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Akira Chinen Mar 13
The hangman's noose
  dances in the wind
and the blood of the past
  is printed below
   the white washed pages
     of our history books
Hatred repeats itself
  as it bares it's rotted
    yellow teeth
and spills it putrid
  green bile
     and shouts
   it's hollow anger
Any chance of sensibility
  or kindness corrode
    on the branches
      of the family tree
as poison is passed down
    in the blood
     festering in the heart
      generation after generation
Nothing changes as the history
  of hatred is stuck on repeat
and the burden of hope
  grows heavier still
but we must carry on
  for without hope
    love cannot survive
and without love
  there is no hope
    at all
Akira Chinen Mar 2
I couldn't love you anymore
  than I already do
and it's killing me
  but what a lovely way
    what a lovely way
      to go
to die like this
  to have lived a life
where in the end
   it was love
     that murdered me
to know as I took
  my final breath
   that the thing
     making my heart
       beat inside of me
would escape
  the graveyard
    of my chest
and live among the stars
  where eternity dances
    with the love
      that was killing me
  and what a lovely way
     what a lovely way
        to go
Akira Chinen Feb 25
There is something haunting
  in the leaves
in the colors of autumn
  and in the birth of spring
a ghost of longing
  floating in the warmth
    and comfort of a breeze

love felt but never spoken
how I trembled
  just to be near
   how I tremble
    now to remember
what might have been
  such a foolish dream
and the monster still sleeps
     still sleeps

      still dreams
Akira Chinen Jan 13
There are things
that only the heartbroken
can understand
and dear son
I hope with all my broken heart
that one day
you will understand
these things too

a pain so beautiful
that only love can see
that everything broken
everything broken
is lovely too
Akira Chinen Jan 10
In time death will come
to reap the life
you have sown
and when you see
the harvest she lays
at your feet
will you rejoice to see
an abundance of fruit
or will you be forced
to see a garden
that long ago
rotted on the vine
Akira Chinen Nov 2024
Even in silence
  there is music
    there is always music
no matter the depth
  of grief or sorrow
    there is always music
and where there is music
  there is love
Akira Chinen Nov 2024
There's a strange beauty in death
how peaceful a lifeless
body lays still
the calm expression on
the face of the departed
unknown secrets dancing
behind their closed eyes

Knowing that they are free
of human misery
no longer subjected
to suffering
and yet still connected
to our hearts
still remembered by love
still loved

And let us hope
they are welcomed
by whatever God
they prayed to
may they be reunited
with old friends
and family gone before
may their life
their beautiful life
be celebrated
and may they
be remembered
and loved
and loved
and loved
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