my foot down my gullet,
**** block my attempts at a relationship.
Nothing but my worst enemy,
No one to blame but me.
I need to back off,
Maybe disappear.
Or just shut up
930 · Mar 2010
Love Hangover
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
I once was a drunkard of love,
Now I am hung over and angry off the feeling.
Dry mouthed,
Head throbbing from every sound.
No more will I drink from the poisoned cup,
Taste the once sweet now bitter nectar.
The passion for the want of love I had,
I have spilled every drop on the floor.
928 · Dec 2010
Alex Caldwell Dec 2010
Some times when you want to write,
You fight for inspiration.
And yet,
When you don't want to write,
Inspiration smacks you right in the face.
I have just been smacked in the face,
And all I can come up with is this.
926 · Dec 2010
I get by with a little help
Alex Caldwell Dec 2010
It was a cool summer day,
In a land far far away.
Oh to go back to that day,
Would be very risque.
And yet,
It would be amazing,
To go back to that day,
That was so far far away.
I wrote this in a facebook chat with my friend who was doing every other line.
909 · Mar 2010
Eyes Shut
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
I close my eyes and there you are,
Looking gorgeous as ever.
Your soft cream colored skin,
Your lush pink lips.
I want to reach for you,
Pull you close to me.
Feel your heartbeat race with mine,
Sense each compression of your chest with my own.
Every time I reach you slip further away,
Farther from my warm embrace.
I never want to open my eyes so I can hold on to this moment,
The tighter I close my eyes the more you slip.
906 · Jun 2011
Dream of You
Alex Caldwell Jun 2011
All I do is dream of you,
I toss and turn,
Flail and flounder.
I close my eyes,
And I see your face,
My heart goes pitter patter.
I never sleep,
I lay awake,
In hopes you were in my arms.
Because all I can do is dream of you,
When we are far away.
902 · May 2011
Out the Door
Alex Caldwell May 2011
I can't go on living like this,
I can't go on being this way.
When I walked out your door,
Inside me I wanted to stay.
Hold you tight,
Kiss you softly.
I hate to sound cliche,
But you made me this way.
You are the drug I need,
I hate not letting you know.
But this ran through my head,
As I walked out the door.
Too proud of my heart,
Unsure of my actions.
This isn't puppy love,
But full on attraction.
You have me hook line and sinker,
And you don't even know.
All these things through my head,
As I walked out the door.
884 · Apr 2010
Hidden Rage
Alex Caldwell Apr 2010
I bottle up my rage,
Hold it tight inside of me.
To release it would be dangerous,
To show it could be deadly.
Red hot anger that rivals that of Hell,
Anger that could rock the world at its core.
To keep my self calm is a feat of strength,
To force a smile is what I need to do.
I will never unleash the beast inside of me,
But to turn and run towards serenity and peace.
Alex Caldwell Sep 2010
She stood outside in the cold and drab darkness of night,
Looking to the starry heavens.
Her clear blue eyes filled with tears,
Her lips trembled and quaked in despair.
A gust of wind picked up,
And her blonde hair flew like a flag in a storm.
I see her in the distance,
And cry out her name.
Nothing but silence leaves my lips,
She stares on through my call.
I try to run to her,
But my legs feel like jell-o covered molasses.
I reach to grab her arm and pull her towards me,
She is miles away and out of reach.
I feel as though I have lost her,
I turn and quietly disappear.
She was standing right by me,
I failed to see her...
847 · May 2012
Alex Caldwell May 2012
Lust for a taken woman.
Wanting to unleash my carnal desires,
Ravaging her softly.
Willing to sin,
Corrupt a friendship.
Destroy lives.
I am no longer myself,
Giving in to the flesh.
841 · Feb 2010
Fall Flat
Alex Caldwell Feb 2010
I fell flat on my face,
Just trying to keep with the pace.
Tried giving chase,
Stumbled to last place.
Tried to yell and scream,
Felt like a bad dream.
Lack of focus came in,
Corrupted by sin.
Train of thought lost,
Were you the cost?
Admission denied,
Heart deep fried.
Slapped cross-eyed,
Collapsed and died.
834 · Jul 2011
Title Not Included
Alex Caldwell Jul 2011
It's been two long months,
I need to see your face.
I want to hold you tight,
Your body against mine.
I don't want to hide anymore,
This secret is killing me.
Emerge in the warm sun,
Your hand in mine.
Please don't refuse me,
Cause darlin' you'll lose me.
I miss the sound of your voice,
Your laugh.
Soft blue eyes,
I've lost my train of though...
833 · Feb 2010
Cloud of Haze
Alex Caldwell Feb 2010
Walking through a cloud of haze,Trying to find the other side.Trying to guide through the fog,Weave my way to find you.Thicker than soup,Unable to see my hand right in front of my face.Searching my way,Unsure what I am really seeking.You could be right in front of me,But I can't seem to see you.The fog is too thick,This cloud needs to lift away.
833 · Apr 2010
Flying Your Banner
Alex Caldwell Apr 2010
Let me carry your banner again,
Be the knight who will give you everything.
Shed every ounce of blood,
For the glory of you.
Raise you up on the marble pedestal of love,
All for you to be happy.
Flying your colors,
Waving your banner as I ride off to fight.
Hoping to return victorious to you again,
Even if only a kiss is my reward.
830 · Mar 2010
Zen or Just a rant
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
I've run out of things to write about.
Everything is going nowhere,
But everything is going somewhere.
Out of form and context.
Different approach to something defined.
No more heartache,
No more pain.
No more want of love,
No more want.
The inspiration lies within,
But it also lies without.
Everything from nothing,
Nothing from something.
828 · Jan 2011
I'm ready
Alex Caldwell Jan 2011
I'm ready to plummet,
Feel the wind rush through my hair.
Whistle in my ears,
Escape my lungs.
I'm ready to dive,
Into the depths of something.
Leap into the world,
Pounce upon life's journey.
I'm ready to fall,
Into her arms,
In hopes she is there to catch me.
819 · Jul 2010
Alex Caldwell Jul 2010
A jumbled mess,
Suffer from stress.
Need to see you,
Help push me through.
Guiding light,
Keep you in sight.
Push and pull of life,
Suffering strife.
I need you,
Help push me through.
814 · Oct 2011
Myth of Prince
Alex Caldwell Oct 2011
When you lay your head down,
Do you see me as you close your eyes?
Hear my voice,
As you drift off into slumber?
Am I your knight,
Your prince charming pursuing your rescue?
Take your leap from the tower,
I will be there to catch you.
Fight for you,
Even though you'd never ask
807 · Dec 2010
She is meant to fly
Alex Caldwell Dec 2010
She looks through me,
Like cellophane.
In her world,
I don't exist.
But she,
She is my whole being,
My universe.
If I could help her see,
Just maybe.
Only that chance will never come,
And if it did I wouldn't take it.
To drag her down with me,
Is not what is meant to happen.
She is meant to fly,
But I,
I am meant to walk.
796 · Jun 2010
Mid-Summer Night Slumber
Alex Caldwell Jun 2010
Watch the moon light dance on the ground,
Open your ears and listen for the sound.
The sound of silence,
Gentle summer breeze.
Smells that wash memories loose,
Memories of the past that seem so aloof.
The stars twinkle in the night sky,
Reach to the heavens never wondering why.
Into the dark you fade in the night,
Only to wake in the morning light.
784 · Apr 2010
Jane Doe
Alex Caldwell Apr 2010
I want to tell you my darkest secrets,
Trust you,
Hold you tight.
I want to be the one there for you,
Keep you warm at night.
I can be your superman,
Protect you,
Stand up for you in a fight.
All these things I'd do for you,
I'll be faithful,
I'll be true.
I will provide you with what you need,
Love and Hope,
Just be with me.
Alex Caldwell Oct 2010
I look in your eyes and I lose myself,
All my pain melts away.
All my anger subsides,
I get lost in you.
I wish I knew how you think,
I want to cross your mind.
Your eyes have stolen my heart,
You have runoff with me.
I want to lose myself with you,
I want to hold you again.
You have no idea what you have done to me,
If only I had the strength to tell.
777 · Mar 2010
In search of self
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
I want to disappear from thisplace,Nothing but a dark shadow on myface.Hide from the world’s light tosee,That in the darkest hour I shallonly find me.The light of the sun has beenbanished,Everything that is seen hasvanished.I want to disappear from thisplace,Nothing but a black shroud on myface.
761 · Mar 2010
Cast like a stone
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
I have cast you like a stone,
From my life once again.
The burden of fighting for you,
Wanting you has been lifted from my shoulders.
I wanted nothing more to be with you,
Now I want nothing more to be rid of you.
You have tormented me,
Tortured me.
Left me broken,
Left me for dead.
You managed to weasel back in to my life,
All on my own stupidity I let you in.
I want you gone,
Not only now but forever.
745 · Dec 2010
Alex Caldwell Dec 2010
As soft as the gentle rain falls,
Is how much I've fallen for you.
Gentle it may seem to be,
But with force and vigor it truly is.
You have stolen me completely,
And I am forever your gentle rain.
715 · Mar 2010
Nothing like the Movies
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
I can't be the guy standing outside your window blaring a song for you,
I can't be that guy waiting in the pouring rain.
I can't be the guy who stops you from getting on the plane,
I can't be that guy who chases the cab with you in it as it drives away.
I can only be one person,
I can only be me.
I can't stop a wedding, bullets, cars, or trains.
But you can stop my heart,
You can make me lose my breath.
Life is nothing like the movies,
I just want to be that guy from the movies who gets the girl.
714 · Mar 2010
An Irish Toast
Alex Caldwell Mar 2010
For those who stand before me,
And for those who fell behind.
May good fortune shine down upon you,
May you taste the sweetest wine.
Then one day we will meet again,
And share a laugh or two.
Until that day let’s drink some more,
I heard the next round is on you.
711 · Dec 2010
Alex Caldwell Dec 2010
If I walked the world with my head held high,
Would I see the horrors of the world?
Will I see the light through rose tinted glasses,
Could I fall for her and not get hurt?
Is the grass always greener,
Is there always a silver lining to the darkest cloud?
Or am I just dreaming about things that can only be found,
Somewhere over the rainbow.
709 · Jan 2012
Alex Caldwell Jan 2012
Why do I care so much,
When I feel as though I've moved on?
I've found someone better,
Someone who will give me the time of day.
But why do I care,
Why do I try?
Love and be loved,
I love and get nothing.
Not an ounce,
Not a drop.
I'm better off alone,
Forever alone
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