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Aléa Boodoo Sep 2019
Play with you in the game of love? Sure, what's the big deal?
Yes, I understand that nothing is real
That's rule number one? I don't see the goal, but I know that I'll win
Yes, I'm used to securing my heart. I give a confused grin
How do we start? How do I even play?
Second rule is a reminder of the no love rule in the game of love?...Ok
Wait... all we have to do is spend time with each other?
Man, that's so easy, I might introduce this game to another
Wait a second
Did you know that your hair's color changes as the seasons do?
Even the snow tries to touch you.
You make the world seem brand new
I like when you sing like no one is watching
How you dance like you're alone
I'm the best me, with you
You're my new definition for home
The trees and flowers try to reach you
One look at you and that's the perfect explanation
I can't use the L-word, but what's another word for this sensation?
Ugh, forget the game, I know I love you
Forget both rules, there's nothing above you
What do you mean I lost? The game just started
That can't possibly be the goal... to end up broken-hearted?
Now there is a hole in my chest that screams to curse your name
And the pain
And the wicked game, that like your heart, is the same
You're leaving? But the game is not over, it had just begun
Find another to play with because you don't love me?
But I wanted you to be the one
What happens if I can never play with anyone else?
What happens then?
I hate this stupid game. No, I can not just be your friend
Destined for doom.
What kind of game, before the start, has an end?
Okay, the day has come.
I'm over you, but you still can't be my friend
What do you mean that you've always loved me?
What do you mean that you honestly want my love again?
Oh, I get it, I'll give you a ten
It's all apart of the game?
You can't fool me twice. I've learned that love is pain
So, jokes on you now, I know that everyone is the same
It took all of me to forget you. But who should be ashamed?
I'm not.
Because now you're in love
With the newest winner of the heartbreaker's game
Aire, para inspiración
Aléa Boodoo Sep 2019
No thinking
I'm trying
Still drinking
I'm buying
It's ringing
It's thrilling
Brain frying
It's killing
I'm sighing
It's fitting
Not willing
I'm lying
No kidding
Mouth drying
I'm sinning
Not winning
I'm tying
I'm sinking
Eyes crying
Eyes blinking
I'm flying
I'm singing
But dying
Aléa Boodoo Aug 2019
What is it about you?
That makes you appear where not even my shadow goes?
That makes me yearn for you when I'm empty and full
Thoughts of you washes from my river where my love for you flows
So I hang my nights on a line
Hoping to reach the end where you and I meet
I miss breathing your air
The air that hurts so that it’s hard to breathe
Those eyes remind me of a girl I fell in love with on a day we don't remember
A girl that not even time could slow down
With eyes that could stop my heart, and change my life forever
She grips my life like a toothbrush
The world will hush
As she makes you rethink your whole existence, and purpose
What is it about you?
That makes you redirect my orbit
That makes you the sun my worlds revolve around
I’ve been avoiding this
Trying not to write about you
Because eventually I’d have to admit
That my obsession isn’t healthy
That without you, I feel empty
But I don’t want to
Because there was a time that I breathed without your air
There was a time that I did not care
If I lived or not
If I loved or not
But now I do
Because you gave me reason, and purpose
So how do I live without it?
How do I live without you?
Para aire
Aléa Boodoo Aug 2019
Missing you proves that love exists because I loved you when you were gone
I’m sorry I give you competition when it comes to loving yourself
It’s hard to think of anyone else when my heart knows that you’re the only one...
for me? You made me the best version of myself
And helped me fight the battles of reality
They just started
But I already lost.
Para aire
Aléa Boodoo Jul 2019
I knew the love was not mutual
I know, sometimes it’s hard to love when you don't love yourself
Never thought that my love could be perceived as unusual
Promise that you didn't pick me because there was no one else
I know that logic, and emotion doesn’t walk hand in hand
But why stand at a closed-door when mine is opened?
Maybe it’s better if things don’t go as planned
You were my sunlight in the rain, the reason I had hope, and coped and
The reason I learned that life’s treasures don't last forever
I saw myself as unworthy of your love when I had it twisted
I paid attention to your “ok”s and every “whatever”
I know you can’t force what’s not there… but I thought we existed
Para tu
Aléa Boodoo Jul 2019
Quiet House
Closed Door
Empty Sneakers
Hot Room
Spinning Fan
Soft Whispers
Limited Time
Impatient Teenagers
Idle Thoughts
Wandering Minds
Innocent Intentions
Hesitant Lips
Dry Throats
Impure Actions
Sweaty Skin
Burning Foreheads
Pressed Bodies
Rosy Cheeks
Open Eyes
Tangled Legs
Messy Hair
Intertwined Hands
Rumbling Stomachs
Warm Feet
Full Hearts
Undying Love.
Para aire
Aléa Boodoo May 2019
It's too much.
Maybe I feel too much.
Maybe I am too much.
Do I hear, or see too much?
Are you too much?
I'm not ready.
For you. For me. For us.
But mostly me.
I'm too much.
So I think by not thinking.
And I think it's too much.
But I think that we're just fine.
I think that it's enough.
We're a flawed perfect.
Maybe I love you.
I feel too much.
I am too much.
I hear, and see too much.
But you're not too much.
So I'm ready. For you. For me. For us.
But mostly us.
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